Difference between revisions of "Commands2"

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* '''/afk [autoreply...]''' - Toggle AFK mode
* '''/afk settings''' - View available AFK settings
* '''/afk settings <setting> [value]''' - Modify an AFK setting
* '''/afk settings <setting> [value]''' - Modify an AFK setting
* '''/afk settings''' - View available AFK settings
* '''/afk [autoreply...]''' - Toggle AFK mode
* '''/afktime [player]''' - View how long a player has been AFK
* '''/afktime [player]''' - View how long a player has been AFK
* '''/accounttransfer <old> <new> <features...>''' - Transfer specific features from one account to another
* '''/accounttransfer all <old> <new>''' - Transfer all data from one account to another
* '''/accounttransfer all <old> <new>''' - Transfer all data from one account to another
* '''/accounttransfer <old> <new> <features...>''' - Transfer specific features from one account to another
* '''/age''' - View the age of the server
* '''/age [player]''' - View the age of a player
* '''/age [player]''' - View the age of a player
* '''/age''' - View the age of the server
* '''/alert <player>''' - Play a ping sound to a player
* '''/alert <player>''' - Play a ping sound to a player
* '''/alerts delete <highlight...>''' - Delete an alert
* '''/alerts (list|edit)''' - List and edit your existing alerts
* '''/alerts (list|edit)''' - List and edit your existing alerts
* '''/alerts add <highlight...>''' - Add a new alert
* '''/alerts clear''' - Clear your alerts list
* '''/alerts clear''' - Clear your alerts list
* '''/alerts delete <highlight...>''' - Delete an alert
* '''/alerts sound''' - Play a test alerts sound
* '''/alerts sound''' - Play a test alerts sound
* '''/alerts add <highlight...>''' - Add a new alert
* '''/altban <players> [time/reason...] [--now]''' - Ban a player or players and all their IP connected accounts
* '''/altban <players> [time/reason...] [--now]''' - Ban a player or players and all their IP connected accounts
* '''/alts <player>''' - View a list of players that have logged in the with same IP
* '''/alts <player>''' - View a list of players that have logged in the with same IP
* '''/apply''' - Learn how to apply for a Staff position
* '''/apply''' - Learn how to apply for a Staff position
* '''/arenas reset <name>''' - Update a warp's location
* '''/arenas <name>''' - Teleport to a warp
* '''/arenas <name>''' - Teleport to a warp
* '''/arenas (list|warps) [filter]''' - List available warps
* '''/arenas (list|warps) [filter]''' - List available warps
* '''/arenas (rm|remove|delete|del) <name>''' - Delete a warp
* '''/arenas (rm|remove|delete|del) <name>''' - Delete a warp
* '''/arenas (set|create) <name>''' - Create a new warp
* '''/arenas (teleport|tp|warp) <name>''' - Teleport to a warp
* '''/arenas nearest''' - View the nearest warp
* '''/arenas nearest''' - View the nearest warp
* '''/arenas reset <name>''' - Update a warp's location
* '''/arenas tp nearest''' - Teleport to the nearest warp
* '''/arenas tp nearest''' - Teleport to the nearest warp
* '''/arenas (set|create) <name>''' - Create a new warp
* '''/arenas (teleport|tp|warp) <name>''' - Teleport to a warp
* '''/armorstandeditor arms [enable]''' - Toggle the arms on the armor stand you are looking at
* '''/armorstandeditor arms [enable]''' - Toggle the arms on the armor stand you are looking at
* '''/armorstandeditor set yaw <yaw>''' - Set the yaw of an armor stand
* '''/armorstandeditor summon 0''' - Summon a non-randomized armor stand
* '''/armorstandeditor summon 0''' - Summon a non-randomized armor stand
* '''/armorstandeditor set yaw <yaw>''' - Set the yaw of an armor stand
* '''/autoinventory settings trash materials''' - Open the AutoTrash configuration menu
* '''/autoinventory depositall''' - Deposit matching items into nearby chests
* '''/autoinventory depositall''' - Deposit matching items into nearby chests
* '''/autoinventory features''' - View available features
* '''/autoinventory features''' - View available features
* '''/autoinventory settings inventoryTypes''' - Toggle whether certain inventory types are affected
* '''/autoinventory features toggle <feature> [enable]''' - Toggle a feature
* '''/autoinventory features toggle <feature> [enable]''' - Toggle a feature
* '''/autoinventory settings crafting''' - Open the AutoCraft configuration menu
* '''/autoinventory settings crafting''' - Open the AutoCraft configuration menu
* '''/autoinventory settings inventoryTypes''' - Toggle whether certain inventory types are affected
* '''/autoinventory settings tools includeSword [enable]''' - Toggle whether AutoTool will activate while holding a sword
* '''/autoinventory settings tools includeSword [enable]''' - Toggle whether AutoTool will activate while holding a sword
* '''/autoinventory settings trash behavior [behavior]''' - Change the behavior of AutoTrash
* '''/autoinventory settings trash behavior [behavior]''' - Change the behavior of AutoTrash
* '''/autoinventory settings trash materials''' - Open the AutoTrash configuration menu
* '''/autotorch <on|off>''' - Toggle automatically placing torches when it gets too dark
* '''/autotorch <on|off>''' - Toggle automatically placing torches when it gets too dark
* '''/autotorch lightlevel [level]''' - Adjust the light level at which torches are placed
* '''/autotorch lightlevel [level]''' - Adjust the light level at which torches are placed
* '''/axolotlbucket <variant> [amount]''' - Spawn an axolotl of a certain color
* '''/axolotlbucket <variant> [amount]''' - Spawn an axolotl of a certain color
* '''/back [count]''' - Return to your previous location after teleporting
* '''/back locations [player]''' - View your recent back locations
* '''/back locations [player]''' - View your recent back locations
* '''/back [count]''' - Return to your previous location after teleporting
* '''/badge <badge> [user]''' - Set your active badge
* '''/badge give <badge> [user]''' - Give a player a badge
* '''/badge off [user]''' - Turn off your badge
* '''/badge off [user]''' - Turn off your badge
* '''/badge give <badge> [user]''' - Give a player a badge
* '''/badge <badge> [user]''' - Set your active badge
* '''/balance [player] [--world]''' - View your or another player's balance in a world
* '''/balance [player] [--world]''' - View your or another player's balance in a world
* '''/balancetop [page] [--world]''' - View a world's balance leaderboard
* '''/balancetop [page] [--world]''' - View a world's balance leaderboard
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* '''/bank [player]''' - Displays all currencies owned by the player
* '''/bank [player]''' - Displays all currencies owned by the player
* '''/banner <baseColor> <patternColor> [input...]''' - Create symbol banners
* '''/banner <baseColor> <patternColor> [input...]''' - Create symbol banners
* '''/banner copy''' - Copy a banner's patterns from one hand to another
* '''/banner custom''' - Receive a link to a banner list website where you can find custom banners to purchase with vote points
* '''/banner custom''' - Receive a link to a banner list website where you can find custom banners to purchase with vote points
* '''/banner copy''' - Copy a banner's patterns from one hand to another
* '''/bash <command...> [--path]''' - Execute a bash command on the system
* '''/bash <command...> [--path]''' - Execute a bash command on the system
* '''/bigdoormanager create <doorId>''' - Create a new door
* '''/bigdoormanager delete <doorName>''' - Delete a door
* '''/bigdoormanager delete <doorName>''' - Delete a door
* '''/bigdoormanager create <doorId>''' - Create a new door
* '''/bigdoormanager info <id>''' - Display data of the door
* '''/bigdoormanager info <id>''' - Display data of the door
* '''/bigdoormanager toggleDoor <id>''' - Toggle door
* '''/bigdoormanager setToggleRegion <doorName> <regionId>''' - Set the toggle region of the door
* '''/bigdoormanager setToggleRegion <doorName> <regionId>''' - Set the toggle region of the door
* '''/bigdoormanager toggleAllDoors''' - Toggle all doors on the server
* '''/bigdoormanager toggleAllDoors''' - Toggle all doors on the server
* '''/bigdoormanager toggleDoor <id>''' - Toggle door
* '''/bingo''' - Open the Bingo menu
* '''/bingo''' - Open the Bingo menu
* '''/bingo challenge complete <challenge> [player]''' - Force complete a challenge
* '''/bingo challenge complete <challenge> [player]''' - Force complete a challenge
* '''/bingo challenge reset <challenge> [player]''' - Force reset a challenge
* '''/bingo challenge reset <challenge> [player]''' - Force reset a challenge
* '''/birthdays [page]''' - List upcoming birthdays
* '''/birthdays forceAnnounce [player]''' - Force a birthday announcement in Discord
* '''/birthdays forceAnnounce [player]''' - Force a birthday announcement in Discord
* '''/birthdays of [player]''' - View a player's birthday
* '''/birthdays set <birthday> [player]''' - Set your birthday
* '''/birthdays unset [player]''' - Unset your birthday
* '''/birthdays unset [player]''' - Unset your birthday
* '''/birthdays [page]''' - List upcoming birthdays
* '''/blockcenter''' - Centers yourself on the block you are standing on
* '''/birthdays set <birthday> [player]''' - Set your birthday
* '''/blockcenter corner''' - Center yourself on the corner of the block
* '''/birthdays of [player]''' - View a player's birthday
* '''/blockcenter look''' - Set your yaw to the nearest 90° angle and your pitch to 0
* '''/blockcenter look''' - Set your yaw to the nearest 90° angle and your pitch to 0
* '''/blockcenter pitch''' - Set your pitch to 0
* '''/blockcenter yaw''' - Set your yaw to the nearest 90° angle
* '''/blockcenter yaw''' - Set your yaw to the nearest 90° angle
* '''/blockcenter pitch''' - Set your pitch to 0
* '''/blockcenter corner''' - Center yourself on the corner of the block
* '''/blockcenter''' - Centers yourself on the block you are standing on
* '''/blockmarkers [state]''' - View block marker particles (i.e. barriers, light)
* '''/blockmarkers [state]''' - View block marker particles (i.e. barriers, light)
* '''/blocknbt''' - View NBT data of your target block
* '''/blocknbt''' - View NBT data of your target block
* '''/book title <title...>''' - Set the title of a book
* '''/book''' - Unsign a book
* '''/book''' - Unsign a book
* '''/book author <name...>''' - Set the author of a book
* '''/book author <name...>''' - Set the author of a book
* '''/book title <title...>''' - Set the title of a book
* '''/boop <player> [message...] [--anonymous]''' - Boop a player
* '''/boop all [message...] [--anonymous]''' - Boop all players
* '''/boop all [message...] [--anonymous]''' - Boop all players
* '''/boop <player> [message...] [--anonymous]''' - Boop a player
* '''/boosts [page]''' - View active server boosts
* '''/boosts cancel <player> <id>''' - Cancel a player's owned boost and prevent it from being activated
* '''/boosts cancel <type> [--refund]''' - Cancel an active boost and optionally refund the time left
* '''/boosts cancelType <player> <type>''' - Cancel all of a player's boosts of a certain type
* '''/boosts cancelType <player> <type>''' - Cancel all of a player's boosts of a certain type
* '''/boosts give <player> <type> <multiplier> <duration> [amount]''' - Give a player a boost
* '''/boosts give <player> <type> <multiplier> <duration> [amount]''' - Give a player a boost
* '''/boosts cancel <type> [--refund]''' - Cancel an active boost and optionally refund the time left
* '''/boosts listOwners <type>''' - List players that own boosts
* '''/boosts cancel <player> <id>''' - Cancel a player's owned boost and prevent it from being activated
* '''/boosts [page]''' - View active server boosts
* '''/boosts menu''' - Open the boosts menu
* '''/boosts menu''' - Open the boosts menu
* '''/boosts start <type> <multiplier> <duration>''' - Start a boost
* '''/boosts start <type> <multiplier> <duration>''' - Start a boost
* '''/boosts listOwners <type>''' - List players that own boosts
* '''/break''' - Break the block you are looking at
* '''/break''' - Break the block you are looking at
* '''/bridge setMentionableFalse [test]''' - Set the mentionable state of all bridge roles
* '''/bridge archive deleteRole <roleId>''' - Delete a role
* '''/bridge archive editMessages removeReference <roleId> [name]''' - Edit messages to remove role references
* '''/bridge archive editMessages updateReference <oldRoleId> <newRoleId>''' - Edit messages to update role references
* '''/bridge archive editMessages updateReference <oldRoleId> <newRoleId>''' - Edit messages to update role references
* '''/bridge set <player> <roleId>''' - Sets a player's linked role ID
* '''/bridge countBridgeRoles''' - Count the number of bridge roles in the server
* '''/bridge archive findDuplicateRoles [page]''' - Find duplicate roles
* '''/bridge archive findDuplicateRoles [page]''' - Find duplicate roles
* '''/bridge countRoles''' - Count the total number of roles in the server
* '''/bridge archive leastUsedRoles [page]''' - View least used roles in an archive
* '''/bridge archive leastUsedRoles [page]''' - View least used roles in an archive
* '''/bridge archive load <channel>''' - Load an archive into memory
* '''/bridge archive load <channel>''' - Load an archive into memory
* '''/bridge archive editMessages removeReference <roleId> [name]''' - Edit messages to remove role references
* '''/bridge countBridgeRoles''' - Count the number of bridge roles in the server
* '''/bridge countRoles''' - Count the total number of roles in the server
* '''/bridge set <player> <roleId>''' - Sets a player's linked role ID
* '''/bridge setMentionableFalse [test]''' - Set the mentionable state of all bridge roles
* '''/bridge updateRoleColors <rank>''' - Update the color of all roles of a rank
* '''/bridge updateRoleColors <rank>''' - Update the color of all roles of a rank
* '''/bridge archive deleteRole <roleId>''' - Delete a role
* '''/broadcast <message...>''' - Broadcast a message to the server
* '''/broadcast <message...>''' - Broadcast a message to the server
* '''/buildcontest''' - List active build contests
* '''/buildcontest help''' - View commands available in build contests
* '''/buildcontest help''' - View commands available in build contests
* '''/buildcontest''' - List active build contests
* '''/burn <player> <seconds>''' - Temporarily set a player on fire
* '''/burn <player> <seconds>''' - Temporarily set a player on fire
* '''/cpswatch <player>''' - Monitor a player's click speed
* '''/cpswatch <player>''' - Monitor a player's click speed
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* '''/calcspeed [startDelay]''' - Calculate your movement speed
* '''/calcspeed [startDelay]''' - Calculate your movement speed
* '''/cartographytable''' - Open a workbench
* '''/cartographytable''' - Open a workbench
* '''/censor test <channel> <message...>''' - Test the censor
* '''/censor debug''' - Print the censor configuration in chat
* '''/censor debug''' - Print the censor configuration in chat
* '''/censor reload''' - Reload the censor configuration from disk
* '''/censor reload''' - Reload the censor configuration from disk
* '''/censor test <channel> <message...>''' - Test the censor
* '''/changelog diff [from] [to]''' - Post a changelog to Discord
* '''/changelog generate''' - Generate a changelog
* '''/changelog generate''' - Generate a changelog
* '''/changelog testDiff [from] [to]''' - Post a changelog to Griffin's private test Discord
* '''/changelog testDiff [from] [to]''' - Post a changelog to Griffin's private test Discord
* '''/changelog diff [from] [to]''' - Post a changelog to Discord
* '''/channel <channel> [message...]''' - Switch to a channel or send a message without switching
* '''/channel join <channel>''' - Join a channel
* '''/channel leave <channel>''' - Leave a channel
* '''/channel leave <channel>''' - Leave a channel
* '''/channel <channel> [message...]''' - Switch to a channel or send a message without switching
* '''/channel list [filter]''' - List available channels
* '''/channel qm <channel> <message...>''' - Send a message to a channel
* '''/channel qm <channel> <message...>''' - Send a message to a channel
* '''/channel list [filter]''' - List available channels
* '''/chatgames queue add [amount]''' - Queue a chat game
* '''/channel join <channel>''' - Join a channel
* '''/chatgames queue clear''' - Clear the queue
* '''/chatgames start <type>''' - Start a chat game
* '''/chatgames queue count''' - View the number of queued games
* '''/chatgames queue count''' - View the number of queued games
* '''/chatgames queue clear''' - Clear the queue
* '''/chatgames queue process [--force]''' - Process the queue
* '''/chatgames queue process [--force]''' - Process the queue
* '''/chatgames queue add [amount]''' - Queue a chat game
* '''/chatgames start <type>''' - Start a chat game
* '''/cheats <on|off>''' - Toggles vanish, god, flight, WorldGuard edit, and gamemode
* '''/cheats <on|off>''' - Toggles vanish, god, flight, WorldGuard edit, and gamemode
* '''/checkpoints (remove|delete) <number>''' - Delete a checkpoint
* '''/checkpoints (set|add|create) <number>''' - Create a checkpoint
* '''/checkpoints (set|add|create) <number>''' - Create a checkpoint
* '''/checkpoints tp <number>''' - Teleport to a checkpoint
* '''/checkpoints tp <number>''' - Teleport to a checkpoint
* '''/checkpoints (remove|delete) <number>''' - Delete a checkpoint
* '''/chunks forceLoaded get''' - Check whether the chunk you are in is force loaded
* '''/chunks forceLoaded get''' - Check whether the chunk you are in is force loaded
* '''/chunks forceLoaded list [world] [page]''' - List force loaded chunks in a world
* '''/chunks forceLoaded set <state>''' - Set whether all chunks in your selection or your current chunk are force loaded
* '''/chunks forceLoaded set <state>''' - Set whether all chunks in your selection or your current chunk are force loaded
* '''/chunks forceLoaded list [world] [page]''' - List force loaded chunks in a world
* '''/claimhead <headId>''' - Claims a Head Database head if you have a valid coupon
* '''/claimhead <headId>''' - Claims a Head Database head if you have a valid coupon
* '''/clearchat''' - Clear the chat of all online non-staff players
* '''/clearchat''' - Clear the chat of all online non-staff players
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* '''/clearinventory undo''' - Restore your recently cleared inventory
* '''/clearinventory undo''' - Restore your recently cleared inventory
* '''/clearscreen [lines]''' - Clear your chat
* '''/clearscreen [lines]''' - Clear your chat
* '''/clientside debug [state]''' - Toggle debug mode
* '''/clientside edit [state]''' - Toggle seeing all entities regardless of whether they are hidden
* '''/clientside edit [state]''' - Toggle seeing all entities regardless of whether they are hidden
* '''/clientside debug [state]''' - Toggle debug mode
* '''/clientside entities create''' - Convert the target entity to a client side entity
* '''/clientside entities create''' - Convert the target entity to a client side entity
* '''/clientside entities create fromSelection [--types] [--ignoreGlowing]''' - Convert all entities within your selection to client side entities
* '''/clientside entities delete fromSelection [--types]''' - Delete all client side entities within your selection
* '''/clientside entities ignore [state]''' - Prevent your target entity from being converted to a client side entity
* '''/clientside entities ignore [state]''' - Prevent your target entity from being converted to a client side entity
* '''/clientside entities delete fromSelection [--types]''' - Delete all client side entities within your selection
* '''/clientside entities list [page] [--world] [--excludeWorld] [--type] [--onlyHidden] [--onlyShown]''' - List client side entities
* '''/clientside entities list [page] [--world] [--excludeWorld] [--type] [--onlyHidden] [--onlyShown]''' - List client side entities
* '''/clientside entities create fromSelection [--types] [--ignoreGlowing]''' - Convert all entities within your selection to client side entities
* '''/clientside radius <radius> [user]''' - Set your client side entity render radius
* '''/clientside radius <radius> [user]''' - Set your client side entity render radius
* '''/colorutils getHex <color>''' - Get the hex code of a default color
* '''/colorutils getRankHex <rank>''' - Get the hex code of a rank
* '''/colorutils gradient <colors> <input...> [--decolorize]''' - Color gradient your input
* '''/colorutils gradient <colors> <input...> [--decolorize]''' - Color gradient your input
* '''/colorutils rainbow <input...> [--decolorize]''' - Rainbow-ize your input
* '''/colorutils rainbow <input...> [--decolorize]''' - Rainbow-ize your input
* '''/colorutils getHex <color>''' - Get the hex code of a default color
* '''/colorutils getRankHex <rank>''' - Get the hex code of a rank
* '''/colors''' - View color and formatting codes
* '''/colors''' - View color and formatting codes
* '''/combine''' - Combine matching postions in your inventory in stacks
* '''/combine''' - Combine matching postions in your inventory in stacks
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* '''/convertcoordinates''' - View the equivalent overworld or nether coordinates
* '''/convertcoordinates''' - View the equivalent overworld or nether coordinates
* '''/copyright''' - Insert a copyright symbol at the end of your message
* '''/copyright''' - Insert a copyright symbol at the end of your message
* '''/costume top [page]''' - View the most popular costumes
* '''/costume''' - Open the costumes menu
* '''/costume dye <type> <color>''' - Dye a costume
* '''/costume dye <type> <color>''' - Dye a costume
* '''/costume off [player]''' - Disable your costumes
* '''/costume reload''' - Reload costumes from the resource pack
* '''/costume reload''' - Reload costumes from the resource pack
* '''/costume store''' - Open the costume store
* '''/costume tempvouchers add <amount> [player]''' - Modify a player's temporary vouchers
* '''/costume tempvouchers add <amount> [player]''' - Modify a player's temporary vouchers
* '''/costume''' - Open the costumes menu
* '''/costume tempvouchers remove <amount> [player]''' - Modify a player's temporary vouchers
* '''/costume top [page]''' - View the most popular costumes
* '''/costume vouchers [player]''' - View how many costume vouchers you have
* '''/costume vouchers [player]''' - View how many costume vouchers you have
* '''/costume tempvouchers remove <amount> [player]''' - Modify a player's temporary vouchers
* '''/costume vouchers add <amount> [player]''' - Modify a player's vouchers
* '''/costume vouchers remove <amount> [player]''' - Modify a player's vouchers
* '''/costume vouchers remove <amount> [player]''' - Modify a player's vouchers
* '''/costume off [player]''' - Disable your costumes
* '''/costume vouchers add <amount> [player]''' - Modify a player's vouchers
* '''/costume store''' - Open the costume store
* '''/countdown [duration]''' - Count down from 5 to 0 in local chat
* '''/countdown [duration]''' - Count down from 5 to 0 in local chat
* '''/craftingtable''' - Open a workbench
* '''/craftingtable''' - Open a workbench
* '''/crate''' - Teleport to the crates area
* '''/crate animate <type> <uuid>''' - Animate a crate
* '''/crate edit [filter]''' - Edit a crate
* '''/crate edit [filter]''' - Edit a crate
* '''/crate edit announcement reset <id>''' - Remove a loot's announcement
* '''/crate edit announcement set <id> <message...>''' - Set a loot's announcement
* '''/crate edit groups <type>''' - Edit a crate group
* '''/crate entities add <type> <uuid>''' - Register an entity with a crate
* '''/crate entities list [type]''' - List a crate's registered entities
* '''/crate entities list [type]''' - List a crate's registered entities
* '''/crate preview <type>''' - Preview a crate
* '''/crate entities remove <type> <uuid>''' - Unregister an entity with a crate
* '''/crate entities remove <type> <uuid>''' - Unregister an entity with a crate
* '''/crate animate <type> <uuid>''' - Animate a crate
* '''/crate give <type> [player] [amount]''' - Give a player a crate key
* '''/crate entities add <type> <uuid>''' - Register an entity with a crate
* '''/crate toggle''' - Toggle all crates
* '''/crate edit groups <type>''' - Edit a crate group
* '''/crate edit announcement reset <id>''' - Remove a loot's announcement
* '''/crate''' - Teleport to the crates area
* '''/crate info''' - Learn about the server's crates
* '''/crate info''' - Learn about the server's crates
* '''/crate open <type> <uuid> [amount]''' - Open a crate
* '''/crate open <type> <uuid> [amount]''' - Open a crate
* '''/crate give <type> [player] [amount]''' - Give a player a crate key
* '''/crate preview <type>''' - Preview a crate
* '''/crate edit announcement set <id> <message...>''' - Set a loot's announcement
* '''/crate reset <type> <uuid>''' - Reset a crate's animation
* '''/crate reset <type> <uuid>''' - Reset a crate's animation
* '''/crate toggle''' - Toggle all crates
* '''/creative''' - Teleport to the creative world spawn
* '''/creative''' - Teleport to the creative world spawn
* '''/creative home [number] [player]''' - Visit your or another player's creative plot
* '''/creative home [number] [player]''' - Visit your or another player's creative plot
* '''/creativeflags <world>''' - Set default WorldGuard flags on a world to prevent unwanted decay/growth/etc
* '''/creativeflags <world>''' - Set default WorldGuard flags on a world to prevent unwanted decay/growth/etc
* '''/currenttime <player>''' - Check what time it is for another player
* '''/currenttime format <12/24> [player]''' - Set your preferred time format
* '''/currenttime update [player]''' - Update your timezone information
* '''/currenttime update [player]''' - Update your timezone information
* '''/currenttime format <12/24> [player]''' - Set your preferred time format
* '''/customboundingbox delete [--id]''' - Delete a custom bounding box
* '''/currenttime <player>''' - Check what time it is for another player
* '''/customboundingbox draw [--id] [--stop]''' - Draw an entity's custom bounding box with particles
* '''/customboundingbox id <id> [--id]''' - Update a custom bounding box entity's ID
* '''/customboundingbox init''' - Create a custom bounding box entity
* '''/customboundingbox init''' - Create a custom bounding box entity
* '''/customboundingbox modify [--id] [--x] [--y] [--z] [--posX] [--posY] [--posZ] [--negX] [--negY] [--negZ] [--all]''' - Modify the bounds of a custom bounding box
* '''/customboundingbox shift [--id] [--x] [--y] [--z]''' - Shift an entity and it's custom bounding box
* '''/customboundingbox shift [--id] [--x] [--y] [--z]''' - Shift an entity and it's custom bounding box
* '''/customboundingbox update [--id]''' - Apply the custom bounding box to an entity
* '''/customboundingbox update [--id]''' - Apply the custom bounding box to an entity
* '''/customboundingbox id <id> [--id]''' - Update a custom bounding box entity's ID
* '''/customrecipes''' - View all custom recipes
* '''/customboundingbox draw [--id] [--stop]''' - Draw an entity's custom bounding box with particles
* '''/customboundingbox delete [--id]''' - Delete a custom bounding box
* '''/customboundingbox modify [--id] [--x] [--y] [--z] [--posX] [--posY] [--posZ] [--negX] [--negY] [--negZ] [--all]''' - Modify the bounds of a custom bounding box
* '''/customrecipes ingredients''' - View the ingredients for a recipe
* '''/customrecipes ingredients''' - View the ingredients for a recipe
* '''/customrecipes''' - View all custom recipes
* '''/customrecipes uncraft''' - Open the uncrafting menu
* '''/customrecipes uncraft''' - Open the uncrafting menu
* '''/dnd [state]''' - Toggle Do Not Disturb mode
* '''/dnd [state]''' - Toggle Do Not Disturb mode
* '''/dailyrewards''' - Open the daily rewards menu
* '''/dailyrewards getLastTaskTime''' - View the last time the reward task ran
* '''/dailyrewards getLastTaskTime''' - View the last time the reward task ran
* '''/dailyrewards''' - Open the daily rewards menu
* '''/dailyrewards reset [player]''' - Set a player's streak
* '''/dailyrewards set <player> <day>''' - Set a player's streak
* '''/dailyrewards streak [player]''' - View your or another player's streak
* '''/dailyrewards streak [player]''' - View your or another player's streak
* '''/dailyrewards set <player> <day>''' - Set a player's streak
* '''/dailyrewards reset [player]''' - Set a player's streak
* '''/dailyrewards today [player]''' - Check if you or another player has received
* '''/dailyrewards today [player]''' - Check if you or another player has received
* '''/dailyrewards top [page]''' - View the streak leaderboard
* '''/dailyrewards top [page]''' - View the streak leaderboard
* '''/dailyrewards unclaim <player> <day>''' - Mark a reward as unclaimed
* '''/dailyrewards unclaim <player> <day>''' - Mark a reward as unclaimed
* '''/dailyvoterewards rewards''' - View the vote streak rewards
* '''/dailyvoterewards streak [player]''' - View a player's voting streak
* '''/dailyvoterewards today [player]''' - Check whether you have advanced your streak today
* '''/dailyvoterewards today [player]''' - Check whether you have advanced your streak today
* '''/dailyvoterewards top [page]''' - View the vote streak leaderboard
* '''/dailyvoterewards top [page]''' - View the vote streak leaderboard
* '''/dailyvoterewards streak [player]''' - View a player's voting streak
* '''/database cacheAll [service]''' - Cache all stored objects to a service
* '''/dailyvoterewards rewards''' - View the vote streak rewards
* '''/database clearCache <service>''' - Clear the cache of a service
* '''/database count <service>''' - Count objects stored in a collection
* '''/database countAll [page]''' - Count objects stored in all collections
* '''/database countAll [page]''' - Count objects stored in all collections
* '''/database countAllCaches [page]''' - Count all cached objects
* '''/database countCache <service>''' - Count cached objects
* '''/database createQuery delete <service> <uuid>''' - Create a paste-able DELETE query for mongocli
* '''/database createQuery get <service> <uuid>''' - Create a paste-able GET query for mongocli
* '''/database debug <service> <uuid>''' - Print a record
* '''/database debug <service> <uuid>''' - Print a record
* '''/database saveCache <service> <threads>''' - Write the cache to the database
* '''/database debugCache <service> <uuid>''' - Print a record from the cache (may not always pretty-print)
* '''/database delete <service> <uuid>''' - Delete a record
* '''/database deleteAll <service>''' - Delete all objects from a collection
* '''/database move <service> <from> <to>''' - Move data from one record to another
* '''/database move <service> <from> <to>''' - Move data from one record to another
* '''/database save <service> <uuid>''' - Write an object to the database
* '''/database saveAllCaches''' - Save the cache in all services
* '''/database saveAllCaches''' - Save the cache in all services
* '''/database count <service>''' - Count objects stored in a collection
* '''/database saveCache <service> <threads>''' - Write the cache to the database
* '''/database save <service> <uuid>''' - Write an object to the database
* '''/deathmessages behavior <behavior> [player] [duration...]''' - Change the broadcast behavior of a your death messages
* '''/database countAllCaches [page]''' - Count all cached objects
* '''/deathmessages list [page]''' - View custom death messages
* '''/database deleteAll <service>''' - Delete all objects from a collection
* '''/database clearCache <service>''' - Clear the cache of a service
* '''/database countCache <service>''' - Count cached objects
* '''/database delete <service> <uuid>''' - Delete a record
* '''/database debugCache <service> <uuid>''' - Print a record from the cache (may not always pretty-print)
* '''/database cacheAll [service]''' - Cache all stored objects to a service
* '''/database createQuery get <service> <uuid>''' - Create a paste-able GET query for mongocli
* '''/database createQuery delete <service> <uuid>''' - Create a paste-able DELETE query for mongocli
* '''/deathmessages messages <key> [page]''' - View custom death messages for a specific translation key
* '''/deathmessages messages <key> [page]''' - View custom death messages for a specific translation key
* '''/deathmessages list [page]''' - View custom death messages
* '''/deathmessages reload''' - Reload configuration from disk
* '''/deathmessages behavior <behavior> [player] [duration...]''' - Change the broadcast behavior of a your death messages
* '''/deathmessages suggest <key> <message...>''' - Suggest a new custom death message for a specific translation key
* '''/deathmessages suggest <key> <message...>''' - Suggest a new custom death message for a specific translation key
* '''/deathmessages reload''' - Reload configuration from disk
* '''/decoration catalog [theme]''' - Open the catalog menu
* '''/decoration debug [enabled]''' - toggle debugging decorations
* '''/decoration dye color <color>''' - Redye the decoration in your hand
* '''/decoration dye stain <stain>''' - Redye the decoration in your hand
* '''/decoration get <type>''' - Get the decoration
* '''/decoration getCatalog <theme>''' - Get the catalog book
* '''/decoration getCatalog <theme>''' - Get the catalog book
* '''/decoration store debug [enabled]''' - Toggle debugging the store
* '''/decoration store debug [enabled]''' - Toggle debugging the store
* '''/decoration debug [enabled]''' - toggle debugging decorations
* '''/decoration store layout list''' - Display a list of the layout schematics
* '''/decoration store layout paste <id>''' - Paste the layout into the store
* '''/decoration store layout paste next''' - Start the next layout process
* '''/decoration store layout paste reset''' - Paste the reset layout into the store
* '''/decoration store layout paste reset''' - Paste the reset layout into the store
* '''/decoration store layout paste <id>''' - Paste the layout into the store
* '''/decoration store layout schem <name>''' - Create a layout schematic of the selected build
* '''/decoration store layout schem <name>''' - Create a layout schematic of the selected build
* '''/decoration catalog [theme]''' - Open the catalog menu
* '''/decoration store setActive <bool>''' - Toggles any tasks that affect players within the store
* '''/decoration store warp''' - Teleport to the decoration store
* '''/decoration store warp''' - Teleport to the decoration store
* '''/decoration store layout paste next''' - Start the next layout process
* '''/decoration store setActive <bool>''' - Toggles any tasks that affect players within the store
* '''/decoration dye stain <stain>''' - Redye the decoration in your hand
* '''/decoration dye color <color>''' - Redye the decoration in your hand
* '''/decoration get <type>''' - Get the decoration
* '''/decoration store layout list''' - Display a list of the layout schematics
* '''/delhome <player> <name>''' - Delete another player's home
* '''/delhome <player> <name>''' - Delete another player's home
* '''/delhome <name>''' - Delete a home
* '''/delhome <name>''' - Delete a home
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* '''/demote <player>''' - Demote a player to the next rank down
* '''/demote <player>''' - Demote a player to the next rank down
* '''/deop <player>''' - De-op a player
* '''/deop <player>''' - De-op a player
* '''/discord linkStatus [player]''' - View a player's Discord account link status
* '''/discord''' - Get a link to our Discord
* '''/discord jda dms send <id> <message...>''' - Send a DM to a member
* '''/discord (voicechannel|vc) [channel]''' - Move voice channels
* '''/discord account [player]''' - View a player's linked Discord account
* '''/discord appcommands register''' - Force register app commands
* '''/discord appcommands register''' - Force register app commands
* '''/discord unlink [player]''' - Unlink your Minecraft and Discord accounts
* '''/discord appcommands unregister''' - Force unregister app commands
* '''/discord (voicechannel|vc) [channel]''' - Move voice channels
* '''/discord boosts''' - View server boosters
* '''/discord connect''' - Force connect to discord
* '''/discord forceLink <player> <id>''' - Force link a player's Minecraft and Discord accounts
* '''/discord forceLink <player> <id>''' - Force link a player's Minecraft and Discord accounts
* '''/discord lockdown''' - Enable lockdown mode on Discord
* '''/discord jda edit <messageId> <content...>''' - Set the content of a message
* '''/discord jda dms delete <id>''' - Delete the last 50 DMs to a user
* '''/discord jda dms delete <id>''' - Delete the last 50 DMs to a user
* '''/discord account [player]''' - View a player's linked Discord account
* '''/discord jda dms send <id> <message...>''' - Send a DM to a member
* '''/discord jda dms view <id>''' - Retrieve the last 50 DMs to a user
* '''/discord jda dms view <id>''' - Retrieve the last 50 DMs to a user
* '''/discord boosts''' - View server boosters
* '''/discord jda edit <messageId> <content...>''' - Set the content of a message
* '''/discord connect''' - Force connect to discord
* '''/discord appcommands unregister''' - Force unregister app commands
* '''/discord link [code]''' - Link your Minecraft and Discord accounts with the code generated by Koda
* '''/discord link [code]''' - Link your Minecraft and Discord accounts with the code generated by Koda
* '''/discord''' - Get a link to our Discord
* '''/discord link update roles''' - Add the verified role to all linked users
* '''/discord link update roles''' - Add the verified role to all linked users
* '''/discord linkStatus [player]''' - View a player's Discord account link status
* '''/discord lockdown''' - Enable lockdown mode on Discord
* '''/discord unlink [player]''' - Unlink your Minecraft and Discord accounts
* '''/distance <player>''' - View the distance between you and another player
* '''/distance <player>''' - View the distance between you and another player
* '''/distributionfixed [page]''' - View an accurate (but much slower) block distribution if WorldEdit's is incorrect
* '''/distributionfixed [page]''' - View an accurate (but much slower) block distribution if WorldEdit's is incorrect
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* '''/durabilitywarning [enable]''' - Toggle whether you want to notified when a tool or armor piece has low durability
* '''/durabilitywarning [enable]''' - Toggle whether you want to notified when a tool or armor piece has low durability
* '''/dyebomb give <amount> [player]''' - Spawn dye bombs
* '''/dyebomb give <amount> [player]''' - Spawn dye bombs
* '''/dyestation''' - Open a dye station
* '''/dyestation cheat''' - Open a dye station that doesnt require a magic dye
* '''/dyestation color <color>''' - Dye an item
* '''/dyestation get magicDye''' - Spawn a magic dye item
* '''/dyestation get magicStain''' - Spawn a magic stain item
* '''/dyestation get magicStain''' - Spawn a magic stain item
* '''/dyestation get magicDye''' - Spawn a magic dye item
* '''/dyestation''' - Open a dye station
* '''/dyestation get paintbrush''' - Spawn a paintbrush
* '''/dyestation get paintbrush''' - Spawn a paintbrush
* '''/dyestation stain <stain>''' - Stain an item
* '''/dyestation stain <stain>''' - Stain an item
* '''/dyestation color <color>''' - Dye an item
* '''/dyestation cheat''' - Open a dye station that doesnt require a magic dye
* '''/echo [string...]''' - Print your colorized input in chat
* '''/echo [string...]''' - Print your colorized input in chat
* '''/economy''' - View general information about the server's economy
* '''/economy commands''' - View economy related commands
* '''/economy commands''' - View economy related commands
* '''/economy give <player> <balance> [cause] [reason...] [--world]''' - Modify a player's balance
* '''/economy selling''' - View ways to sell items to another player
* '''/economy selling''' - View ways to sell items to another player
* '''/economy set <player> <balance> [cause] [reason...] [--world]''' - Modify a player's balance
* '''/economy set <player> <balance> [cause] [reason...] [--world]''' - Modify a player's balance
* '''/economy take <player> <balance> [cause] [reason...] [--world]''' - Modify a player's balance
* '''/economy take <player> <balance> [cause] [reason...] [--world]''' - Modify a player's balance
* '''/economy give <player> <balance> [cause] [reason...] [--world]''' - Modify a player's balance
* '''/emojihats <type>''' - Activate an emoji hat
* '''/economy''' - View general information about the server's economy
* '''/emojihats getFrameItems <type>''' - Spawn the individual frames of an emoji hat
* '''/emojihats give <player> <type>''' - Give a player access to an emoji hat
* '''/emojihats give <player> <type>''' - Give a player access to an emoji hat
* '''/emojihats getFrameItems <type>''' - Spawn the individual frames of an emoji hat
* '''/emojihats list [page]''' - List owned emoji hats
* '''/emojihats run <player> <type>''' - Activate an emoji hat on another player
* '''/emojihats run <player> <type>''' - Activate an emoji hat on another player
* '''/emojihats <type>''' - Activate an emoji hat
* '''/emojis buy <emoji>''' - Buy an emoji
* '''/emojihats list [page]''' - List owned emoji hats
* '''/emojis picker''' - View your owned emojis
* '''/emojis picker''' - View your owned emojis
* '''/emojis reload''' - Reload emojis from the resource pack
* '''/emojis store''' - View the emoji store
* '''/emojis store''' - View the emoji store
* '''/emojis buy <emoji>''' - Buy an emoji
* '''/emojis reload''' - Reload emojis from the resource pack
* '''/emotes [page]''' - View your owned emotes
* '''/emotes [page]''' - View your owned emotes
* '''/emotes toggle''' - Toggle parsing emotes in your chat messages
* '''/emotes toggle''' - Toggle parsing emotes in your chat messages
* '''/emptybucket [type]''' - Empty all buckets of a certain type
* '''/emptybucket''' - Empty the bucket you are holding
* '''/emptybucket''' - Empty the bucket you are holding
* '''/emptybucket [type]''' - Empty all buckets of a certain type
* '''/enchant <enchant> [level] [--unsafe]''' - Enchant the item you are holding
* '''/enchant <enchant> [level] [--unsafe]''' - Enchant the item you are holding
* '''/enchant remove <enchant>''' - Remove an enchant from the item you are holding
* '''/enchant convertEnchants''' - Convert old custom enchants
* '''/enchant convertEnchants''' - Convert old custom enchants
* '''/enchant get <enchant>''' - View the level an enchant on the item you are holding
* '''/enchant get <enchant>''' - View the level an enchant on the item you are holding
* '''/enchant remove <enchant>''' - Remove an enchant from the item you are holding
* '''/enderchest <player>''' - View your or another player's enderchest
* '''/enderchest <player>''' - View your or another player's enderchest
* '''/endermanfarm''' - Learn why enderman farms are regulated
* '''/endermanfarm add <player> [owner]''' - Give a player access to your enderman farm
* '''/endermanfarm add <player> [owner]''' - Give a player access to your enderman farm
* '''/endermanfarm''' - Learn why enderman farms are regulated
* '''/endermanfarm create [player]''' - Create an enderman farm
* '''/endermanfarm create [player]''' - Create an enderman farm
* '''/endermanfarm list [owner]''' - View who has access to your enderman farm
* '''/endermanfarm list [owner]''' - View who has access to your enderman farm
* '''/endermanfarm remove <player> [owner]''' - Remove a player's access to your enderman farm
* '''/endermanfarm remove <player> [owner]''' - Remove a player's access to your enderman farm
* '''/entities byChunk <type> [world]''' - View entity counts by chunk
* '''/entities byChunk <type> [world]''' - View entity counts by chunk
* '''/entities find <type> [radius]''' - Locate all nearby entities of a specific type
* '''/entities near [radius]''' - Count all entities within a radius
* '''/entities report [radius] [type]''' - View the number of entities near each online player
* '''/entities report [radius] [type]''' - View the number of entities near each online player
* '''/entities near [radius]''' - Count all entities within a radius
* '''/entities find <type> [radius]''' - Locate all nearby entities of a specific type
* '''/entities villagers [world]''' - View villager counts and whether they have a bed & profession by chunk
* '''/entities villagers [world]''' - View villager counts and whether they have a bed & profession by chunk
* '''/entitycannon [entityType]''' - Launch an exploding entity
* '''/entitycannon [entityType]''' - Launch an exploding entity
* '''/entitycap <amount>''' - Change the entity cap of a creative plot
* '''/entitycap <amount>''' - Change the entity cap of a creative plot
* '''/entitynbt''' - View the NBT data of your target entity
* '''/entitynbt''' - View the NBT data of your target entity
* '''/entitynbt set <key> <type> <value>''' - Set an NBT key on your target entity
* '''/entitynbt unset <key>''' - Remove an NBT key on your target entity
* '''/entitynbt unset <key>''' - Remove an NBT key on your target entity
* '''/entitynbt set <key> <type> <value>''' - Set an NBT key on your target entity
* '''/entitynbt uuid''' - View the UUID of your target entity
* '''/entitynbt uuid''' - View the UUID of your target entity
* '''/entityname <name...>''' - Give an entity a custom name
* '''/entityname (null|none|reset)''' - Remove an entity's custom name
* '''/entityname gradient <colors> <name...>''' - Give an entity a custom name with a color gradient
* '''/entityname rainbow <name...>''' - Give an entity a custom name with a rainbow gradient
* '''/entityname visible [enable]''' - Toggle whether an entity's custom name is always visible
* '''/entityname visible [enable]''' - Toggle whether an entity's custom name is always visible
* '''/entityname rainbow <name...>''' - Give an entity a custom name with a rainbow gradient
* '''/error eden''' - Test an EdenException
* '''/entityname gradient <colors> <name...>''' - Give an entity a custom name with a color gradient
* '''/entityname (null|none|reset)''' - Remove an entity's custom name
* '''/entityname <name...>''' - Give an entity a custom name
* '''/error runtime''' - Test a RuntimeException
* '''/error framework text''' - Test error() with text
* '''/error exception''' - Test an Exception
* '''/error exception''' - Test an Exception
* '''/error nexus''' - Test a NexusException
* '''/error framework json''' - Test error() with json
* '''/error framework json''' - Test error() with json
* '''/error framework json withColor''' - Test error() with colored json
* '''/error framework text''' - Test error() with text
* '''/error framework text withColor''' - Test error() with colored text
* '''/error framework text withColor''' - Test error() with colored text
* '''/error invalidInput''' - Test an InvalidInputException
* '''/error invalidInput''' - Test an InvalidInputException
* '''/error nexus''' - Test a NexusException
* '''/error runtime''' - Test a RuntimeException
* '''/error throwable''' - Test a Throwable
* '''/error throwable''' - Test a Throwable
* '''/error eden''' - Test an EdenException
* '''/events store''' - Open the event store
* '''/error framework json withColor''' - Test error() with colored json
* '''/events store images get <image...>''' - Receive an event store image splattermap
* '''/events store images get <image...>''' - Receive an event store image splattermap
* '''/events store images reload''' - Reload event store images
* '''/events tokens [player]''' - View your or another player's event token balance
* '''/events tokens give <player> <tokens>''' - Modify a player's event token balance
* '''/events tokens give <player> <tokens>''' - Modify a player's event token balance
* '''/events store images reload''' - Reload event store images
* '''/events tokens reset <player>''' - Reset a player's event token balance
* '''/events tokens set <player> <tokens>''' - Modify a player's event token balance
* '''/events tokens set <player> <tokens>''' - Modify a player's event token balance
* '''/events tokens reset <player>''' - Reset a player's event token balance
* '''/events tokens take <player> <tokens>''' - Modify a player's event token balance
* '''/events tokens top [page]''' - View the event token leaderboard
* '''/events tokens top [page]''' - View the event token leaderboard
* '''/events tokens take <player> <tokens>''' - Modify a player's event token balance
* '''/events tokens [player]''' - View your or another player's event token balance
* '''/events store''' - Open the event store
* '''/expandall [amount]''' - Expand your selection in every direction
* '''/expandall [amount]''' - Expand your selection in every direction
* '''/expandh [amount]''' - Expand your selection horizontally
* '''/expandh [amount]''' - Expand your selection horizontally
* '''/expandv [amount]''' - Expand your selection vertically
* '''/expandv [amount]''' - Expand your selection vertically
* '''/experience <level>''' - Set your experience level
* '''/experience get <player>''' - View a player's experience level
* '''/experience give <player> <amount>''' - Give experience levels to a player
* '''/experience set <player> <level>''' - Set a player's experience level
* '''/experience set <player> <level>''' - Set a player's experience level
* '''/experience take <player> <amount>''' - Take experience levels from a player
* '''/experience take <player> <amount>''' - Take experience levels from a player
* '''/experience give <player> <amount>''' - Give experience levels to a player
* '''/experience get <player>''' - View a player's experience level
* '''/experience <level>''' - Set your experience level
* '''/extinguish [player]''' - Extinguish a player if they are on fire
* '''/extinguish [player]''' - Extinguish a player if they are on fire
* '''/faq [page]''' - View our frequently asked questions
* '''/faq [page]''' - View our frequently asked questions
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* '''/firework''' - Launch a randomized firework
* '''/firework''' - Launch a randomized firework
* '''/firework127''' - Receive a firework rocket with power 127
* '''/firework127''' - Receive a firework rocket with power 127
* '''/fireworkbow''' - Create a firework bow
* '''/fireworkbow remove''' - Remove the firework enchantment from a bow
* '''/fireworkbow remove''' - Remove the firework enchantment from a bow
* '''/fireworkbow''' - Create a firework bow
* '''/firstlogin stats''' - Write all join dates to a CSV
* '''/firstlogin [player]''' - View when a player first joined the server
* '''/firstlogin [player]''' - View when a player first joined the server
* '''/firstlogin set <player> <date>''' - Set a player's first join date
* '''/firstlogin set <player> <date>''' - Set a player's first join date
* '''/firstlogin stats''' - Write all join dates to a CSV
* '''/fix''' - Repairs held item
* '''/fix all''' - Repairs all items in a players inventory
* '''/fix all''' - Repairs all items in a players inventory
* '''/fix''' - Repairs held item
* '''/fixbackpack''' - Add necessary NBT to a shulker box to make it a backpack
* '''/fixbackpack''' - Add necessary NBT to a shulker box to make it a backpack
* '''/fixflat''' - Replace the terrain in your selection with flat world terrain
* '''/fixflat''' - Replace the terrain in your selection with flat world terrain
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* '''/fly [enable] [player]''' - Toggle flight mode
* '''/fly [enable] [player]''' - Toggle flight mode
* '''/forcechannel <player> <channel>''' - Force a player into a channel
* '''/forcechannel <player> <channel>''' - Force a player into a channel
* '''/forcefield ignore remove <player>''' - Remove a player's ability to bypass your force field
* '''/forcefield particles [enable]''' - Toggle visualization particles
* '''/forcefield [enable]''' - Toggle a force field
* '''/forcefield [enable]''' - Toggle a force field
* '''/forcefield ignore add <player>''' - Allow a player to bypass your force field
* '''/forcefield ignore add <player>''' - Allow a player to bypass your force field
* '''/forcefield settings [player]''' - View your force field settings
* '''/forcefield ignore remove <player>''' - Remove a player's ability to bypass your force field
* '''/forcefield movePlayers [enable]''' - Toggle affecting players
* '''/forcefield moveProjectiles [enable]''' - Toggle affecting projectiles
* '''/forcefield moveProjectiles [enable]''' - Toggle affecting projectiles
* '''/forcefield particles [enable]''' - Toggle visualization particles
* '''/forcefield radius <radius>''' - Set your force field's radius
* '''/forcefield radius <radius>''' - Set your force field's radius
* '''/forcefield movePlayers [enable]''' - Toggle affecting players
* '''/forcefield settings [player]''' - View your force field settings
* '''/forward <blocks>''' - Teleport yourself forward a specific amount of blocks
* '''/forward <blocks>''' - Teleport yourself forward a specific amount of blocks
* '''/freeze <players(s)>''' - Freeze a player or players
* '''/freeze cleanup''' - Delete left over freeze armor stands
* '''/freeze cleanup''' - Delete left over freeze armor stands
* '''/freeze <players(s)>''' - Freeze a player or players
* '''/freeze list [page]''' - List frozen players
* '''/freeze list [page]''' - List frozen players
* '''/friends (add|invite) <player>''' - Send a player a friend request
* '''/friends (add|invite) <player>''' - Send a player a friend request
* '''/friends list''' - List your friends
* '''/friends of <player>''' - View a player's friends list
* '''/friends of <player>''' - View a player's friends list
* '''/friends remove <player>''' - Remove a player from your friends list
* '''/friends remove <player>''' - Remove a player from your friends list
* '''/friends list''' - List your friends
* '''/gamelobby''' - Teleport to the minigame lobby
* '''/gamelobby''' - Teleport to the minigame lobby
* '''/gamemode <gamemode> [player]''' - Change your gamemode
* '''/gamemode <gamemode> [player]''' - Change your gamemode
* '''/gem <enchantment> <level>''' - Receive a gem
* '''/gem all''' - Receive all possible gems
* '''/gem all''' - Receive all possible gems
* '''/gem <enchantment> <level>''' - Receive a gem
* '''/gilihouses reset <name>''' - Update a warp's location
* '''/gilihouses <name>''' - Teleport to a warp
* '''/gilihouses <name>''' - Teleport to a warp
* '''/gilihouses (list|warps) [filter]''' - List available warps
* '''/gilihouses (list|warps) [filter]''' - List available warps
* '''/gilihouses (rm|remove|delete|del) <name>''' - Delete a warp
* '''/gilihouses (rm|remove|delete|del) <name>''' - Delete a warp
* '''/gilihouses (set|create) <name>''' - Create a new warp
* '''/gilihouses (teleport|tp|warp) <name>''' - Teleport to a warp
* '''/gilihouses nearest''' - View the nearest warp
* '''/gilihouses nearest''' - View the nearest warp
* '''/gilihouses reset <name>''' - Update a warp's location
* '''/gilihouses tp nearest''' - Teleport to the nearest warp
* '''/gilihouses tp nearest''' - Teleport to the nearest warp
* '''/gilihouses (set|create) <name>''' - Create a new warp
* '''/gilihouses (teleport|tp|warp) <name>''' - Teleport to a warp
* '''/give <player> <type> [amount] [nbt...]''' - Give a player an item
* '''/give <player> <type> [amount] [nbt...]''' - Give a player an item
* '''/godmode [enable] [player]''' - Toggle god mode, preventing damage and mob targeting
* '''/godmode [enable] [player]''' - Toggle god mode, preventing damage and mob targeting
* '''/griefprotectioninfo''' - Send a predefined message explaining that grief is not allowed
* '''/griefprotectioninfo''' - Send a predefined message explaining that grief is not allowed
* '''/grindstone''' - Open a workbench
* '''/grindstone''' - Open a workbench
* '''/hallofhistory''' - Teleport to the Hall of History
* '''/hallofhistory addRank <player> <current|former> <rank> <promotionDate> [resignationDate]''' - Add a rank to a staff member's rank history
* '''/hallofhistory clear <player>''' - Clear a player's rank history
* '''/hallofhistory clear <player>''' - Clear a player's rank history
* '''/hallofhistory promotionTimes [page]''' - View how long it took all staff members to be promoted
* '''/hallofhistory removeRank <player> <current|former> <rank> <promotionDate> [resignationDate]''' - Remove a rank from a staff member's rank history
* '''/hallofhistory setwarp''' - Update the warp location
* '''/hallofhistory setwarp''' - Update the warp location
* '''/hallofhistory staffTime [page]''' - View how long each staff member was staff
* '''/hallofhistory staffTime [page]''' - View how long each staff member was staff
* '''/hallofhistory''' - Teleport to the Hall of History
* '''/hallofhistory view <player>''' - View a staff member's rank history
* '''/hallofhistory view <player>''' - View a staff member's rank history
* '''/hallofhistory promotionTimes [page]''' - View how long it took all staff members to be promoted
* '''/hallofhistory addRank <player> <current|former> <rank> <promotionDate> [resignationDate]''' - Add a rank to a staff member's rank history
* '''/hallofhistory removeRank <player> <current|former> <rank> <promotionDate> [resignationDate]''' - Remove a rank from a staff member's rank history
* '''/hasreadrules <player>''' - View whether a player has read each section of the rules
* '''/hasreadrules <player>''' - View whether a player has read each section of the rules
* '''/hat''' - Wear the item you are holding on your head
* '''/hat''' - Wear the item you are holding on your head
* '''/hat remove''' - Remove your hat
* '''/hat remove''' - Remove your hat
* '''/heal [player]''' - Fill a player's health, food, and saturation, extinguish fire, and clear potion effects
* '''/heal [player]''' - Fill a player's health, food, and saturation, extinguish fire, and clear potion effects
* '''/health <player> [number]''' - View a player's health
* '''/health target [number]''' - View the health of the entity you are looking at
* '''/health target [number]''' - View the health of the entity you are looking at
* '''/health <player> [number]''' - View a player's health
* '''/help''' - View some basic commands of the server
* '''/help''' - View some basic commands of the server
* '''/here [amount]''' - Set your selection to your current location and optionally expand it in all directions
* '''/here [amount]''' - Set your selection to your current location and optionally expand it in all directions
* '''/hereh [amount]''' - Set your selection to your current location and optionally expand it horizontally
* '''/hereh [amount]''' - Set your selection to your current location and optionally expand it horizontally
* '''/herev [amount]''' - Set your selection to your current location and optionally expand it vertically
* '''/herev [amount]''' - Set your selection to your current location and optionally expand it vertically
* '''/history <player> [page]''' - View a player's punishment history
* '''/history delete <player> <id>''' - Delete an entry from a player's punishment history
* '''/history delete <player> <id>''' - Delete an entry from a player's punishment history
* '''/history <player> [page]''' - View a player's punishment history
* '''/home <player> <home>''' - Teleport to another player's homes
* '''/home [home]''' - Teleport to one of your homes
* '''/home [home]''' - Teleport to one of your homes
* '''/home <player> <home>''' - Teleport to another player's homes
* '''/homes <player>''' - List another player's homes
* '''/homes''' - List your homes
* '''/homes''' - Learn about our Homes system and the commands it offers
* '''/homes addExtraHomes <player> <amount>''' - Increase a player's home limit
* '''/homes addExtraHomes <player> <amount>''' - Increase a player's home limit
* '''/homes deleteFromWorld <world>''' - Delete homes from a world
* '''/homes edit [home]''' - Open the homes edit menu
* '''/homes limit [player]''' - View how many homes you can set
* '''/homes lockInWorld <world>''' - Lock all homes in a world
* '''/homes near [page]''' - View all nearby homes
* '''/homes near [page]''' - View all nearby homes
* '''/homes limit [player]''' - View how many homes you can set
* '''/homes nearest [player]''' - View your nearest home
* '''/homes reload''' - Clear service cache
* '''/homes reload''' - Clear service cache
* '''/homes''' - Learn about our Homes system and the commands it offers
* '''/homes removeExtraHomes <player> <amount>''' - Decrease a player's home limit
* '''/homes removeExtraHomes <player> <amount>''' - Decrease a player's home limit
* '''/homes nearest [player]''' - View your nearest home
* '''/homes''' - List your homes
* '''/homes <player>''' - List another player's homes
* '''/homes deleteFromWorld <world>''' - Delete homes from a world
* '''/homes lockInWorld <world>''' - Lock all homes in a world
* '''/homes edit [home]''' - Open the homes edit menu
* '''/homes restoreDeleted''' - Restore recently deleted homes in a world
* '''/homes restoreDeleted''' - Restore recently deleted homes in a world
* '''/honeypot fix <honeyPot>''' - Repair a honeypot
* '''/honeypot (delete|remove) <honeypot>''' - Delete a honeypot
* '''/honeypot set <player> <int>''' - Set a player's grief count
* '''/honeypot removeItems <player>''' - Remove honey pot items from a player's inventory
* '''/honeypot (teleport|tp) <honeypot>''' - Teleport to a honeypot in your current world
* '''/honeypot (teleport|tp) <honeypot>''' - Teleport to a honeypot in your current world
* '''/honeypot check <player>''' - View how many times a player has griefed
* '''/honeypot create <honeypot> [schemSize]''' - Create a honeypot
* '''/honeypot create <honeypot> [schemSize]''' - Create a honeypot
* '''/honeypot check <player>''' - View how many times a player has griefed
* '''/honeypot fix <honeyPot>''' - Repair a honeypot
* '''/honeypot list [page]''' - List honeypots in your current world
* '''/honeypot list [page]''' - List honeypots in your current world
* '''/honeypot (delete|remove) <honeypot>''' - Delete a honeypot
* '''/honeypot removeItems <player>''' - Remove honey pot items from a player's inventory
* '''/honeypot set <player> <int>''' - Set a player's grief count
* '''/hopper [enable]''' - Enable hoppers on your LWC protection
* '''/hopper [enable]''' - Enable hoppers on your LWC protection
* '''/hopperlag [amount]''' - View hoppers that are triggering InventoryMoveEvents repeatedly
* '''/hopperlag [amount]''' - View hoppers that are triggering InventoryMoveEvents repeatedly
* '''/horsepicker''' - Open the horse picker menu
* '''/horsepicker''' - Open the horse picker menu
* '''/hours [player]''' - View a player's play time on the server, excluding AFK time
* '''/hours top [args...]''' - View the play time leaderboard for any year, month, or day
* '''/hours top [args...]''' - View the play time leaderboard for any year, month, or day
* '''/hours [player]''' - View a player's play time on the server, excluding AFK time
* '''/hub''' - Teleport to the hub
* '''/hub (warp|warps) reset <name>''' - Update a warp's location
* '''/hub (warp|warps) <name>''' - Teleport to a warp
* '''/hub (warp|warps) (rm|remove|delete|del) <name>''' - Delete a warp
* '''/hub (warp|warps) (set|create) <name>''' - Create a new warp
* '''/hub (warp|warps) (teleport|tp|warp) <name>''' - Teleport to a warp
* '''/hub (warp|warps) list [filter]''' - List available warps
* '''/hub (warp|warps) list [filter]''' - List available warps
* '''/hub (warp|warps) <name>''' - Teleport to a warp
* '''/hub (warp|warps) nearest''' - View the nearest warp
* '''/hub (warp|warps) nearest''' - View the nearest warp
* '''/hub (warp|warps) (rm|remove|delete|del) <name>''' - Delete a warp
* '''/hub (warp|warps) reset <name>''' - Update a warp's location
* '''/hub (warp|warps) tp nearest''' - Teleport to the nearest warp
* '''/hub (warp|warps) tp nearest''' - Teleport to the nearest warp
* '''/hub treasurehunt''' - View your treasure hunt progress
* '''/hub treasurehunt''' - View your treasure hunt progress
* '''/hub (warp|warps) (set|create) <name>''' - Create a new warp
* '''/hub''' - Teleport to the hub
* '''/hub (warp|warps) (teleport|tp|warp) <name>''' - Teleport to a warp
* '''/hunger [player] [number]''' - View or set a player's hunger
* '''/hunger [player] [number]''' - View or set a player's hunger
* '''/hunger target [number]''' - Set the target player's hunger
* '''/hunger target [number]''' - Set the target player's hunger
* '''/igosleep [hours]''' - Kick yourself after a certain amount of time
* '''/igosleep [hours]''' - Kick yourself after a certain amount of time
* '''/ip''' - View the server's IP
* '''/ip''' - View the server's IP
* '''/imagestand size <size> [--id]''' - Update the size an image stand
* '''/imagestand create <id> <size> [--outline]''' - Create an image stand
* '''/imagestand outline update [--id]''' - Teleport an outline stand to the image stand
* '''/imagestand delete [--id]''' - Delete an image stand
* '''/imagestand delete [--id]''' - Delete an image stand
* '''/imagestand id <id> [--id]''' - Update the ID of an image stand
* '''/imagestand list [page]''' - List image stands
* '''/imagestand list [page]''' - List image stands
* '''/imagestand tp <id>''' - Teleport to an image stand
* '''/imagestand outline add [--id]''' - Add an outline stand
* '''/imagestand outline remove [--id]''' - Remove an outline stand
* '''/imagestand outline remove [--id]''' - Remove an outline stand
* '''/imagestand outline add [--id]''' - Add an outline stand
* '''/imagestand outline update [--id]''' - Teleport an outline stand to the image stand
* '''/imagestand create <id> <size> [--outline]''' - Create an image stand
* '''/imagestand size <size> [--id]''' - Update the size an image stand
* '''/imagestand stands pitch <pitch> [--id]''' - Update the pitch of the image stand and outline stand
* '''/imagestand stands yaw <yaw> [--id]''' - Update the yaw of the image stand and outline stand
* '''/imagestand stands yaw <yaw> [--id]''' - Update the yaw of the image stand and outline stand
* '''/imagestand id <id> [--id]''' - Update the ID of an image stand
* '''/imagestand tp <id>''' - Teleport to an image stand
* '''/imagestand stands pitch <pitch> [--id]''' - Update the pitch of the image stand and outline stand
* '''/infection expansion create <open> [id]''' - Create an arena expansion region and schematic
* '''/infection spawnDoor create <open> <id>''' - Create a spawn door region and schematic
* '''/infection spawnDoor create <open> <id>''' - Create a spawn door region and schematic
* '''/infection expansion create <open> [id]''' - Create an arena expansion region and schematic
* '''/instagram''' - Receive a link to the server's Instagram
* '''/instagram''' - Receive a link to the server's Instagram
* '''/interactioncommands <index> <command...>''' - Set a command at the provided index
* '''/interactioncommands <index> <command...>''' - Set a command at the provided index
* '''/interactioncommands (delete|remove|clear) [index]''' - Delete the command at the provided index
* '''/interactioncommands read''' - View the commands configured on the target block
* '''/interactioncommands read''' - View the commands configured on the target block
* '''/interactioncommands (delete|remove|clear) [index]''' - Delete the command at the provided index
* '''/inventorysnapshots <player> [page]''' - View a list of saved inventory snapshots
* '''/inventorysnapshots <player> [page]''' - View a list of saved inventory snapshots
* '''/inventorysnapshots nearbyDeaths [page]''' - View nearby snapshots created by a death
* '''/inventorysnapshots nearbyDeaths [page]''' - View nearby snapshots created by a death
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* '''/invisiblearmor [on|off]''' - Toggle invisible armor
* '''/invisiblearmor [on|off]''' - Toggle invisible armor
* '''/invisiblearmor menu''' - Open the invisible armor configuration menu
* '''/invisiblearmor menu''' - Open the invisible armor configuration menu
* '''/inviterewards''' - Learn about Invite Rewards
* '''/inviterewards <username>''' - Receive a reward for inviting a player to the server
* '''/inviterewards <username>''' - Receive a reward for inviting a player to the server
* '''/inviterewards''' - Learn about Invite Rewards
* '''/invsee <player>''' - Access another player's inventory
* '''/invsee <player>''' - Access another player's inventory
* '''/item <item> [amount] [nbt...]''' - Spawn an item
* '''/item ingredients <item> [amount] [--index]''' - Spawn all items in a recipe
* '''/item rp <material> <id>''' - Spawn a resource pack item
* '''/item rp <material> <id>''' - Spawn a resource pack item
* '''/item ingredients <item> [amount] [--index]''' - Spawn all items in a recipe
* '''/item <item> [amount] [nbt...]''' - Spawn an item
* '''/item tag <tag> [amount]''' - Spawn all items in a tag
* '''/item tag <tag> [amount]''' - Spawn all items in a tag
* '''/itembuilder material <material>''' - Set an item's material
* '''/itembuilder amount <amount>''' - Set a stack's size
* '''/itembuilder setting unset <setting>''' - Remove an item setting
* '''/itembuilder attribute <attribute> <name> <amount> <operation> [slot]''' - Set an item attribute
* '''/itembuilder axolotl <variant>''' - Set an axolotl bucket's variant
* '''/itembuilder banner pattern <color> <pattern>''' - Add a banner pattern
* '''/itembuilder banner symbol <symbol> <color>''' - Set a banner to a symbol
* '''/itembuilder book author <author>''' - Set a book's author
* '''/itembuilder book generation <generation>''' - Set the generation of a book
* '''/itembuilder book pages add <content>''' - Add a new page to a book
* '''/itembuilder book pages remove <page>''' - Remove a page from a book
* '''/itembuilder book pages set <page> <content>''' - Set the contents of a book's pages
* '''/itembuilder book title <title>''' - Set a book's title
* '''/itembuilder color <color>''' - Set an item's color
* '''/itembuilder condition <condition>''' - Set an item's condition tag
* '''/itembuilder damage <damage>''' - Set an item's damage
* '''/itembuilder durability <durability>''' - Set an item's durability (deprecated)
* '''/itembuilder dye <color>''' - Dye an item
* '''/itembuilder enchant <enchant> [level]''' - Enchant an item
* '''/itembuilder enchant max <enchant>''' - Enchant an item with the max level for the provided enchant
* '''/itembuilder enchant remove <enchant>''' - Remove an enchant from an item
* '''/itembuilder firework effect [--type] [--flicker] [--trail] [--colors] [--fadeColors]''' - Set a firework's effect
* '''/itembuilder firework effect [--type] [--flicker] [--trail] [--colors] [--fadeColors]''' - Set a firework's effect
* '''/itembuilder enchant <enchant> [level]''' - Enchant an item
* '''/itembuilder dye <color>''' - Dye an item
* '''/itembuilder condition <condition>''' - Set an item's condition tag
* '''/itembuilder firework power <power>''' - Set a firework's power
* '''/itembuilder firework power <power>''' - Set a firework's power
* '''/itembuilder glow [state]''' - Add an enchant glint to an item
* '''/itembuilder itemFlags <flags...>''' - Add item flags to an item
* '''/itembuilder lore add <text...>''' - Add lore
* '''/itembuilder lore clear''' - Remove all lore
* '''/itembuilder lore remove <line>''' - Remove a line of lore
* '''/itembuilder lore remove <line>''' - Remove a line of lore
* '''/itembuilder glow [state]''' - Add an enchant glint to an item
* '''/itembuilder lore set <line> <text...>''' - Update lore
* '''/itembuilder book generation <generation>''' - Set the generation of a book
* '''/itembuilder map id <id>''' - Set a map's id
* '''/itembuilder book pages remove <page>''' - Remove a page from a book
* '''/itembuilder map view [world]''' - Set a map's world
* '''/itembuilder banner pattern <color> <pattern>''' - Add a banner pattern
* '''/itembuilder material <material>''' - Set an item's material
* '''/itembuilder rarity <rarity>''' - Set an item's rarity tag
* '''/itembuilder modelId <id>''' - Set an item's model ID
* '''/itembuilder name <name>''' - Set an item's name
* '''/itembuilder name <name>''' - Set an item's name
* '''/itembuilder name reset''' - Remove an item's name
* '''/itembuilder nbt set <key> <type> <value>''' - Set an NBT key
* '''/itembuilder nbt unset <key>''' - Remove an NBT key
* '''/itembuilder potion color <color>''' - Set a potion's color
* '''/itembuilder potion color <color>''' - Set a potion's color
* '''/itembuilder durability <durability>''' - Set an item's durability (deprecated)
* '''/itembuilder amount <amount>''' - Set a stack's size
* '''/itembuilder potion effect <type> <seconds> <amplifier>''' - Add a custom potion effect to a potion
* '''/itembuilder potion effect <type> <seconds> <amplifier>''' - Add a custom potion effect to a potion
* '''/itembuilder spawnEgg <variant>''' - Set a spawn egg's entity type
* '''/itembuilder potion type <type> [--extended] [--upgraded]''' - Set a potion's type
* '''/itembuilder rarity <rarity>''' - Set an item's rarity tag
* '''/itembuilder setting <setting> [state]''' - Set an item setting
* '''/itembuilder setting unset <setting>''' - Remove an item setting
* '''/itembuilder skull owner [owner]''' - Set a skull's owner
* '''/itembuilder skull owner [owner]''' - Set a skull's owner
* '''/itembuilder book author <author>''' - Set a book's author
* '''/itembuilder nbt set <key> <type> <value>''' - Set an NBT key
* '''/itembuilder book title <title>''' - Set a book's title
* '''/itembuilder map id <id>''' - Set a map's id
* '''/itembuilder soulbound''' - Make an item soulbound without the enchant
* '''/itembuilder soulbound''' - Make an item soulbound without the enchant
* '''/itembuilder banner symbol <symbol> <color>''' - Set a banner to a symbol
* '''/itembuilder spawnEgg <variant>''' - Set a spawn egg's entity type
* '''/itembuilder name reset''' - Remove an item's name
* '''/itembuilder potion type <type> [--extended] [--upgraded]''' - Set a potion's type
* '''/itembuilder unbreakable''' - Make an item unbreakable
* '''/itembuilder unbreakable''' - Make an item unbreakable
* '''/itembuilder attribute <attribute> <name> <amount> <operation> [slot]''' - Set an item attribute
* '''/iteminfo [material]''' - View an item's NBT
* '''/itembuilder color <color>''' - Set an item's color
* '''/iteminfo enchanted''' - View all items with an enchant glint
* '''/itembuilder book pages add <content>''' - Add a new page to a book
* '''/itembuilder enchant max <enchant>''' - Enchant an item with the max level for the provided enchant
* '''/itembuilder map view [world]''' - Set a map's world
* '''/itembuilder modelId <id>''' - Set an item's model ID
* '''/itembuilder book pages set <page> <content>''' - Set the contents of a book's pages
* '''/itembuilder lore clear''' - Remove all lore
* '''/itembuilder nbt unset <key>''' - Remove an NBT key
* '''/itembuilder damage <damage>''' - Set an item's damage
* '''/itembuilder axolotl <variant>''' - Set an axolotl bucket's variant
* '''/itembuilder enchant remove <enchant>''' - Remove an enchant from an item
* '''/itembuilder lore set <line> <text...>''' - Update lore
* '''/itembuilder setting <setting> [state]''' - Set an item setting
* '''/itembuilder lore add <text...>''' - Add lore
* '''/itembuilder itemFlags <flags...>''' - Add item flags to an item
* '''/iteminfo extended [material]''' - View miscellaneous information about a material
* '''/iteminfo extended [material]''' - View miscellaneous information about a material
* '''/iteminfo nonItems''' - View a list of non-item materials (i.e. water)
* '''/iteminfo serialize json [material] [amount]''' - Debug the serialization of an item
* '''/iteminfo serialize json [material] [amount]''' - Debug the serialization of an item
* '''/iteminfo [material]''' - View an item's NBT
* '''/itemname <name...>''' - Give an item a custom name with a color gradient
* '''/iteminfo nonItems''' - View a list of non-item materials (i.e. water)
* '''/itemname (null|none|reset)''' - Remove an item's custom name
* '''/iteminfo enchanted''' - View all items with an enchant glint
* '''/itemname copy''' - Print an item's custom name in chat for copying
* '''/itemname gradient <colors> <name...>''' - Give an item a custom name with a rainbow gradient
* '''/itemname gradient <colors> <name...>''' - Give an item a custom name with a rainbow gradient
* '''/itemname rainbow <name...>''' - Toggle whether an item's custom name is always visible
* '''/itemname rainbow <name...>''' - Toggle whether an item's custom name is always visible
* '''/itemname copy''' - Print an item's custom name in chat for copying
* '''/itemname resetAll <material>''' - Give an item a custom name
* '''/itemname resetAll <material>''' - Give an item a custom name
* '''/itemname (null|none|reset)''' - Remove an item's custom name
* '''/itemtags''' - View an item's condition and rarity
* '''/itemname <name...>''' - Give an item a custom name with a color gradient
* '''/itemtags debugItem''' - View detailed information about an item's tags
* '''/itemtags get''' - Get item tags on held item
* '''/itemtags reload''' - Reload configuration from disk
* '''/itemtags setCondition <condition>''' - Set an item's condition
* '''/itemtags setCondition <condition>''' - Set an item's condition
* '''/itemtags reload''' - Reload configuration from disk
* '''/itemtags setRarity <rarity>''' - Set an item's rarity
* '''/itemtags setRarity <rarity>''' - Set an item's rarity
* '''/itemtags debugItem''' - View detailed information about an item's tags
* '''/itemtags''' - View an item's condition and rarity
* '''/itemtags get''' - Get item tags on held item
* '''/itemtags update [debug]''' - Update item tags on held item
* '''/itemtags update [debug]''' - Update item tags on held item
* '''/itemtags updateInv''' - Update item tags on all items in inventory
* '''/itemtags updateInv''' - Update item tags on all items in inventory
* '''/ivebeengriefed''' - View information on what to do when you get griefed
* '''/ivebeengriefed''' - View information on what to do when you get griefed
* '''/joinquit reload''' - Reload join/quit messages from disk
* '''/joinquit reload''' - Reload join/quit messages from disk
* '''/jukebox list [page]''' - View your owned songs
* '''/jukebox play <song...>''' - Play a song
* '''/jukebox play <song...>''' - Play a song
* '''/jukebox store give <player> <song...>''' - Give a player a song
* '''/jukebox stop''' - Stop playing a song
* '''/jukebox stop''' - Stop playing a song
* '''/jukebox store purchase <song...>''' - Purchase a song
* '''/jukebox store [page]''' - View the jukebox store
* '''/jukebox store [page]''' - View the jukebox store
* '''/jukebox store give <player> <song...>''' - Give a player a song
* '''/jukebox store preview <song...>''' - Preview a song
* '''/jukebox store preview <song...>''' - Preview a song
* '''/jukebox list [page]''' - View your owned songs
* '''/jukebox store purchase <song...>''' - Purchase a song
* '''/jump''' - Teleport to your target block
* '''/jump''' - Teleport to your target block
* '''/kick <players> [reason...]''' - Kick a player or players
* '''/kick <players> [reason...]''' - Kick a player or players
* '''/kill [player]''' - Kill a player
* '''/kill [player]''' - Kill a player
* '''/killentity <entityType> <radius> [--force] [--region]''' - Kill nearby entities of the provided types
* '''/killentity <entityType> <radius> [--force] [--region]''' - Kill nearby entities of the provided types
* '''/kit <kit>''' - Spawn a kit
* '''/kit''' - List available kits
* '''/kit''' - List available kits
* '''/kit edit''' - Open the kit editor menu
* '''/kit reload''' - Reload kits from disk
* '''/kit reload''' - Reload kits from disk
* '''/kit edit''' - Open the kit editor menu
* '''/kit <kit>''' - Spawn a kit
* '''/koda <message...>''' - Make Koda say something
* '''/koda <message...>''' - Make Koda say something
* '''/koda reload''' - Reload Koda's configuration from disk
* '''/koda reload''' - Reload Koda's configuration from disk
Line 596: Line 596:
* '''/leash (stop|cancel)''' - Unleash yourself from a player
* '''/leash (stop|cancel)''' - Unleash yourself from a player
* '''/leash setVelocity <velocity>''' - Set the server's leash pull velocity
* '''/leash setVelocity <velocity>''' - Set the server's leash pull velocity
* '''/legacy (warp|warps) <name>''' - Teleport to a warp
* '''/legacy (warp|warps) (rm|remove|delete|del) <name>''' - Delete a warp
* '''/legacy (warp|warps) (set|create) <name>''' - Create a new warp
* '''/legacy (warp|warps) (teleport|tp|warp) <name>''' - Teleport to a warp
* '''/legacy (warp|warps) list [filter]''' - List available warps
* '''/legacy (warp|warps) list [filter]''' - List available warps
* '''/legacy (warp|warps) nearest''' - View the nearest warp
* '''/legacy (warp|warps) reset <name>''' - Update a warp's location
* '''/legacy (warp|warps) tp nearest''' - Teleport to the nearest warp
* '''/legacy home <home>''' - Teleport to your legacy homes
* '''/legacy home visit <player> <home>''' - Teleport to another player's legacy homes
* '''/legacy homes [player]''' - View a list of legacy homes
* '''/legacy homes delete <name> [player]''' - Delete a legacy home
* '''/legacy homes set <name> [player]''' - Set a new legacy home
* '''/legacy homes setItem <home> <material>''' - Set the display item for a legacy home
* '''/legacy inventories archive <player>''' - Archive a player's legacy inventory
* '''/legacy inventories archive cancel''' - Cancel inventory archive task
* '''/legacy inventories archive cancel''' - Cancel inventory archive task
* '''/legacy inventories debug <player> <gamemode>''' - View a list of items in a player's survival and legacy inventories
* '''/legacy inventories debug <player> <gamemode>''' - View a list of items in a player's survival and legacy inventories
* '''/legacy homes set <name> [player]''' - Set a new legacy home
* '''/legacy inventories get <player> <gamemode> <group> <type>''' - Get the items in a player's survival and legacy inventories
* '''/legacy inventories verify all''' - Verify all survival inventories are empty
* '''/legacy inventories verify all''' - Verify all survival inventories are empty
* '''/legacy (warp|warps) (set|create) <name>''' - Create a new warp
* '''/legacy inventories view <player> <gamemode> <group>''' - View a list of items in a player's survival and legacy inventories
* '''/legacy homes delete <name> [player]''' - Delete a legacy home
* '''/legacy items transfer''' - Submit legacy items for transfer review
* '''/legacy inventories get <player> <gamemode> <group> <type>''' - Get the items in a player's survival and legacy inventories
* '''/legacy (warp|warps) reset <name>''' - Update a warp's location
* '''/legacy (warp|warps) <name>''' - Teleport to a warp
* '''/legacy homes [player]''' - View a list of legacy homes
* '''/legacy items list <status> [player]''' - View legacy items in each state
* '''/legacy items list <status> [player]''' - View legacy items in each state
* '''/legacy vaults limit [user]''' - View how many legacy vaults you own
* '''/legacy home visit <player> <home>''' - Teleport to another player's legacy homes
* '''/legacy home <home>''' - Teleport to your legacy homes
* '''/legacy items receive''' - Receive transfer approved legacy items
* '''/legacy items receive''' - Receive transfer approved legacy items
* '''/legacy vaults [page] [user]''' - Open a legacy vault
* '''/legacy (warp|warps) nearest''' - View the nearest warp
* '''/legacy (warp|warps) (rm|remove|delete|del) <name>''' - Delete a warp
* '''/legacy (warp|warps) tp nearest''' - Teleport to the nearest warp
* '''/legacy inventories archive <player>''' - Archive a player's legacy inventory
* '''/legacy inventories view <player> <gamemode> <group>''' - View a list of items in a player's survival and legacy inventories
* '''/legacy items reset <player>''' - Reset all items to pending status
* '''/legacy items reset <player>''' - Reset all items to pending status
* '''/legacy (warp|warps) (teleport|tp|warp) <name>''' - Teleport to a warp
* '''/legacy homes setItem <home> <material>''' - Set the display item for a legacy home
* '''/legacy items review [player]''' - Review pending items
* '''/legacy items review [player]''' - Review pending items
* '''/legacy items transfer''' - Submit legacy items for transfer review
* '''/legacy vaults [page] [user]''' - Open a legacy vault
* '''/legacy vaults limit [user]''' - View how many legacy vaults you own
* '''/letmeedit''' - Unvanish, enable WorldGuard edit, and switch to creative mode if applicable
* '''/letmeedit''' - Unvanish, enable WorldGuard edit, and switch to creative mode if applicable
* '''/locationcode current''' - Print your current location as Java code
* '''/locationcode selection''' - Print your selection's minimum point as Java code
* '''/locationcode selection''' - Print your selection's minimum point as Java code
* '''/locationcode current''' - Print your current location as Java code
* '''/locations''' - View player locations by world
* '''/locations''' - View player locations by world
* '''/lockdown bypass add <player>''' - Allow a player to bypass the current lockdown
* '''/lockdown bypass remove <player>''' - Remove a player's bypass to the current lockdown
* '''/lockdown end''' - End lockdown mode
* '''/lockdown end''' - End lockdown mode
* '''/lockdown start <time/reason...>''' - Enable lockdown mode
* '''/lockdown start <time/reason...>''' - Enable lockdown mode
* '''/lockdown bypass add <player>''' - Allow a player to bypass the current lockdown
* '''/lockdown bypass remove <player>''' - Remove a player's bypass to the current lockdown
* '''/loom''' - Open a workbench
* '''/loom''' - Open a workbench
* '''/mcwiki search <query...>''' - Search the wiki for key words
* '''/mcwiki search <query...>''' - Search the wiki for key words
* '''/mail box''' - View your mail box
* '''/mail box''' - View your mail box
* '''/mail send <player> [message...]''' - Send a message and/or items to a player
* '''/mail send <player> [message...]''' - Send a message and/or items to a player
* '''/maintenance [--excludedConditions]''' - Shut down the server for maintenance
* '''/maintenance cancel''' - Cancel a queued shutdown
* '''/maintenance cancel''' - Cancel a queued shutdown
* '''/maintenance [--excludedConditions]''' - Shut down the server for maintenance
* '''/map [player]''' - Generate a link to our web map, allowing you to see the entire world from your browser
* '''/map [player]''' - Generate a link to our web map, allowing you to see the entire world from your browser
* '''/materialtag find <material>''' - View tags containing a material
* '''/materialtag materials <tag>''' - View meterials in a tag
* '''/materialtag materials <tag>''' - View meterials in a tag
* '''/materialtag find <material>''' - View tags containing a material
* '''/materialtag random <tag> [player]''' - Receive a random material from a tag
* '''/materialtag random <tag> [player]''' - Receive a random material from a tag
* '''/mcmmo refresh''' - Reset ability cooldowns
* '''/mcmmo (sb|scoreboard) (c|clear|remove)''' - Remove the current scoreboard
* '''/mcmmo prestige [player]''' - View the number of times a player has prestiged their skills
* '''/mcmmo (sb|scoreboard) (k|keep)''' - Anchor the current scoreboard
* '''/mcmmo (sb|scoreboard) (k|keep)''' - Anchor the current scoreboard
* '''/mcmmo abilities''' - Toggle activating right click abilities
* '''/mcmmo cooldowns''' - View ability cooldowns
* '''/mcmmo levels give <player> <skill> <amount>''' - Modify a player's skill level
* '''/mcmmo levels give <player> <skill> <amount>''' - Modify a player's skill level
* '''/mcmmo protectItem''' - Protect items from mcMMO repair/salvage
* '''/mcmmo cooldowns''' - View ability cooldowns
* '''/mcmmo prestige top [page] [--skill]''' - View the prestige leaderboards
* '''/mcmmo reset''' - Prestige skills for rewards
* '''/mcmmo rank [player]''' - View skill ranks
* '''/mcmmo levels reset <player> <skill>''' - Modify a player's skill level
* '''/mcmmo levels reset <player> <skill>''' - Modify a player's skill level
* '''/mcmmo levels set <player> <skill> <amount>''' - Modify a player's skill level
* '''/mcmmo levels set <player> <skill> <amount>''' - Modify a player's skill level
* '''/mcmmo levels take <player> <skill> <amount>''' - Modify a player's skill level
* '''/mcmmo levels take <player> <skill> <amount>''' - Modify a player's skill level
* '''/mcmmo abilities''' - Toggle activating right click abilities
* '''/mcmmo prestige [player]''' - View the number of times a player has prestiged their skills
* '''/mcmmo prestige top [page] [--skill]''' - View the prestige leaderboards
* '''/mcmmo protectItem''' - Protect items from mcMMO repair/salvage
* '''/mcmmo rank [player]''' - View skill ranks
* '''/mcmmo refresh''' - Reset ability cooldowns
* '''/mcmmo reset''' - Prestige skills for rewards
* '''/mcmmo stats [player]''' - View mcMMO skill levels
* '''/mcmmo stats [player]''' - View mcMMO skill levels
* '''/mcmmo top [skill] [page]''' - View skill leaderboards
* '''/mcmmo top [skill] [page]''' - View skill leaderboards
* '''/mcmmo (sb|scoreboard) (c|clear|remove)''' - Remove the current scoreboard
* '''/measure 1''' - Set your starting point
* '''/measure 1''' - Set your starting point
* '''/measure 2''' - Measure the distance between your starting point and current location
* '''/measure 2''' - Measure the distance between your starting point and current location
* '''/message <player> [message...]''' - Private message a player
* '''/message <player> [message...]''' - Private message a player
* '''/minigames tokens set <amount> [user]''' - Modify a player's minigame tokens
* '''/minigames''' - Teleport to the minigame lobby
* '''/minigames signs lobby''' - Create a lobby sign
* '''/minigames (delete|remove) <arena>''' - Delete an arena
* '''/minigames setTime <seconds>''' - Set the time left in a match
* '''/minigames (podium|podiums) <position> <player> <title...>''' - Update the weekly podiums
* '''/minigames (podium|podiums) (getId|getIds) [position]''' - Get the ids of the podium NPCs
* '''/minigames (podium|podiums) (s|summon) <position>''' - Teleport a podium NPC to you
* '''/minigames (podium|podiums) setId <position> <id>''' - Set the NPC id of a podium position
* '''/minigames (podium|podiums) tp <position>''' - Teleport to a podium NPC
* '''/minigames (quit|leave)''' - Quit your current minigame
* '''/minigames (reload|read) [arena]''' - Reload an arena from disk
* '''/minigames (save|write) [arena]''' - Write an arena to disk
* '''/minigames (tp|teleport) <player> [player]''' - Teleport a minigamer
* '''/minigames accept''' - Accept the last match invite
* '''/minigames addSelectedBlocksToArena [arena]''' - Add all materials within your selection to the arena block list
* '''/minigames addSpawnpoint [arena] [team]''' - Add a team spawnpoint
* '''/minigames autoreset [boolean]''' - Enable auto-reset in checkpoint minigames
* '''/minigames collectibles''' - View the minigame collectibles menu
* '''/minigames copy <from> <to>''' - Copy some settings from one arena to another
* '''/minigames create <name>''' - Create a new arena
* '''/minigames create <name>''' - Create a new arena
* '''/minigames createRegion <arena> <name>''' - Create a region for an arena
* '''/minigames debug [arena]''' - Print an arena's properties
* '''/minigames edit <arena>''' - Open the arena config menu
* '''/minigames end [arena]''' - Force end a match
* '''/minigames hideParticles <type>''' - Toggle hiding collectibles particles
* '''/minigames invite [arena] [--mechanic]''' - Invite players to a match
* '''/minigames inviteAll [arena] [--mechanic]''' - Invite all players to a match
* '''/minigames join <arena>''' - Join a minigame
* '''/minigames join random [mechanic]''' - Join a random minigame
* '''/minigames join random [mechanic]''' - Join a random minigame
* '''/minigames join <arena>''' - Join a minigame
* '''/minigames leaderboard [arena]''' - View the leaderboard for timed minigames
* '''/minigames schem save <arena> <name> [--createRegion]''' - Create an arena schematic from your selection and optionally create a region
* '''/minigames list [filter] [--mechanic]''' - List minigame maps, optionally filtered by name and/or mechanic
* '''/minigames mechanics [filter] [--group]''' - List mechanics, optionally filtered by name and/or group
* '''/minigames modifier <modifier>''' - Activate a minigame modifier
* '''/minigames modifier <modifier>''' - Activate a minigame modifier
* '''/minigames hideParticles <type>''' - Toggle hiding collectibles particles
* '''/minigames modifier random''' - Activate a random minigame modifier
* '''/minigames collectibles''' - View the minigame collectibles menu
* '''/minigames autoreset [boolean]''' - Enable auto-reset in checkpoint minigames
* '''/minigames (podium|podiums) <position> <player> <title...>''' - Update the weekly podiums
* '''/minigames addSelectedBlocksToArena [arena]''' - Add all materials within your selection to the arena block list
* '''/minigames warn <player> [reason]''' - Warn a player for not obeying minigame rules and strike them with lightning
* '''/minigames leaderboard [arena]''' - View the leaderboard for timed minigames
* '''/minigames tokens remove <amount> [user]''' - Modify a player's minigame tokens
* '''/minigames''' - Teleport to the minigame lobby
* '''/minigames topic update''' - Update the Discord #minigames channel topic
* '''/minigames edit <arena>''' - Open the arena config menu
* '''/minigames settings bowInOffHand [boolean]''' - Toggle whether bows spawn in your offhand
* '''/minigames night''' - View when the next Minigame Night occurs
* '''/minigames night''' - View when the next Minigame Night occurs
* '''/minigames (podium|podiums) (s|summon) <position>''' - Teleport a podium NPC to you
* '''/minigames schem paste <arena> <name>''' - Paste an arena's schematic at your location
* '''/minigames schem save <arena> <name> [--createRegion]''' - Create an arena schematic from your selection and optionally create a region
* '''/minigames setLobbyLocation [arena]''' - Set the lobby location of an arena
* '''/minigames setSpectateLocation [arena]''' - Set the spectate location of an arena
* '''/minigames setSpectateLocation [arena]''' - Set the spectate location of an arena
* '''/minigames list [filter] [--mechanic]''' - List minigame maps, optionally filtered by name and/or mechanic
* '''/minigames setTime <seconds>''' - Set the time left in a match
* '''/minigames mechanics [filter] [--group]''' - List mechanics, optionally filtered by name and/or group
* '''/minigames settings bowInOffHand [boolean]''' - Toggle whether bows spawn in your offhand
* '''/minigames signs flag <team>''' - Create a flag sign
* '''/minigames signs flag capture <team>''' - Create a flag sign
* '''/minigames signs flag capture <team>''' - Create a flag sign
* '''/minigames signs join <arena>''' - Create a join sign
* '''/minigames signs join random <mechanic>''' - Create a join random sign
* '''/minigames signs join random <mechanic>''' - Create a join random sign
* '''/minigames (reload|read) [arena]''' - Reload an arena from disk
* '''/minigames signs lobby''' - Create a lobby sign
* '''/minigames copy <from> <to>''' - Copy some settings from one arena to another
* '''/minigames signs quit''' - Create a quit sign
* '''/minigames end [arena]''' - Force end a match
* '''/minigames start [arena]''' - Force start a match
* '''/minigames warp <arena>''' - Warp to an arena
* '''/minigames tokens [user]''' - View a player's minigame tokens
* '''/minigames tokens [user]''' - View a player's minigame tokens
* '''/minigames (tp|teleport) <player> [player]''' - Teleport a minigamer
* '''/minigames tokens add <amount> [user]''' - Modify a player's minigame tokens
* '''/minigames tokens remove <amount> [user]''' - Modify a player's minigame tokens
* '''/minigames tokens set <amount> [user]''' - Modify a player's minigame tokens
* '''/minigames topic update''' - Update the Discord #minigames channel topic
* '''/minigames tppos <player> <x> <y> <z> [yaw] [pitch]''' - Teleport a minigamer to coordinates
* '''/minigames tppos <player> <x> <y> <z> [yaw] [pitch]''' - Teleport a minigamer to coordinates
* '''/minigames setLobbyLocation [arena]''' - Set the lobby location of an arena
* '''/minigames warn <player> [reason]''' - Warn a player for not obeying minigame rules and strike them with lightning
* '''/minigames (delete|remove) <arena>''' - Delete an arena
* '''/minigames warp <arena>''' - Warp to an arena
* '''/minigames (podium|podiums) setId <position> <id>''' - Set the NPC id of a podium position
* '''/minigames (save|write) [arena]''' - Write an arena to disk
* '''/minigames signs join <arena>''' - Create a join sign
* '''/minigames addSpawnpoint [arena] [team]''' - Add a team spawnpoint
* '''/minigames (podium|podiums) tp <position>''' - Teleport to a podium NPC
* '''/minigames signs flag <team>''' - Create a flag sign
* '''/minigames signs quit''' - Create a quit sign
* '''/minigames invite [arena] [--mechanic]''' - Invite players to a match
* '''/minigames (quit|leave)''' - Quit your current minigame
* '''/minigames (podium|podiums) (getId|getIds) [position]''' - Get the ids of the podium NPCs
* '''/minigames accept''' - Accept the last match invite
* '''/minigames modifier random''' - Activate a random minigame modifier
* '''/minigames tokens add <amount> [user]''' - Modify a player's minigame tokens
* '''/minigames debug [arena]''' - Print an arena's properties
* '''/minigames createRegion <arena> <name>''' - Create a region for an arena
* '''/minigames start [arena]''' - Force start a match
* '''/minigames inviteAll [arena] [--mechanic]''' - Invite all players to a match
* '''/minigames schem paste <arena> <name>''' - Paste an arena's schematic at your location
* '''/mobcap <amount>''' - Change the mob cap of a creative plot
* '''/mobcap <amount>''' - Change the mob cap of a creative plot
* '''/mobhead top heads [page]''' - View the mob head leaderboard
* '''/mobhead''' - Open the mob head menu
* '''/mobhead''' - Open the mob head menu
* '''/mobhead chances get <type>''' - View a mob head's drop chance
* '''/mobhead chances get <type>''' - View a mob head's drop chance
* '''/mobhead top kills [page]''' - View the mob kill leaderboard
* '''/mobhead chances set <type> <chance>''' - Set a mob head's drop chance
* '''/mobhead chances validate''' - Validate whether all entity types have a configured drop chance
* '''/mobhead chances validate''' - Validate whether all entity types have a configured drop chance
* '''/mobhead debug [enable]''' - Toggle debug mode
* '''/mobhead get <type>''' - Spawn a mob head
* '''/mobhead get <type>''' - Spawn a mob head
* '''/mobhead chances set <type> <chance>''' - Set a mob head's drop chance
* '''/mobhead top heads [page]''' - View the mob head leaderboard
* '''/mobhead top kills [page]''' - View the mob kill leaderboard
* '''/mobhead validate types''' - Validate whether all entity types have configured mob heads
* '''/mobhead validate types''' - Validate whether all entity types have configured mob heads
* '''/mobhead debug [enable]''' - Toggle debug mode
* '''/modreview <mod>''' - View whether a mod is allowed on the server
* '''/modreview set notes <mod> [notes...]''' - Set the notes for a mod
* '''/modreview''' - View all reviewed mods
* '''/modreview set verdict <mod> <verdict>''' - Set the verdict of a mod
* '''/modreview add <name> <verdict> [notes...]''' - Review a mod and delete its review request if applicable
* '''/modreview requests remove <mod>''' - Delete a pending review request
* '''/modreview alias add <mod> <aliases...>''' - Add an alias to a mod
* '''/modreview alias add <mod> <aliases...>''' - Add an alias to a mod
* '''/modreview alias remove <mod> <aliases...>''' - Remove an alias from a mod
* '''/modreview alias remove <mod> <aliases...>''' - Remove an alias from a mod
* '''/modreview request <name> [notes...]''' - Request a mod to be reviewed by the staff team
* '''/modreview set name <mod> <name>''' - Set the name of a mod
* '''/modreview add <name> <verdict> [notes...]''' - Review a mod and delete its review request if applicable
* '''/modreview delete <mod>''' - Delete a mod review
* '''/modreview delete <mod>''' - Delete a mod review
* '''/modreview''' - View all reviewed mods
* '''/modreview list [page]''' - List reviewed mods
* '''/modreview list [page]''' - List reviewed mods
* '''/modreview <mod>''' - View whether a mod is allowed on the server
* '''/modreview request <name> [notes...]''' - Request a mod to be reviewed by the staff team
* '''/modreview requests [page]''' - View pending review requests
* '''/modreview requests [page]''' - View pending review requests
* '''/modreview requests remove <mod>''' - Delete a pending review request
* '''/modreview set name <mod> <name>''' - Set the name of a mod
* '''/modreview set notes <mod> [notes...]''' - Set the notes for a mod
* '''/modreview set verdict <mod> <verdict>''' - Set the verdict of a mod
* '''/more [amount]''' - Fills the item stack in hand to specified amount, or to maximum size if none is specified
* '''/more [amount]''' - Fills the item stack in hand to specified amount, or to maximum size if none is specified
* '''/motd <text...>''' - Update the server's server list MOTD
* '''/motd <text...>''' - Update the server's server list MOTD
Line 742: Line 742:
* '''/multicommand <commands...>''' - Run multiple commands at once separated by ' ;; '
* '''/multicommand <commands...>''' - Run multiple commands at once separated by ' ;; '
* '''/multifirework''' - Launch 10 randomized fireworks
* '''/multifirework''' - Launch 10 randomized fireworks
* '''/murder kit''' - Receieve the Murder kit
* '''/murder (scraps|scrapoints) show''' - Show all scrap spawn points with client-side emerald blocks
* '''/murder (scraps|scrapoints) add''' - Add a scrap spawn point
* '''/murder (scraps|scrapoints) add''' - Add a scrap spawn point
* '''/murder (scraps|scrapoints) hide''' - Hide scrap spawn points
* '''/murder (scraps|scrapoints) hide''' - Hide scrap spawn points
* '''/murder (scraps|scrapoints) show''' - Show all scrap spawn points with client-side emerald blocks
* '''/murder kit''' - Receieve the Murder kit
* '''/mute <players> [time/reason...] [--now]''' - Mute a player or players
* '''/mute <players> [time/reason...] [--now]''' - Mute a player or players
* '''/mutemenu''' - Hide or mute certain parts of the server, such as chat, automatic broadcasts, and sounds
* '''/mutemenu''' - Hide or mute certain parts of the server, such as chat, automatic broadcasts, and sounds
* '''/myrank <rank>''' - Set your rank
* '''/myrank <rank>''' - Set your rank
* '''/npcutils create <player>''' - Create a player NPC with a colored nickname
* '''/npcutils create <player>''' - Create a player NPC with a colored nickname
* '''/npcutils list [page] [--owner] [--rankGte] [--rankLte] [--world] [--radius] [--spawned]''' - List NPCs with a filter
* '''/npcutils recreateNpc <player>''' - Recreate an NPC in the center of the block with a player's colored nickname
* '''/npcutils recreateNpc <player>''' - Recreate an NPC in the center of the block with a player's colored nickname
* '''/npcutils removeDespawned [--owner] [--world]''' - Delete despawned NPCs
* '''/npcutils rename gradient <colors> <name...>''' - Set an NPC's nameplate to your input with a color gradient
* '''/npcutils rename gradient <colors> <name...>''' - Set an NPC's nameplate to your input with a color gradient
* '''/npcutils setPlayer withColor <player>''' - Set an NPC's nameplate to a player's colored nickname and updates the skin
* '''/npcutils setPlayer withRankPrefix <player>''' - Set an NPC's nameplate to a player's colored rank and nickname and updates the skin
* '''/npcutils void [page]''' - List NPCs in the void
* '''/npcutils void [page]''' - List NPCs in the void
* '''/npcutils removeDespawned [--owner] [--world]''' - Delete despawned NPCs
* '''/npcutils list [page] [--owner] [--rankGte] [--rankLte] [--world] [--radius] [--spawned]''' - List NPCs with a filter
* '''/npcutils setPlayer withRankPrefix <player>''' - Set an NPC's nameplate to a player's colored rank and nickname and updates the skin
* '''/npcutils setPlayer withColor <player>''' - Set an NPC's nameplate to a player's colored nickname and updates the skin
* '''/name <partial/uuid/nickname>''' - View the real name of a player from their nickname, uuid, or partial name
* '''/name <partial/uuid/nickname>''' - View the real name of a player from their nickname, uuid, or partial name
* '''/nameban <player>''' - Ban a player until they change their name
* '''/nameban addWord <word>''' - Add a banned word
* '''/nameban list names [page]''' - List banned names
* '''/nameban list words [page]''' - List banned words
* '''/nameban removeWord <word>''' - Remove a banned word
* '''/nameban removeWord <word>''' - Remove a banned word
* '''/nameban unban <player>''' - Remove a name ban
* '''/nameban unban <player>''' - Remove a name ban
* '''/nameban addWord <word>''' - Add a banned word
* '''/nameplates debug''' - Toggle debug mode
* '''/nameban <player>''' - Ban a player until they change their name
* '''/nameban list words [page]''' - List banned words
* '''/nameban list names [page]''' - List banned names
* '''/nameplates viewSelf [enable]''' - Toggle whether you can see your own nameplate
* '''/nameplates spawn [player]''' - Spawn a player's nameplate
* '''/nameplates debug <player>''' - Debug a player's nameplate
* '''/nameplates debug <player>''' - Debug a player's nameplate
* '''/nameplates debug''' - Toggle debug mode
* '''/nameplates destroy [player]''' - Despawn a player's nameplate
* '''/nameplates npcs fix''' - Attempt to fix NPC nameplates
* '''/nameplates respawn [player]''' - Respawn a player's nameplate
* '''/nameplates respawn [player]''' - Respawn a player's nameplate
* '''/nameplates npcs fix''' - Attempt to fix NPC nameplates
* '''/nameplates spawn [player]''' - Spawn a player's nameplate
* '''/nameplates destroy [player]''' - Despawn a player's nameplate
* '''/nameplates update [player]''' - Update a player's nameplate
* '''/nameplates update [player]''' - Update a player's nameplate
* '''/nameplates viewSelf [enable]''' - Toggle whether you can see your own nameplate
* '''/near [player]''' - View nearby players and their distance from you
* '''/near [player]''' - View nearby players and their distance from you
* '''/nearestblock <material> <radius>''' - Find the nearest block of a certain type
* '''/nearestblock <material> <radius>''' - Find the nearest block of a certain type
* '''/nerd about <about...>''' - Set your About Me
* '''/nerd about <about...>''' - Set your About Me
* '''/nerd getDataFile [player]''' - Generate a paste of a player's NBT data file
* '''/nerd getDataFile [player]''' - Generate a paste of a player's NBT data file
* '''/nerd setFirstJoin <player> <date>''' - Update a player's first join date
* '''/nerd setPromotionDate <player> <date>''' - Update a player's promotion date
* '''/nerd setPromotionDate <player> <date>''' - Update a player's promotion date
* '''/nerd setFirstJoin <player> <date>''' - Update a player's first join date
* '''/newplayers [page]''' - List new players
* '''/newplayers [page]''' - List new players
* '''/newrankcolors print''' - Print your color config's color codes to console for copying
* '''/newrankcolors reset <rank>''' - Reset a rank's color to default
* '''/newrankcolors set <rank> <color>''' - Save a new rank color to your color config
* '''/newrankcolors set <rank> <color>''' - Save a new rank color to your color config
* '''/newrankcolors test <rank> <color>''' - Preview a color on a rank
* '''/newrankcolors view''' - View your rank color config
* '''/newrankcolors view''' - View your rank color config
* '''/newrankcolors print''' - Print your color config's color codes to console for copying
* '''/nexus closeInventory [player]''' - Force close a player's inventory
* '''/newrankcolors test <rank> <color>''' - Preview a color on a rank
* '''/newrankcolors reset <rank>''' - Reset a rank's color to default
* '''/nexus debug [state]''' - Toggle debug mode
* '''/nexus debug [state]''' - Toggle debug mode
* '''/nexus gc''' - Force garbage collection
* '''/nexus getEnv''' - Print current environment
* '''/nexus initializeClass <class>''' - Force initialize a class
* '''/nexus jingles <jingle>''' - Play a jingle
* '''/nexus reload [--excludedConditions]''' - Reload Nexus, or queue a reload if applicable
* '''/nexus reload cancel''' - Cancel a queued reload
* '''/nexus smartInvs''' - View open SmartInvs
* '''/nexus smartInvs''' - View open SmartInvs
* '''/nexus stats''' - View miscellaneous stats
* '''/nexus stats commands [page]''' - View commands stats by plugin
* '''/nexus stats eventHandlers [page]''' - View event handler stats
* '''/nexus temporaryListeners''' - View registered temporary listeners
* '''/nexus temporaryListeners unregisterOffline''' - Unregister temporary listeners for offline players
* '''/nexus updateCommands''' - Call Player#updateCommands
* '''/nexus updateCommands''' - Call Player#updateCommands
* '''/nexus uptime''' - View Nexus uptime
* '''/nexus uptime''' - View Nexus uptime
* '''/nexus closeInventory [player]''' - Force close a player's inventory
* '''/nickname <nickname> [override]''' - Set your nickname
* '''/nexus temporaryListeners''' - View registered temporary listeners
* '''/nexus stats eventHandlers [page]''' - View event handler stats
* '''/nexus temporaryListeners unregisterOffline''' - Unregister temporary listeners for offline players
* '''/nexus stats''' - View miscellaneous stats
* '''/nexus reload cancel''' - Cancel a queued reload
* '''/nexus reload [--excludedConditions]''' - Reload Nexus, or queue a reload if applicable
* '''/nexus jingles <jingle>''' - Play a jingle
* '''/nexus gc''' - Force garbage collection
* '''/nexus getEnv''' - Print current environment
* '''/nexus stats commands [page]''' - View commands stats by plugin
* '''/nexus initializeClass <class>''' - Force initialize a class
* '''/nickname set <player> <nickname>''' - Set a player's nickname
* '''/nickname clearData [player]''' - Clear a player's nickname data
* '''/nickname clearData [player]''' - Clear a player's nickname data
* '''/nickname reset [player]''' - Remove a player's nickname
* '''/nickname reset [player]''' - Remove a player's nickname
* '''/nickname <nickname> [override]''' - Set your nickname
* '''/nickname set <player> <nickname>''' - Set a player's nickname
* '''/nightvision [state]''' - Toggle night vision
* '''/nightvision [state]''' - Toggle night vision
* '''/objectives setLocation <player> <objective>''' - Update an objective's location
* '''/objectives activate <player> <objective>''' - Activate an objective
* '''/objectives create <player> <id> [description...]''' - Create an objective at your current location
* '''/objectives remove <player> <objective> [--activateNext]''' - Remove an objective
* '''/objectives remove <player> <objective> [--activateNext]''' - Remove an objective
* '''/objectives create <player> <id> [description...]''' - Create an objective at your current location
* '''/objectives activate <player> <objective>''' - Activate an objective
* '''/objectives setDescription <player> <objective> <description>''' - Update an objective's description
* '''/objectives setDescription <player> <objective> <description>''' - Update an objective's description
* '''/objectives setLocation <player> <objective>''' - Update an objective's location
* '''/online''' - List online players and view basic information about them
* '''/online''' - List online players and view basic information about them
* '''/onlinestaff''' - View online staff members
* '''/onlinestaff''' - View online staff members
* '''/op <player>''' - Op a staff member
* '''/op <player>''' - Op a staff member
* '''/pvp [enable]''' - Toggle PVP
* '''/pvp keepInventory [enable]''' - Toggle keeping your inventory and experience when dying in PVP
* '''/pvp keepInventory [enable]''' - Toggle keeping your inventory and experience when dying in PVP
* '''/pvp [enable]''' - Toggle PVP
* '''/parkour checkpoints add <course>''' - Add pitch & yaw sensitive checkpoints that players will be teleported back to when they fall (incl. start)
* '''/parkour leaderboard <course> [page]''' - View course leaderboard
* '''/parkour checkpoints clear <course>''' - Delete all checkpoints for a parkour course
* '''/parkour checkpoints clear <course>''' - Delete all checkpoints for a parkour course
* '''/parkour checkpoints add <course>''' - Add pitch & yaw sensitive checkpoints that players will be teleported back to when they fall (incl. start)
* '''/parkour checkpoints tp <course> <checkpoint>''' - Teleport to a parkour course's checkpoints
* '''/parkour create <course>''' - Create a new lobby parkour course
* '''/parkour delete <course>''' - Delete a lobby parkour course
* '''/parkour hologram update <course>''' - Update the parkour leaderboard hologram with the latest data
* '''/parkour hologram update <course>''' - Update the parkour leaderboard hologram with the latest data
* '''/parkour create <course>''' - Create a new lobby parkour course
* '''/parkour leaderboard <course> [page]''' - View course leaderboard
* '''/parkour quit''' - Quit your current lobby parkour course and teleport out
* '''/parkour reset''' - Teleport to the start of your current lobby parkour course
* '''/parkour reset''' - Teleport to the start of your current lobby parkour course
* '''/parkour checkpoints tp <course> <checkpoint>''' - Teleport to a parkour course's checkpoints
* '''/parkour quit''' - Quit your current lobby parkour course and teleport out
* '''/parkour delete <course>''' - Delete a lobby parkour course
* '''/particleimages''' - List available particle images
* '''/particleimages''' - List available particle images
* '''/particles''' - Open the particles menu
* '''/particles''' - Open the particles menu
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* '''/particles stop <effectType>''' - Stop a particle effect
* '''/particles stop <effectType>''' - Stop a particle effect
* '''/particles stopall''' - Stop all particle effects
* '''/particles stopall''' - Stop all particle effects
* '''/party promote <player>''' - Promote a party member to party leader
* '''/party close''' - Require invites to join your party
* '''/party disband''' - Disband your current party
* '''/party info''' - View information about your party
* '''/party invite <player>''' - Invite a player to your party
* '''/party join <player>''' - Join a player's open party
* '''/party kick <player>''' - Kick a player from your party
* '''/party kick <player>''' - Kick a player from your party
* '''/party leave''' - Leave your current party
* '''/party leave''' - Leave your current party
* '''/party invite <player>''' - Invite a player to your party
* '''/party join <player>''' - Join a player's open party
* '''/party disband''' - Disband your current party
* '''/party close''' - Require invites to join your party
* '''/party open''' - Allow anyone to join your party without invites
* '''/party open''' - Allow anyone to join your party without invites
* '''/party info''' - View information about your party
* '''/party promote <player>''' - Promote a party member to party leader
* '''/pastnames <target>''' - View known previous names of a player
* '''/pastnames <target>''' - View known previous names of a player
* '''/pay <player> <amount> [reason...] [--world]''' - Send a player money
* '''/pay history [player] [page] [--world]''' - View recent payment transactions
* '''/pay history [player] [page] [--world]''' - View recent payment transactions
* '''/pay <player> <amount> [reason...] [--world]''' - Send a player money
* '''/permcheck <player> <permission>''' - Check if a player has a permission
* '''/permcheck <player> <permission>''' - Check if a player has a permission
* '''/permcheck <permission>''' - Check if you have a permission
* '''/permcheck <permission>''' - Check if you have a permission
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* '''/ping [player]''' - Check your connection speed to the server
* '''/ping [player]''' - Check your connection speed to the server
* '''/playeraliases''' - List your aliases
* '''/playeraliases''' - List your aliases
* '''/playeraliases add <player> <alias>''' - Define an alias for a player
* '''/playeraliases list [player]''' - List a player's aliases
* '''/playeraliases remove <player> <alias>''' - Remove an alias from a player
* '''/playeraliases remove <player> <alias>''' - Remove an alias from a player
* '''/playeraliases list [player]''' - List a player's aliases
* '''/playeraliases add <player> <alias>''' - Define an alias for a player
* '''/playerhead [owner]''' - Receive a player's skull
* '''/playerhead [owner]''' - Receive a player's skull
* '''/playerhead getId''' - Print the HeadDatabase ID of the head you are holding or looking at
* '''/playerhead getId''' - Print the HeadDatabase ID of the head you are holding or looking at
* '''/playernotes search <keyword...>''' - Search all notes for key words
* '''/playernotes <player>''' - View staff notes on a player
* '''/playernotes add <player> <note...>''' - Write a note
* '''/playernotes add <player> <note...>''' - Write a note
* '''/playernotes <player>''' - View staff notes on a player
* '''/playernotes remove <player> <id>''' - Delete a note
* '''/playernotes remove <player> <id>''' - Delete a note
* '''/playernotes search <keyword...>''' - Search all notes for key words
* '''/playersearch <name> [amount]''' - Search for a player with a partial name
* '''/playersearch <name> [amount]''' - Search for a player with a partial name
* '''/playertime <time> [player]''' - Change your client-side time of day
* '''/playertime reset''' - Sync your time with the server
* '''/playertime reset''' - Sync your time with the server
* '''/playertime <time> [player]''' - Change your client-side time of day
* '''/playerweather <weather>''' - Change your client-side weather
* '''/playerweather off''' - Set your client-side weather to clear
* '''/playerweather off''' - Set your client-side weather to clear
* '''/playerweather <weather>''' - Change your client-side weather
* '''/playerweather reset''' - Sync your weather with the server
* '''/playerweather reset''' - Sync your weather with the server
* '''/plotredstone''' - Toggle redstone on a creative plot
* '''/plotredstone''' - Toggle redstone on a creative plot
* '''/podiums update <leaderboard>''' - Update a podium
* '''/podiums update <leaderboard>''' - Update a podium
* '''/powertool [string...]''' - Tie a command to an item
* '''/powertool [string...]''' - Tie a command to an item
* '''/powertool toggle''' - Toggle running commands with powertools
* '''/powertool clear''' - Deactivate all powertools
* '''/powertool clear''' - Deactivate all powertools
* '''/powertool list''' - List active powertools
* '''/powertool list''' - List active powertools
* '''/preferrednames remove <name>''' - Remove a preferred name
* '''/powertool toggle''' - Toggle running commands with powertools
* '''/preferrednames [player]''' - View a player's preferred names
* '''/preferrednames [player]''' - View a player's preferred names
* '''/preferrednames add <name>''' - Add a preferred name
* '''/preferrednames add <name>''' - Add a preferred name
* '''/preferrednames remove <name>''' - Remove a preferred name
* '''/prefix <prefix...>''' - Set your prefix
* '''/prefix copy [player]''' - Print your prefix to chat for copying
* '''/prefix gradient <colors> <prefix...>''' - Set your prefix with a color gradient
* '''/prefix rainbow <prefix...>''' - Set your prefix with a rainbow gradient
* '''/prefix reset [player]''' - Reset your prefix
* '''/prefix test <prefix...>''' - Preview a prefix in chat
* '''/prefix test <prefix...>''' - Preview a prefix in chat
* '''/prefix copy [player]''' - Print your prefix to chat for copying
* '''/prefix test gradient <colors> <prefix...>''' - Preview a prefix with a color gradient in chat
* '''/prefix test gradient <colors> <prefix...>''' - Preview a prefix with a color gradient in chat
* '''/prefix test rainbow <prefix...>''' - Preview a prefix with a rainbow gradient in chat
* '''/prefix test rainbow <prefix...>''' - Preview a prefix with a rainbow gradient in chat
* '''/prefix reset [player]''' - Reset your prefix
* '''/prefix rainbow <prefix...>''' - Set your prefix with a rainbow gradient
* '''/prefix <prefix...>''' - Set your prefix
* '''/prefix gradient <colors> <prefix...>''' - Set your prefix with a color gradient
* '''/profile [player]''' - View a player's profile
* '''/profile [player]''' - View a player's profile
* '''/promote <player>''' - Promote a player to the next rank up
* '''/promote <player>''' - Promote a player to the next rank up
* '''/pronouns [user]''' - View a player's pronouns
* '''/pronouns [user]''' - View a player's pronouns
* '''/pronouns add <pronoun> [user]''' - Add a pronoun to your pronouns
* '''/pronouns remove <pronoun> [user]''' - Remove a pronoun from your pronouns
* '''/pronouns remove <pronoun> [user]''' - Remove a pronoun from your pronouns
* '''/pronouns add <pronoun> [user]''' - Add a pronoun to your pronouns
* '''/protection''' - View the different types of protection offered on the server
* '''/protection''' - View the different types of protection offered on the server
* '''/punishments''' - General guideline for punishments
* '''/punishments''' - General guideline for punishments
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* '''/queup''' - Receive a link to the server's QueUp
* '''/queup''' - Receive a link to the server's QueUp
* '''/queup updates [enable]''' - Toggle listening for song updates
* '''/queup updates [enable]''' - Toggle listening for song updates
* '''/questwarps reset <name>''' - Update a warp's location
* '''/questwarps <name>''' - Teleport to a warp
* '''/questwarps <name>''' - Teleport to a warp
* '''/questwarps (list|warps) [filter]''' - List available warps
* '''/questwarps (list|warps) [filter]''' - List available warps
* '''/questwarps (rm|remove|delete|del) <name>''' - Delete a warp
* '''/questwarps (rm|remove|delete|del) <name>''' - Delete a warp
* '''/questwarps (set|create) <name>''' - Create a new warp
* '''/questwarps (teleport|tp|warp) <name>''' - Teleport to a warp
* '''/questwarps nearest''' - View the nearest warp
* '''/questwarps nearest''' - View the nearest warp
* '''/questwarps reset <name>''' - Update a warp's location
* '''/questwarps tp nearest''' - Teleport to the nearest warp
* '''/questwarps tp nearest''' - Teleport to the nearest warp
* '''/questwarps (set|create) <name>''' - Create a new warp
* '''/questwarps (teleport|tp|warp) <name>''' - Teleport to a warp
* '''/quickaction <player>''' - View a menu with common actions to perform on a player (ie teleport, message, pay)
* '''/quickaction <player>''' - View a menu with common actions to perform on a player (ie teleport, message, pay)
* '''/radio config addSong <radio> <song>''' - Add a song to a radio
* '''/radio config create <type> <id> [radius]''' - Create a radio
* '''/radio config delete <id>''' - Delete the radio
* '''/radio config disable <radio>''' - Disable the radio
* '''/radio config enable <radio>''' - Enable the radio
* '''/radio config enable <radio>''' - Enable the radio
* '''/radio config reload <radio>''' - Recreate a radio
* '''/radio config reload <radio>''' - Recreate a radio
* '''/radio toggle''' - Toggles in between joining and leaving the server radio
* '''/radio config removeSong <radio> <song>''' - Remove a song from a radio
* '''/radio config removeSong <radio> <song>''' - Remove a song from a radio
* '''/radio teleport <radio>''' - Teleport to the location of the radio
* '''/radio config setId <radio> <id>''' - Set the id of the radio
* '''/radio mute [enable]''' - Mute all radios
* '''/radio config create <type> <id> [radius]''' - Create a radio
* '''/radio config setLocation <radio>''' - Set the location of the radio to your current location
* '''/radio config setLocation <radio>''' - Set the location of the radio to your current location
* '''/radio config setParticles <radio> <enable>''' - Toggle the particles of the radio
* '''/radio config setRadius <radio> <radius>''' - Set the radius of the radio
* '''/radio config setRadius <radio> <radius>''' - Set the radius of the radio
* '''/radio config addSong <radio> <song>''' - Add a song to a radio
* '''/radio leave''' - Leave the listened radio
* '''/radio volume <number>''' - Sets the volume for all radios
* '''/radio debugUser <player>''' - Display data of a user
* '''/radio players <radio>''' - Lists all players listening to the server radio
* '''/radio config setType <radio> <type>''' - Set the radio type
* '''/radio config setType <radio> <type>''' - Set the radio type
* '''/radio config setId <radio> <id>''' - Set the id of the radio
* '''/radio config setParticles <radio> <enable>''' - Toggle the particles of the radio
* '''/radio config delete <id>''' - Delete the radio
* '''/radio debugRadio <radio>''' - Display data of a radio
* '''/radio debugRadio <radio>''' - Display data of a radio
* '''/radio reload''' - Reloads the config, and remakes every radio
* '''/radio debugUser <player>''' - Display data of a user
* '''/radio info''' - Shows info about the radio you are listening to
* '''/radio info''' - Shows info about the radio you are listening to
* '''/radio config disable <radio>''' - Disable the radio
* '''/radio join [radio]''' - Join a radio
* '''/radio join [radio]''' - Join a radio
* '''/radio leave''' - Leave the listened radio
* '''/radio mute [enable]''' - Mute all radios
* '''/radio players <radio>''' - Lists all players listening to the server radio
* '''/radio reload''' - Reloads the config, and remakes every radio
* '''/radio teleport <radio>''' - Teleport to the location of the radio
* '''/radio toggle''' - Toggles in between joining and leaving the server radio
* '''/radio volume <number>''' - Sets the volume for all radios
* '''/rainbowarmor''' - Toggle rainbow armor
* '''/rainbowarmor menu''' - Open the rainbow armor configuration menu
* '''/rainbowarmor speed <speed>''' - Modify the animation speed
* '''/rainbowarmor speed <speed>''' - Modify the animation speed
* '''/rainbowarmor menu''' - Open the rainbow armor configuration menu
* '''/rainbowbeacon delete [player]''' - Delete a rainbow beacon
* '''/rainbowarmor''' - Toggle rainbow armor
* '''/rainbowbeacon list''' - List active rainbow beacons
* '''/rainbowbeacon start [player]''' - Activate a rainbow beacon
* '''/rainbowbeacon stop [player]''' - Deactivate a rainbow beacon
* '''/rainbowbeacon stop [player]''' - Deactivate a rainbow beacon
* '''/rainbowbeacon start [player]''' - Activate a rainbow beacon
* '''/rainbowbeacon tp [player]''' - Teleport to your rainbow beacon
* '''/rainbowbeacon tp [player]''' - Teleport to your rainbow beacon
* '''/rainbowbeacon list''' - List active rainbow beacons
* '''/rainbowbeacon delete [player]''' - Delete a rainbow beacon
* '''/randomteleport [world]''' - Teleport to a random location in the Survival or Resource overworld
* '''/randomteleport [world]''' - Teleport to a random location in the Survival or Resource overworld
* '''/ranks''' - View the available ranks on the server
* '''/ranks guide''' - Learn how to progress through the ranks
* '''/ranks guide''' - Learn how to progress through the ranks
* '''/ranks of <player>''' - Retrieve the rank of the specified player
* '''/ranks of <player>''' - Retrieve the rank of the specified player
* '''/ranks''' - View the available ranks on the server
* '''/reachwatch <player>''' - Monitor a player's reach
* '''/reachwatch <player>''' - Monitor a player's reach
* '''/reboot [--excludedConditions]''' - Queues a reboot as soon as possible
* '''/reboot cancel''' - Cancel a pending reboot
* '''/reboot cancel''' - Cancel a pending reboot
* '''/reboot passive [--excludedConditions]''' - Queues a reboot for when there are no active players
* '''/reboot passive [--excludedConditions]''' - Queues a reboot for when there are no active players
* '''/reboot [--excludedConditions]''' - Queues a reboot as soon as possible
* '''/recipes all''' - Learn all recipes
* '''/recipes none''' - Unlearn all recipes
* '''/recipes none''' - Unlearn all recipes
* '''/recipes all''' - Learn all recipes
* '''/redhanded <players(s)>''' - Freeze a player or players, force them to local chat and unvanish to confront them
* '''/redhanded <players(s)>''' - Freeze a player or players, force them to local chat and unvanish to confront them
* '''/reddit''' - Receive a link to the server's Reddit
* '''/reddit''' - Receive a link to the server's Reddit
* '''/referral''' - Tell us how you found the server
* '''/referral''' - Tell us how you found the server
* '''/referral debug [player]''' - Debug a player's referral data
* '''/referral extraInputs [page]''' - View all manual inputs
* '''/referral stats''' - View stats showing which sites give us the most traffic
* '''/referral turnover''' - View stats showing which site gives us the best traffic
* '''/referral turnover''' - View stats showing which site gives us the best traffic
* '''/referral who has playtime <playtime> from <site> [page]''' - List players who have at least the provided playtime and were referred from the provided site
* '''/referral who has rank <rank> from <site> [page]''' - List players who have the provided rank and were referred from the provided site
* '''/referral who has rank <rank> from <site> [page]''' - List players who have the provided rank and were referred from the provided site
* '''/referral who has playtime <playtime> from <site> [page]''' - List players who have at least the provided playtime and were referred from the provided site
* '''/referral extraInputs [page]''' - View all manual inputs
* '''/referral debug [player]''' - Debug a player's referral data
* '''/referral stats''' - View stats showing which sites give us the most traffic
* '''/referral who has read rules from <site> [page]''' - List players who have read the rules and were referred from the provided site
* '''/referral who has read rules from <site> [page]''' - List players who have read the rules and were referred from the provided site
* '''/regionrename <region> <newName>''' - Rename a WorldGuard region
* '''/regionrename <region> <newName>''' - Rename a WorldGuard region
* '''/regionutils getRegionsAt''' - View regions at your current location
* '''/regionutils getRegionsLikeAt <filter>''' - View regions matching a filter at your current location
* '''/regionutils getRegionsLikeAt <filter>''' - View regions matching a filter at your current location
* '''/regionutils getRegionsAt''' - View regions at your current location
* '''/reminders create <id> <text...>''' - Create a reminder
* '''/reminders delete <id>''' - Delete specified reminders
* '''/reminders edit <id>''' - Edit reminders that already exist
* '''/reminders edit <id>''' - Edit reminders that already exist
* '''/reminders test <player> <reminder>''' - Test if a player will receive a specific reminder
* '''/reminders list [page]''' - List created reminders
* '''/reminders motd [player]''' - View the MOTD
* '''/reminders motd [player]''' - View the MOTD
* '''/reminders list [page]''' - List created reminders
* '''/reminders reload''' - Reload reminders
* '''/reminders testCondition <player> <reminder>''' - Test if a player has met the conditions for a specific reminder
* '''/reminders delete <id>''' - Delete specified reminders
* '''/reminders save''' - Saves all reminders to the spreadsheet
* '''/reminders save''' - Saves all reminders to the spreadsheet
* '''/reminders setInterval <seconds>''' - Edit how often reminders appears in chat
* '''/reminders show <player> <reminder>''' - Show a player a certain reminder in chat
* '''/reminders show <player> <reminder>''' - Show a player a certain reminder in chat
* '''/reminders setInterval <seconds>''' - Edit how often reminders appears in chat
* '''/reminders test <player> <reminder>''' - Test if a player will receive a specific reminder
* '''/reminders reload''' - Reload reminders
* '''/reminders testCondition <player> <reminder>''' - Test if a player has met the conditions for a specific reminder
* '''/reminders create <id> <text...>''' - Create a reminder
* '''/reply [message...]''' - Reply to your last private message
* '''/reply [message...]''' - Reply to your last private message
* '''/report <player> <reason...>''' - Report a player to the staff team
* '''/report <player> <reason...>''' - Report a player to the staff team
* '''/resourcepack reload''' - Update the resource pack cache
* '''/resourcepack statuses''' - View the resource pack status of all online players
* '''/resourcepack''' - Download the resource pack
* '''/resourcepack''' - Download the resource pack
* '''/resourcepack status [player]''' - View a player's resource pack status and version
* '''/resourcepack deploy [--force] [--silent]''' - Compress and update the resource pack
* '''/resourcepack menu [folder]''' - Open the resource pack menu
* '''/resourcepack hash [--update]''' - Force update the resource pack hash
* '''/resourcepack hash [--update]''' - Force update the resource pack hash
* '''/resourcepack local [enabled]''' - Tell the server you have the resource pack installed locally
* '''/resourcepack local [enabled]''' - Tell the server you have the resource pack installed locally
* '''/resourcepack deploy [--force] [--silent]''' - Compress and update the resource pack
* '''/resourcepack menu [folder]''' - Open the resource pack menu
* '''/resourceworld setup''' - Set up a new resource world
* '''/resourcepack reload''' - Update the resource pack cache
* '''/resourceworld reset''' - Archive the existing resource world and generate a new world
* '''/resourcepack status [player]''' - View a player's resource pack status and version
* '''/resourcepack statuses''' - View the resource pack status of all online players
* '''/resourceworld''' - Teleport to the resource world
* '''/resourceworld logger add''' - Add all blocks in your selection the resource market logger
* '''/resourceworld logger add''' - Add all blocks in your selection the resource market logger
* '''/resourceworld''' - Teleport to the resource world
* '''/resourceworld logger count''' - Count the number of coordinates logged
* '''/resourceworld logger count''' - Count the number of coordinates logged
* '''/resourceworld reset''' - Archive the existing resource world and generate a new world
* '''/resourceworld setup''' - Set up a new resource world
* '''/restoreinventory <player> <pastecode>''' - Restore a player's inventory from a paste of a Multiverse backup
* '''/restoreinventory <player> <pastecode>''' - Restore a player's inventory from a paste of a Multiverse backup
* '''/rules''' - View the server's rules
* '''/rules''' - View the server's rules
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* '''/scheduledjobs stats''' - View jobs stats
* '''/scheduledjobs stats''' - View jobs stats
* '''/schematicbrush <schematic>''' - Create a schematic brush tool
* '''/schematicbrush <schematic>''' - Create a schematic brush tool
* '''/scoreboard reset''' - Reset settings to default
* '''/scoreboard [on/off]''' - Turn the scoreboard on or off
* '''/scoreboard [on/off]''' - Turn the scoreboard on or off
* '''/scoreboard edit''' - Control which lines you want to see
* '''/scoreboard edit''' - Control which lines you want to see
* '''/scoreboardteamutils teamsOf <player> [page]''' - View the scoreboard teams a player belongs to
* '''/scoreboard reset''' - Reset settings to default
* '''/scoreboardteamutils cleanup''' - Remove empty scoreboard teams
* '''/scoreboardteamutils count''' - Count empty and non-empty scoreboard teams
* '''/scoreboardteamutils count''' - Count empty and non-empty scoreboard teams
* '''/scoreboardteamutils list [page] [--empty]''' - List scoreboard teams
* '''/scoreboardteamutils list [page] [--empty]''' - List scoreboard teams
* '''/scoreboardteamutils cleanup''' - Remove empty scoreboard teams
* '''/scoreboardteamutils teamsOf <player> [page]''' - View the scoreboard teams a player belongs to
* '''/seen [player]''' - Check when a player was last online, or how long they have been online
* '''/seen [player]''' - Check when a player was last online, or how long they have been online
* '''/selectionteleport''' - Teleport to the center of your selection
* '''/selectionteleport''' - Teleport to the center of your selection
* '''/serialize hashmap initialized database''' - Test database serialization and deserialization of an initialized map
* '''/serialize hashmap uninitialized database''' - Test database serialization and deserialization of an uninitialized map
* '''/serialize inventory database''' - Test database inventory serialization and deserialization
* '''/serialize inventory database''' - Test database inventory serialization and deserialization
* '''/serialize item database''' - Test database item serialization and deserialization
* '''/serialize item fromJson <json|paste>''' - Deserialize an item from JSON
* '''/serialize item fromJson <json|paste>''' - Deserialize an item from JSON
* '''/serialize item database''' - Test database item serialization and deserialization
* '''/serialize hashmap uninitialized database''' - Test database serialization and deserialization of an uninitialized map
* '''/serialize item toJson''' - Serialize an item to JSON
* '''/serialize item toJson''' - Serialize an item to JSON
* '''/serialize hashmap initialized database''' - Test database serialization and deserialization of an initialized map
* '''/sethome [name]''' - Set a new home or update a home's location
* '''/sethome <player> <name>''' - Set a new home for another player or update a home's location
* '''/sethome <player> <name>''' - Set a new home for another player or update a home's location
* '''/sethome [name]''' - Set a new home or update a home's location
* '''/setrank <player> <rank>''' - Set a player's rank
* '''/setrank <player> <rank>''' - Set a player's rank
* '''/shop''' - Open the shops menu
* '''/shop <player>''' - Open a player's shop
* '''/shop <player>''' - Open a player's shop
* '''/shop list''' - List available shops
* '''/shop collect''' - Collect items sold to you or items that didnt fit in your inventory
* '''/shop collect''' - Collect items sold to you or items that didnt fit in your inventory
* '''/shop edit''' - Edit your shop
* '''/shop history [player] [page] [--world]''' - View your shop transaction history
* '''/shop items''' - Browse all available items on the store
* '''/shop items''' - Browse all available items on the store
* '''/shop''' - Open the shops menu
* '''/shop list''' - List available shops
* '''/shop history [player] [page] [--world]''' - View your shop transaction history
* '''/shop edit''' - Edit your shop
* '''/shop search <item...>''' - Search the shop for an item
* '''/shop search <item...>''' - Search the shop for an item
* '''/showitem <hand|offhand|helmet|chestplate|leggings|boots> [message...]''' - Display an item in chat
* '''/showitem <hand|offhand|helmet|chestplate|leggings|boots> [message...]''' - Display an item in chat
* '''/shrug''' - Insert a shrug emote at the end of your message
* '''/shrug''' - Insert a shrug emote at the end of your message
* '''/sidewayslogs [state]''' - Toggle locking log placement to the vertical orientation
* '''/sidewayslogs [state]''' - Toggle locking log placement to the vertical orientation
* '''/sidewaysstairs reset''' - Remove all stair orientation configuration
* '''/sidewaysstairs <state>''' - Toggle stair orientation handling
* '''/sidewaysstairs <state>''' - Toggle stair orientation handling
* '''/sidewaysstairs copy [modification]''' - Copy the direction and slope of an existing stair
* '''/sidewaysstairs copy [modification]''' - Copy the direction and slope of an existing stair
* '''/sidewaysstairs reset''' - Remove all stair orientation configuration
* '''/sidewaysstairs set direction <direction>''' - Lock placement of stairs to a certain direction
* '''/sidewaysstairs set slope [orientation]''' - Lock placement of stairs to normal or inverted
* '''/sidewaysstairs set slope [orientation]''' - Lock placement of stairs to normal or inverted
* '''/sidewaysstairs set direction <direction>''' - Lock placement of stairs to a certain direction
* '''/signlines [arguments...]''' - Modify a sign's contents
* '''/signlines [arguments...]''' - Modify a sign's contents
* '''/sit''' - Sit on the block you're looking at
* '''/sit''' - Sit on the block you're looking at
* '''/skinban <player>''' - Ban a player until they change their skin
* '''/skinban list [page]''' - List skin banned players
* '''/skinban list [page]''' - List skin banned players
* '''/skinban <player>''' - Ban a player until they change their skin
* '''/skinban unban <player>''' - Remove a skin ban
* '''/skinban unban <player>''' - Remove a skin ban
* '''/skincache cacheShopHeads''' - Cache all skins that appear in the shops menu
* '''/skincache getHead [player]''' - Get the cached head of a player
* '''/skincache getHead [player]''' - Get the cached head of a player
* '''/skincache getLastChange [player]''' - View the last time a player changed their skin
* '''/skincache update [player]''' - Refresh a player's cached skin
* '''/skincache update [player]''' - Refresh a player's cached skin
* '''/skincache updateAll''' - Update the cached skins of all online players
* '''/skincache updateAll''' - Update the cached skins of all online players
* '''/skincache cacheShopHeads''' - Cache all skins that appear in the shops menu
* '''/skincache getLastChange [player]''' - View the last time a player changed their skin
* '''/skinify [player]''' - Open a link to our skin generator
* '''/skinify [player]''' - Open a link to our skin generator
* '''/slap <player>''' - Slap a player
* '''/slap <player>''' - Slap a player
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* '''/sneak''' - Crouch
* '''/sneak''' - Crouch
* '''/snoweffect [on|off]''' - Toggle the custom snow effect in applicable regions
* '''/snoweffect [on|off]''' - Toggle the custom snow effect in applicable regions
* '''/snowlayers fixGrass [radius]''' - Set nearby grass to be snowy if covered by snow
* '''/snowlayers fixOverlay [radius]''' - Remove snow layers on top of snow layers
* '''/snowlayers overlay <radius> <topBlockOnly> <materials>''' - Overlay nearby blocks with a layer of snow
* '''/snowlayers overlay <radius> <topBlockOnly> <materials>''' - Overlay nearby blocks with a layer of snow
* '''/snowlayers fixOverlay [radius]''' - Remove snow layers on top of snow layers
* '''/snowlayers set <layers>''' - Set your current location to snow with the provided amount of layers
* '''/snowlayers set <layers>''' - Set your current location to snow with the provided amount of layers
* '''/snowlayers fixGrass [radius]''' - Set nearby grass to be snowy if covered by snow
* '''/socialmedia unlink <site> [player]''' - Unlink your social media account
* '''/socialmedia mature [player]''' - Mark social media accounts as 18+ only
* '''/socialmedia''' - View links to all of our social media sites
* '''/socialmedia''' - View links to all of our social media sites
* '''/socialmedia link <site> <username> [player]''' - Link your social media account
* '''/socialmedia [player]''' - View a player's linked social media accounts
* '''/socialmedia [player]''' - View a player's linked social media accounts
* '''/socialmedia getNamedItem <site>''' - Spawn a social media site's custom item
* '''/socialmedia getNamedItem <site>''' - Spawn a social media site's custom item
* '''/socialmedia link <site> <username> [player]''' - Link your social media account
* '''/socialmedia mature [player]''' - Mark social media accounts as 18+ only
* '''/socialmedia unlink <site> [player]''' - Unlink your social media account
* '''/soundmenu [integer]''' - Open the sound menu
* '''/soundmenu [integer]''' - Open the sound menu
* '''/soundmenu changePitch <number>''' - Update the pitch at which sounds play at
* '''/soundmenu play <sound>''' - Play a sound
* '''/soundmenu togglePlayTo''' - Toggle playing the sounds to other players
* '''/soundmenu togglePlayTo''' - Toggle playing the sounds to other players
* '''/soundmenu play <sound>''' - Play a sound
* '''/soundmenu changePitch <number>''' - Update the pitch at which sounds play at
* '''/spawn [world]''' - Teleport to your current world's spawn or Hub if there is none
* '''/spawn [world]''' - Teleport to your current world's spawn or Hub if there is none
* '''/spawn force [player]''' - Force a player to their world's spawn and prevent /back
* '''/spawn force [player]''' - Force a player to their world's spawn and prevent /back
* '''/spawnegg <entityType>''' - Receive a spawn egg for the specified entity type
* '''/spawnegg <entityType>''' - Receive a spawn egg for the specified entity type
* '''/spawnentity <entityType> [amount] [reason]''' - Spawn entities
* '''/spawnentity <entityType> [amount] [reason]''' - Spawn entities
* '''/spawnlimits reset allWorlds [type]''' - Reset a spawn limit type in all worlds to default
* '''/spawnlimits copy <type> <fromWorld> <toWorld>''' - Copy a world's spawn limit type to another world
* '''/spawnlimits defaults''' - View default spawn limits
* '''/spawnlimits multiply <type> <multiplier> <fromWorld> <toWorld>''' - Set a world's spawn limit type to a multiple of another world's configuration
* '''/spawnlimits multiply <type> <multiplier> <fromWorld> <toWorld>''' - Set a world's spawn limit type to a multiple of another world's configuration
* '''/spawnlimits copy <type> <fromWorld> <toWorld>''' - Copy a world's spawn limit type to another world
* '''/spawnlimits of [world]''' - View a world's configured spawn limits
* '''/spawnlimits reset <type> [world]''' - Reset a world's spawn limit type to the default value
* '''/spawnlimits reset <type> [world]''' - Reset a world's spawn limit type to the default value
* '''/spawnlimits reset all''' - Reset all spawn limits to default
* '''/spawnlimits reset allTypes [world]''' - Reset all of a world's spawn limit types to default
* '''/spawnlimits reset allWorlds [type]''' - Reset a spawn limit type in all worlds to default
* '''/spawnlimits save''' - Save current spawn limits to a persistent service
* '''/spawnlimits save''' - Save current spawn limits to a persistent service
* '''/spawnlimits reset allTypes [world]''' - Reset all of a world's spawn limit types to default
* '''/spawnlimits of [world]''' - View a world's configured spawn limits
* '''/spawnlimits defaults''' - View default spawn limits
* '''/spawnlimits reset all''' - Reset all spawn limits to default
* '''/spawnlimits set <type> <value> [world]''' - Set a world's spawn limits
* '''/spawnlimits set <type> <value> [world]''' - Set a world's spawn limits
* '''/speed <speed> [player]''' - Set your movement speed
* '''/speed <speed> [player]''' - Set your movement speed
* '''/speed walk reset [player]''' - Reset your walk speed
* '''/speed (r|reset) [player]''' - Reset your fly and walk speed
* '''/speed walk <speed> [player]''' - Set your walk speed
* '''/speed both <speed> [player]''' - Set both your fly and walk speed
* '''/speed both <speed> [player]''' - Set both your fly and walk speed
* '''/speed (r|reset) [player]''' - Reset your fly and walk speed
* '''/speed fly <speed> [player]''' - Set your fly speed
* '''/speed fly <speed> [player]''' - Set your fly speed
* '''/speed fly reset [player]''' - Reset your fly speed
* '''/speed fly reset [player]''' - Reset your fly speed
* '''/speed walk <speed> [player]''' - Set your walk speed
* '''/speed walk reset [player]''' - Reset your walk speed
* '''/staff''' - View all current staff members
* '''/staff''' - View all current staff members
* '''/staffhall update''' - Automatically update all staff hall NPCs
* '''/staffhall''' - Teleport to the staff hall
* '''/staffhall''' - Teleport to the staff hall
* '''/staffhall write''' - Write HTML files to disk for the website
* '''/staffhall config add <group> <npcId> [index]''' - Add an NPC ID to a staff hall room config
* '''/staffhall config remove <group> <npcId>''' - Remove an NPC ID from a staff hall room config
* '''/staffhall config remove <group> <npcId>''' - Remove an NPC ID from a staff hall room config
* '''/staffhall config spawn''' - Spawn all staff hall NPCs
* '''/staffhall config spawn''' - Spawn all staff hall NPCs
* '''/staffhall config add <group> <npcId> [index]''' - Add an NPC ID to a staff hall room config
* '''/staffhall config tp <group> <index>''' - Teleport to a staff hall NPC
* '''/staffhall update''' - Automatically update all staff hall NPCs
* '''/staffhall view <player>''' - View information about a staff member
* '''/staffhall view <player>''' - View information about a staff member
* '''/staffhall config tp <group> <index>''' - Teleport to a staff hall NPC
* '''/staffhall write''' - Write HTML files to disk for the website
* '''/staffhelp''' - Learn how to obtain help from Staff
* '''/staffhelp''' - Learn how to obtain help from Staff
* '''/staffrules''' - View staff rules
* '''/staffrules''' - View staff rules
* '''/staffwarps reset <name>''' - Update a warp's location
* '''/staffwarps <name>''' - Teleport to a warp
* '''/staffwarps <name>''' - Teleport to a warp
* '''/staffwarps (list|warps) [filter]''' - List available warps
* '''/staffwarps (list|warps) [filter]''' - List available warps
* '''/staffwarps (rm|remove|delete|del) <name>''' - Delete a warp
* '''/staffwarps (rm|remove|delete|del) <name>''' - Delete a warp
* '''/staffwarps (set|create) <name>''' - Create a new warp
* '''/staffwarps (teleport|tp|warp) <name>''' - Teleport to a warp
* '''/staffwarps nearest''' - View the nearest warp
* '''/staffwarps nearest''' - View the nearest warp
* '''/staffwarps reset <name>''' - Update a warp's location
* '''/staffwarps tp nearest''' - Teleport to the nearest warp
* '''/staffwarps tp nearest''' - Teleport to the nearest warp
* '''/staffwarps (set|create) <name>''' - Create a new warp
* '''/staffwarps (teleport|tp|warp) <name>''' - Teleport to a warp
* '''/statistics [player]''' - Open the statistics menu
* '''/statistics [player]''' - Open the statistics menu
* '''/statusbar [on|off]''' - Toggle a status bar at the top of your screen
* '''/statusbar [on|off]''' - Toggle a status bar at the top of your screen
* '''/steam''' - Receive a link to the server's Steam group
* '''/steam''' - Receive a link to the server's Steam group
* '''/stonecutter''' - Open a workbench
* '''/stonecutter''' - Open a workbench
* '''/store''' - Get a link to the server store
* '''/store (expire|remove) <package> [player]''' - Expire a package on a player
* '''/store apply <package> [player]''' - Apply a package to a player
* '''/store broadcasts <on/off>''' - Toggle your purchase broadcasts
* '''/store contributors recent [page]''' - View recent contributors
* '''/store coupons create <player> <amount>''' - Create a coupon for a player
* '''/store coupons create <player> <amount>''' - Create a coupon for a player
* '''/store broadcasts <on/off>''' - Toggle your purchase broadcasts
* '''/store coupons list <player>''' - List your available coupon codes
* '''/store''' - Get a link to the server store
* '''/store credit [player]''' - View your store credit
* '''/store packages [player]''' - View which packages you own
* '''/store credit give <player> <amount>''' - Modify a player's store credit
* '''/store credit redeem <amount> [player]''' - Generate a coupon code with store credit
* '''/store credit redeem <amount> [player]''' - Generate a coupon code with store credit
* '''/store credit give <player> <amount>''' - Modify a player's store credit
* '''/store gallery displays updateSkins''' - Update the storey gallery NPC skins
* '''/store credit set <player> <amount>''' - Modify a player's store credit
* '''/store credit set <player> <amount>''' - Modify a player's store credit
* '''/store apply <package> [player]''' - Apply a package to a player
* '''/store credit take <player> <amount>''' - Modify a player's store credit
* '''/store credit [player]''' - View your store credit
* '''/store gallery''' - Teleport to the store gallery
* '''/store gallery''' - Teleport to the store gallery
* '''/store coupons list <player>''' - List your available coupon codes
* '''/store credit take <player> <amount>''' - Modify a player's store credit
* '''/store gallery displays getIds''' - Get the NPC ids of the display NPCs
* '''/store gallery displays getIds''' - Get the NPC ids of the display NPCs
* '''/store contributors recent [page]''' - View recent contributors
* '''/store gallery displays updateSkins''' - Update the storey gallery NPC skins
* '''/store (expire|remove) <package> [player]''' - Expire a package on a player
* '''/store packages [player]''' - View which packages you own
* '''/striplogs behavior <behavior>''' - Change how you strip logs (default, require shift, or prevent)
* '''/striplogs behavior <behavior>''' - Change how you strip logs (default, require shift, or prevent)
* '''/stripmeta''' - Strip name and lore from items
* '''/stripmeta''' - Strip name and lore from items
* '''/sudo <player> <command...>''' - Force a player to run a command
* '''/sudo <player> <command...>''' - Force a player to run a command
* '''/survival''' - Teleport to the survival world spawn
* '''/survival''' - Teleport to the survival world spawn
* '''/tameables (info|view)''' - View the owner of a tameable entity
* '''/tameables count <entityType>''' - Count the animals you own (Must be in loaded chunks)
* '''/tameables count <entityType>''' - Count the animals you own (Must be in loaded chunks)
* '''/tameables find <entityType>''' - Make your nearby animals glow so you can find them
* '''/tameables move''' - Teleport an animal to your location
* '''/tameables sit <entityType>''' - Make all your animals sit
* '''/tameables sit <entityType>''' - Make all your animals sit
* '''/tameables (info|view)''' - View the owner of a tameable entity
* '''/tameables stand <entityType>''' - Make all your animals stand up
* '''/tameables stand <entityType>''' - Make all your animals stand up
* '''/tameables summon <entityType>''' - Summon the animals you own (Must be in loaded chunks)
* '''/tameables transfer <player>''' - Transfer ownership of an animal to another player
* '''/tameables transfer <player>''' - Transfer ownership of an animal to another player
* '''/tameables move''' - Teleport an animal to your location
* '''/tameables summon <entityType>''' - Summon the animals you own (Must be in loaded chunks)
* '''/tameables find <entityType>''' - Make your nearby animals glow so you can find them
* '''/tameables untame''' - Remove ownership of an animal
* '''/tameables untame''' - Remove ownership of an animal
* '''/tasks cancel <id>''' - Cancel a task
* '''/tasks cancel <id>''' - Cancel a task
* '''/tasks list pending [page]''' - List pending tasks
* '''/tasks is queued <id>''' - Check if a task is queued
* '''/tasks is running <id>''' - Check if a task is running
* '''/tasks is running <id>''' - Check if a task is running
* '''/tasks is queued <id>''' - Check if a task is queued
* '''/tasks list active [page]''' - List active tasks
* '''/tasks list active [page]''' - List active tasks
* '''/tasks list pending [page]''' - List pending tasks
* '''/teleport <player> [player] [--keepVelocity]''' - Teleport using a player name, coordinates, or a map link
* '''/teleport <player> [player] [--keepVelocity]''' - Teleport using a player name, coordinates, or a map link
* '''/teleport freeze <player> [enable]''' - Prevent a player from teleporting
* '''/teleport freeze <player> [enable]''' - Prevent a player from teleporting
* '''/teleport generateCommand''' - Print a copyable command that teleports you to your current location
* '''/teleport toggle''' - Toggle preventing lower ranked staff from teleporting to you
* '''/teleport toggle''' - Toggle preventing lower ranked staff from teleporting to you
* '''/teleport generateCommand''' - Print a copyable command that teleports you to your current location
* '''/teleporthere <player>''' - Summon a player to your location
* '''/teleporthere <player>''' - Summon a player to your location
* '''/teleporthererequest <player>''' - Request a player teleport to you
* '''/teleporthererequest <player>''' - Request a player teleport to you
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* '''/ticket <description...>''' - Open a ticket with the staff team
* '''/ticket <description...>''' - Open a ticket with the staff team
* '''/ticketprefilled''' - View a few different options on sending pre-filled tickets to Staff.
* '''/ticketprefilled''' - View a few different options on sending pre-filled tickets to Staff.
* '''/tickets''' - View open tickets
* '''/tickets (tp|teleport) <id>''' - Teleport to the location a ticket was created
* '''/tickets close <id>''' - Close a ticket
* '''/tickets page [page]''' - View your tickets
* '''/tickets reopen <id>''' - Re-open a closed ticket
* '''/tickets stats closed [page]''' - View which staff member has closed the most tickets
* '''/tickets stats closed [page]''' - View which staff member has closed the most tickets
* '''/tickets page [page]''' - View your tickets
* '''/tickets close <id>''' - Close a ticket
* '''/tickets view <id>''' - View detailed information about a ticket
* '''/tickets view <id>''' - View detailed information about a ticket
* '''/tickets''' - View open tickets
* '''/tickets reopen <id>''' - Re-open a closed ticket
* '''/tickets (tp|teleport) <id>''' - Teleport to the location a ticket was created
* '''/time''' - View your current world's time of day
* '''/time''' - View your current world's time of day
* '''/time set <time> [world]''' - Change a world's time of day
* '''/time set <time> [world]''' - Change a world's time of day
* '''/timelock <time...>''' - Lock a world's daylight cycle
* '''/timelock <time...>''' - Lock a world's daylight cycle
* '''/timelock reset''' - Enable a world's daylight cycle
* '''/timelock reset''' - Enable a world's daylight cycle
* '''/titan installed [page]''' - View the most popular Titan versions
* '''/titan installed with <version> [page]''' - View which players are using a specific version of Titan
* '''/titan installed with <version> [page]''' - View which players are using a specific version of Titan
* '''/titan installed [page]''' - View the most popular Titan versions
* '''/titan settings <user>''' - View a player's Titan configuration
* '''/titan settings <user>''' - View a player's Titan configuration
* '''/toggleentitynoise''' - Make an entity silent
* '''/toggleentitynoise''' - Make an entity silent
* '''/top [y]''' - Teleport to the highest block at your location or a specific y value
* '''/top [y]''' - Teleport to the highest block at your location or a specific y value
* '''/trademark''' - Insert a trademark symbol at the end of your message
* '''/trademark''' - Insert a trademark symbol at the end of your message
* '''/transactions volume [startTime] [endTime]''' - Sum all transaction volume
* '''/transactions count [player]''' - Count the number of transactions stored on a player
* '''/transactions count [player]''' - Count the number of transactions stored on a player
* '''/transactions history [player] [page] [--world]''' - View recent transactions
* '''/transactions history [player] [page] [--world]''' - View recent transactions
* '''/transactions volume [startTime] [endTime]''' - Sum all transaction volume
* '''/translator <player>''' - Automatically translate messages from a player
* '''/translator stop [player]''' - Stop automatically translating messages from a player
* '''/translator stop [player]''' - Stop automatically translating messages from a player
* '''/translator <player>''' - Automatically translate messages from a player
* '''/trash''' - Open a menu where you can trash items
* '''/trash''' - Open a menu where you can trash items
* '''/trash <materials...>''' - Trash certain materials from your inventory
* '''/trash <materials...>''' - Trash certain materials from your inventory
* '''/tree [type]''' - Spawn a tree at the block you are looking at
* '''/tree [type]''' - Spawn a tree at the block you are looking at
* '''/trophy''' - Open the trophy menu
* '''/trophy get <trophy>''' - Spawn a trophy item
* '''/trophy get <trophy>''' - Spawn a trophy item
* '''/trophy remove <player> <trophy>''' - Remove a player's access to a trophy
* '''/trophy reset <player>''' - Reset a player's trophies
* '''/trophy reward <player> <trophy>''' - Give a player a trophy
* '''/trophy reward <player> <trophy>''' - Give a player a trophy
* '''/trophy reset <player>''' - Reset a player's trophies
* '''/trust''' - Open the trust menu
* '''/trophy remove <player> <trophy>''' - Remove a player's access to a trophy
* '''/trust <player>''' - Open the trust menu for the specified player
* '''/trophy''' - Open the trophy menu
* '''/trust all <players>''' - Allow specified player(s) to everything
* '''/trust admin all <owner> <players>''' - Give a player access to all of another player's trusts
* '''/trust admin all <owner> <players>''' - Give a player access to all of another player's trusts
* '''/trust admin decorations <owner> <players>''' - Give a player access to another player's decorations
* '''/trust admin homes <owner> <players>''' - Give a player access to another player's homes
* '''/trust admin homes <owner> <players>''' - Give a player access to another player's homes
* '''/trust''' - Open the trust menu
* '''/trust admin locks <owner> <players>''' - Give a player access to another player's locks
* '''/trust admin teleports <owner> <players>''' - Give a player access to teleport to another player without asking
* '''/trust all <players>''' - Allow specified player(s) to everything
* '''/trust decorations <players>''' - Allow specified player(s) to modify decorations
* '''/trust decorations <players>''' - Allow specified player(s) to modify decorations
* '''/trust admin decorations <owner> <players>''' - Give a player access to another player's decorations
* '''/trust locks <players>''' - Allow specified player(s) to all locks
* '''/trust <player>''' - Open the trust menu for the specified player
* '''/trust home <home> <players>''' - Allow specified player(s) to a specific home
* '''/trust home <home> <players>''' - Allow specified player(s) to a specific home
* '''/trust teleports <players>''' - Allow specified player(s) to teleport to you at any time
* '''/trust homes <players>''' - Allow specified player(s) to all homes
* '''/trust homes <players>''' - Allow specified player(s) to all homes
* '''/trust lock <players>''' - Allow specified player(s) to a specific lock
* '''/trust lock <players>''' - Allow specified player(s) to a specific lock
* '''/trust admin teleports <owner> <players>''' - Give a player access to teleport to another player without asking
* '''/trust locks <players>''' - Allow specified player(s) to all locks
* '''/trust admin locks <owner> <players>''' - Give a player access to another player's locks
* '''/trust teleports <players>''' - Allow specified player(s) to teleport to you at any time
* '''/twitch''' - Receive a link to apply for Creator
* '''/twitch''' - Receive a link to apply for Creator
* '''/twitch api status <user>''' - View whether a player is streaming
* '''/twitch api status <user>''' - View whether a player is streaming
* '''/twitter''' - Receive a link to the server's Twitter
* '''/twitter lookForNewTweets''' - Look for new tweets to post in Discord
* '''/twitter lookForNewTweets''' - Look for new tweets to post in Discord
* '''/twitter''' - Receive a link to the server's Twitter
* '''/uuid [player]''' - View a player's UUID
* '''/uuid [player]''' - View a player's UUID
* '''/uuid fromString <input>''' - Create a hashed UUID from your input
* '''/uuid fromString <input>''' - Create a hashed UUID from your input
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* '''/unique''' - View how many unique players have joined the server
* '''/unique''' - View how many unique players have joined the server
* '''/unlimitedelytra [enable]''' - Toggle unlimited elytra
* '''/unlimitedelytra [enable]''' - Toggle unlimited elytra
* '''/untrust lock <players>''' - Remove a player from a lock
* '''/untrust''' - Open the trust menu
* '''/untrust teleports <players>''' - Remove a player's ability to teleport to you without asking
* '''/untrust admin all <owner> <players>''' - Remove a player from all of another player's trusts
* '''/untrust admin decorations <owner> <players>''' - Remove a player's access to another player's decorations
* '''/untrust admin homes <owner> <players>''' - Remove a player's access to another player's homes
* '''/untrust admin locks <owner> <players>''' - Remove a player's access to another player's locks
* '''/untrust admin teleports <owner> <players>''' - Remove a player's ability to teleport to another player without asking
* '''/untrust admin teleports <owner> <players>''' - Remove a player's ability to teleport to another player without asking
* '''/untrust admin homes <owner> <players>''' - Remove a player's access to another player's homes
* '''/untrust all <players>''' - Remove a player from all trusts
* '''/untrust decorations <players>''' - Remove a player's access to your decorations
* '''/untrust home <home> <players>''' - Remove a player's access to a home
* '''/untrust homes <players>''' - Remove a player's access to your homes
* '''/untrust homes <players>''' - Remove a player's access to your homes
* '''/untrust admin all <owner> <players>''' - Remove a player from all of another player's trusts
* '''/untrust lock <players>''' - Remove a player from a lock
* '''/untrust all <players>''' - Remove a player from all trusts
* '''/untrust admin locks <owner> <players>''' - Remove a player's access to another player's locks
* '''/untrust locks <players>''' - Remove a player's access to your locks
* '''/untrust locks <players>''' - Remove a player's access to your locks
* '''/untrust''' - Open the trust menu
* '''/untrust teleports <players>''' - Remove a player's ability to teleport to you without asking
* '''/untrust home <home> <players>''' - Remove a player's access to a home
* '''/untrust admin decorations <owner> <players>''' - Remove a player's access to another player's decorations
* '''/untrust decorations <players>''' - Remove a player's access to your decorations
* '''/unvanish''' - Turns vanish off
* '''/unvanish''' - Turns vanish off
* '''/unvanish creative''' - Turns vanish off and puts you in the Creative channel
* '''/unvanish gameworld''' - Turns vanish off and puts you in the Minigames channel
* '''/unvanish gameworld''' - Turns vanish off and puts you in the Minigames channel
* '''/unvanish creative''' - Turns vanish off and puts you in the Creative channel
* '''/vanish [state]''' - Toggle vanish
* '''/vanish (fj|fakejoin)''' - Send a fake join message
* '''/vanish (fj|fakejoin)''' - Send a fake join message
* '''/vanish (fq|fakequit)''' - Send a fake quit message
* '''/vanish (fq|fakequit)''' - Send a fake quit message
* '''/vanish [state]''' - Toggle vanish
* '''/vanish (ni|nointeract)''' - Toggle preventing interaction while vanished
* '''/vanish (np|nopickup)''' - Toggle preventing picking up items while vanished
* '''/vanish (np|nopickup)''' - Toggle preventing picking up items while vanished
* '''/vanish (ni|nointeract)''' - Toggle preventing interaction while vanished
* '''/vault limit add <user> [amount]''' - Increase a player's vault limit
* '''/vault [page] [user]''' - Open a vault
* '''/vault [page] [user]''' - Open a vault
* '''/vault limit [user]''' - View how many vaults you own
* '''/vault limit [user]''' - View how many vaults you own
* '''/vote write''' - Write HTML vote files to disk for the website
* '''/vault limit add <user> [amount]''' - Increase a player's vault limit
* '''/vote points set <player> <number>''' - Modify a player's vote points
* '''/vote''' - View information about voting and get links to the vote sites
* '''/vote points store buy plot''' - Buy a plot from the vote points store
* '''/vote bestDays allTime [page]''' - View the days with the most votes of all time
* '''/vote bestDays monthly [month] [page]''' - View the days with the most votes in a month
* '''/vote bestDays yearly [year] [page]''' - View the days with the most votes in a year
* '''/vote bestDays yearly [year] [page]''' - View the days with the most votes in a year
* '''/vote points give <player> <number>''' - Modify a player's vote points
* '''/vote endOfMonth [month]''' - Run the end of month task
* '''/vote extra''' - View the extra chances config
* '''/vote extra''' - View the extra chances config
* '''/vote bestDays monthly [month] [page]''' - View the days with the most votes in a month
* '''/vote points take <player> <number>''' - Modify a player's vote points
* '''/vote endOfMonth [month]''' - Run the end of month task
* '''/vote points [player]''' - View your vote points
* '''/vote bestDays allTime [page]''' - View the days with the most votes of all time
* '''/vote''' - View information about voting and get links to the vote sites
* '''/vote history [player] [page]''' - View your voting history
* '''/vote history [player] [page]''' - View your voting history
* '''/vote reminders [enable] [player]''' - Toggle Discord voting reminders
* '''/vote onlineCounts''' - View whether online players have voted
* '''/vote onlineCounts''' - View whether online players have voted
* '''/vote points [player]''' - View your vote points
* '''/vote points give <player> <number>''' - Modify a player's vote points
* '''/vote points set <player> <number>''' - Modify a player's vote points
* '''/vote points store [page]''' - Open the vote points store
* '''/vote points store [page]''' - Open the vote points store
* '''/vote points store buy plot''' - Buy a plot from the vote points store
* '''/vote points take <player> <number>''' - Modify a player's vote points
* '''/vote reminders [enable] [player]''' - Toggle Discord voting reminders
* '''/vote write''' - Write HTML vote files to disk for the website
* '''/voteholo create <text...>''' - Create a hologram
* '''/voteholo delete''' - Delete your hologram
* '''/voteholo delete''' - Delete your hologram
* '''/voteholo create <text...>''' - Create a hologram
* '''/voteholo edit <text...>''' - Edit your hologram
* '''/voteholo edit <text...>''' - Edit your hologram
* '''/voteholo tphere''' - Summon your hologram
* '''/voteholo tphere''' - Summon your hologram
* '''/warn <players> <reason...>''' - Warn a player or players
* '''/warn <players> <reason...>''' - Warn a player or players
* '''/warps reset <name>''' - Update a warp's location
* '''/warps''' - Open the warps menu
* '''/warps <name>''' - Teleport to a warp
* '''/warps <name>''' - Teleport to a warp
* '''/warps''' - Open the warps menu
* '''/warps types''' - View valid warp types
* '''/warps updateFlags''' - Set default flags on survival spawn and warp regions
* '''/warps (list|warps) [filter]''' - List available warps
* '''/warps (list|warps) [filter]''' - List available warps
* '''/warps (rm|remove|delete|del) <name>''' - Delete a warp
* '''/warps (rm|remove|delete|del) <name>''' - Delete a warp
* '''/warps (set|create) <name>''' - Create a new warp
* '''/warps (teleport|tp|warp) <name>''' - Teleport to a warp
* '''/warps nearest''' - View the nearest warp
* '''/warps nearest''' - View the nearest warp
* '''/warps reset <name>''' - Update a warp's location
* '''/warps tp nearest''' - Teleport to the nearest warp
* '''/warps tp nearest''' - Teleport to the nearest warp
* '''/warps (set|create) <name>''' - Create a new warp
* '''/warps types''' - View valid warp types
* '''/warps (teleport|tp|warp) <name>''' - Teleport to a warp
* '''/warps updateFlags''' - Set default flags on survival spawn and warp regions
* '''/watchlist <players> <reason...>''' - Watchlist a player or players
* '''/watchlist <players> <reason...>''' - Watchlist a player or players
* '''/weather get [world]''' - Get the weather of the world
* '''/weather getDuration [world]''' - View current weather durations
* '''/weather getDuration [world]''' - View current weather durations
* '''/weather get [world]''' - Get the weather of the world
* '''/weather set <type> [duration] [--world]''' - Set the weather of the specified world
* '''/weather set <type> [duration] [--world]''' - Set the weather of the specified world
* '''/website''' - Receive a link to the server's website
* '''/website''' - Receive a link to the server's website
* '''/weee [player]''' - Force a player to fly around in random directions
* '''/weee [player]''' - Force a player to fly around in random directions
* '''/welcome [player]''' - Welcome a player
* '''/welcome [player]''' - Welcome a player
* '''/whereis <player>''' - Look at and glow
* '''/whereis glow <on|off>''' - Toggle glowing nearby players
* '''/whereis glow <on|off>''' - Toggle glowing nearby players
* '''/whereis glow threshold <threshold>''' - Set the radius at which players start glowing
* '''/whereis glow threshold <threshold>''' - Set the radius at which players start glowing
* '''/whereis <player>''' - Look at and glow
* '''/whodaressummonme''' - Start a spooky unvanish animation
* '''/whodaressummonme''' - Start a spooky unvanish animation
* '''/whois <player>''' - View information about a player such as their rank, history, alts, playtime, and more
* '''/whois <player>''' - View information about a player such as their rank, history, alts, playtime, and more
Line 1,270: Line 1,270:
* '''/wiki search <query...>''' - Search the wiki for key words
* '''/wiki search <query...>''' - Search the wiki for key words
* '''/wings''' - Open the wings menu
* '''/wings''' - Open the wings menu
* '''/wings preview <style>''' - Preview a wing style
* '''/wings stop''' - Turn off your wings
* '''/wings stop''' - Turn off your wings
* '''/wings preview <style>''' - Preview a wing style
* '''/wither abandon''' - Cancel your challenge
* '''/wither beta''' - Enable beta mode
* '''/wither challenge''' - Challenge the wither to a fight
* '''/wither chat <message...>''' - Send a message to all members of the party
* '''/wither getFragment''' - Receive a wither fragment
* '''/wither invite <player>''' - Invite players to your party
* '''/wither invite <player>''' - Invite players to your party
* '''/wither spectate''' - Spectate the fight
* '''/wither maintenance''' - Enable maintenance mode
* '''/wither processQueue''' - Proccess the fight queue
* '''/wither quit''' - Forfeit the fight
* '''/wither quit''' - Forfeit the fight
* '''/wither reset''' - Reset the wither arena
* '''/wither reset''' - Reset the wither arena
* '''/wither challenge''' - Challenge the wither to a fight
* '''/wither spectate''' - Spectate the fight
* '''/wither beta''' - Enable beta mode
* '''/wither maintenance''' - Enable maintenance mode
* '''/wither getFragment''' - Receive a wither fragment
* '''/wither chat <message...>''' - Send a message to all members of the party
* '''/wither abandon''' - Cancel your challenge
* '''/wither processQueue''' - Proccess the fight queue
* '''/wither testCounterAttack <counterAttack>''' - Test a counter attack
* '''/wither testCounterAttack <counterAttack>''' - Test a counter attack
* '''/workbenches''' - Open a menu displaying all workbenches
* '''/workbenches <workbench>''' - Open a workbench
* '''/workbenches <workbench>''' - Open a workbench
* '''/workbenches''' - Open a menu displaying all workbenches
* '''/world [player]''' - View what world you or another player are currently in
* '''/world [player]''' - View what world you or another player are currently in
* '''/world (groups|icons)''' - Lists all worlds that have a custom icon
* '''/world (groups|icons)''' - Lists all worlds that have a custom icon
Line 1,291: Line 1,291:
* '''/worldban <player> [worldGroup]''' - Ban a player from a world group
* '''/worldban <player> [worldGroup]''' - Ban a player from a world group
* '''/worldban list''' - List world bans
* '''/worldban list''' - List world bans
* '''/worldeditutils tagReplace <from> <to>''' - Replace all materials in a tag with another material
* '''/worldeditutils breakNaturally''' - Break all blocks in your selection with drops and particles
* '''/worldeditutils smartReplace <from> <to>''' - Swap materials on blocks without deleting block data such as rotation
* '''/worldeditutils clipboard [--build] [--async] [--entities]''' - Test pasting your clipboard
* '''/worldeditutils clipboard copy''' - Copy your selection to an internal clipboard
* '''/worldeditutils clipboard paste''' - Paste your internal clipboard at your location
* '''/worldeditutils fake''' - Test a custom copy/paste implementation
* '''/worldeditutils fake''' - Test a custom copy/paste implementation
* '''/worldeditutils schem saveReal <name>''' - Save a schematic using the API
* '''/worldeditutils breakNaturally''' - Break all blocks in your selection with drops and particles
* '''/worldeditutils oceanflora <radius> [--kelpChance] [--seagrassChance] [--tallSeagrassChance] [--nothingWeight] [--minKelpAge] [--maxKelpAge]''' - Generate ocean flora
* '''/worldeditutils oceanflora <radius> [--kelpChance] [--seagrassChance] [--tallSeagrassChance] [--nothingWeight] [--minKelpAge] [--maxKelpAge]''' - Generate ocean flora
* '''/worldeditutils rotate [y] [x] [z]''' - Test rotating your selection
* '''/worldeditutils rotate [y] [x] [z]''' - Test rotating your selection
* '''/worldeditutils schem save <name> [--entities]''' - Save a schematic using commands
* '''/worldeditutils schem buildQueue <schematic> <seconds>''' - Procedurally build a schematic
* '''/worldeditutils schem buildQueue <schematic> <seconds>''' - Procedurally build a schematic
* '''/worldeditutils schem paste <name> [--entities]''' - Paste a schematic
* '''/worldeditutils schem paste <name> [--entities]''' - Paste a schematic
* '''/worldeditutils clipboard paste''' - Paste your internal clipboard at your location
* '''/worldeditutils schem save <name> [--entities]''' - Save a schematic using commands
* '''/worldeditutils clipboard copy''' - Copy your selection to an internal clipboard
* '''/worldeditutils schem saveReal <name>''' - Save a schematic using the API
* '''/worldeditutils clipboard [--build] [--async] [--entities]''' - Test pasting your clipboard
* '''/worldeditutils smartReplace <from> <to>''' - Swap materials on blocks without deleting block data such as rotation
* '''/worldeditutils tagReplace <from> <to>''' - Replace all materials in a tag with another material
* '''/worldguardedit [enable]''' - Toggle WorldGuard edit bypass
* '''/worldguardedit [enable]''' - Toggle WorldGuard edit bypass
* '''/worldguardedit flags registry [enable]''' - Set the WorldGuard flag registry state
* '''/worldguardedit flags registry [enable]''' - Set the WorldGuard flag registry state
* '''/worldunban <player> [worldGroup]''' - Unban a player from a world group
* '''/worldunban <player> [worldGroup]''' - Unban a player from a world group
* '''/xraywarps reset <name>''' - Update a warp's location
* '''/xraywarps <name>''' - Teleport to a warp
* '''/xraywarps <name>''' - Teleport to a warp
* '''/xraywarps (list|warps) [filter]''' - List available warps
* '''/xraywarps (list|warps) [filter]''' - List available warps
* '''/xraywarps (rm|remove|delete|del) <name>''' - Delete a warp
* '''/xraywarps (rm|remove|delete|del) <name>''' - Delete a warp
* '''/xraywarps (set|create) <name>''' - Create a new warp
* '''/xraywarps (teleport|tp|warp) <name>''' - Teleport to a warp
* '''/xraywarps nearest''' - View the nearest warp
* '''/xraywarps nearest''' - View the nearest warp
* '''/xraywarps reset <name>''' - Update a warp's location
* '''/xraywarps tp nearest''' - Teleport to the nearest warp
* '''/xraywarps tp nearest''' - Teleport to the nearest warp
* '''/xraywarps (set|create) <name>''' - Create a new warp
* '''/xraywarps (teleport|tp|warp) <name>''' - Teleport to a warp
* '''/yeet <player>''' - Yeet
* '''/yeet <player>''' - Yeet
* '''/youmaycontinue <player> [warn...]''' - Unfreeze a player, force them into global, vanish, and optionally warn them
* '''/youmaycontinue <player> [warn...]''' - Unfreeze a player, force them into global, vanish, and optionally warn them
* '''/youtube''' - Receive a link to the server's YouTube
* '''/youtube''' - Receive a link to the server's YouTube

Revision as of 01:52, 10 March 2023

  • /afk [autoreply...] - Toggle AFK mode
  • /afk settings - View available AFK settings
  • /afk settings <setting> [value] - Modify an AFK setting
  • /afktime [player] - View how long a player has been AFK
  • /accounttransfer <old> <new> <features...> - Transfer specific features from one account to another
  • /accounttransfer all <old> <new> - Transfer all data from one account to another
  • /age - View the age of the server
  • /age [player] - View the age of a player
  • /alert <player> - Play a ping sound to a player
  • /alerts (list|edit) - List and edit your existing alerts
  • /alerts add <highlight...> - Add a new alert
  • /alerts clear - Clear your alerts list
  • /alerts delete <highlight...> - Delete an alert
  • /alerts sound - Play a test alerts sound
  • /altban <players> [time/reason...] [--now] - Ban a player or players and all their IP connected accounts
  • /alts <player> - View a list of players that have logged in the with same IP
  • /apply - Learn how to apply for a Staff position
  • /arenas <name> - Teleport to a warp
  • /arenas (list|warps) [filter] - List available warps
  • /arenas (rm|remove|delete|del) <name> - Delete a warp
  • /arenas (set|create) <name> - Create a new warp
  • /arenas (teleport|tp|warp) <name> - Teleport to a warp
  • /arenas nearest - View the nearest warp
  • /arenas reset <name> - Update a warp's location
  • /arenas tp nearest - Teleport to the nearest warp
  • /armorstandeditor arms [enable] - Toggle the arms on the armor stand you are looking at
  • /armorstandeditor set yaw <yaw> - Set the yaw of an armor stand
  • /armorstandeditor summon 0 - Summon a non-randomized armor stand
  • /autoinventory depositall - Deposit matching items into nearby chests
  • /autoinventory features - View available features
  • /autoinventory features toggle <feature> [enable] - Toggle a feature
  • /autoinventory settings crafting - Open the AutoCraft configuration menu
  • /autoinventory settings inventoryTypes - Toggle whether certain inventory types are affected
  • /autoinventory settings tools includeSword [enable] - Toggle whether AutoTool will activate while holding a sword
  • /autoinventory settings trash behavior [behavior] - Change the behavior of AutoTrash
  • /autoinventory settings trash materials - Open the AutoTrash configuration menu
  • /autotorch <on|off> - Toggle automatically placing torches when it gets too dark
  • /autotorch lightlevel [level] - Adjust the light level at which torches are placed
  • /axolotlbucket <variant> [amount] - Spawn an axolotl of a certain color
  • /back [count] - Return to your previous location after teleporting
  • /back locations [player] - View your recent back locations
  • /badge <badge> [user] - Set your active badge
  • /badge give <badge> [user] - Give a player a badge
  • /badge off [user] - Turn off your badge
  • /balance [player] [--world] - View your or another player's balance in a world
  • /balancetop [page] [--world] - View a world's balance leaderboard
  • /ban <players> [time/reason...] [--now] - Ban a player or players
  • /bank [player] - Displays all currencies owned by the player
  • /banner <baseColor> <patternColor> [input...] - Create symbol banners
  • /banner copy - Copy a banner's patterns from one hand to another
  • /banner custom - Receive a link to a banner list website where you can find custom banners to purchase with vote points
  • /bash <command...> [--path] - Execute a bash command on the system
  • /bigdoormanager create <doorId> - Create a new door
  • /bigdoormanager delete <doorName> - Delete a door
  • /bigdoormanager info <id> - Display data of the door
  • /bigdoormanager setToggleRegion <doorName> <regionId> - Set the toggle region of the door
  • /bigdoormanager toggleAllDoors - Toggle all doors on the server
  • /bigdoormanager toggleDoor <id> - Toggle door
  • /bingo - Open the Bingo menu
  • /bingo challenge complete <challenge> [player] - Force complete a challenge
  • /bingo challenge reset <challenge> [player] - Force reset a challenge
  • /birthdays [page] - List upcoming birthdays
  • /birthdays forceAnnounce [player] - Force a birthday announcement in Discord
  • /birthdays of [player] - View a player's birthday
  • /birthdays set <birthday> [player] - Set your birthday
  • /birthdays unset [player] - Unset your birthday
  • /blockcenter - Centers yourself on the block you are standing on
  • /blockcenter corner - Center yourself on the corner of the block
  • /blockcenter look - Set your yaw to the nearest 90° angle and your pitch to 0
  • /blockcenter pitch - Set your pitch to 0
  • /blockcenter yaw - Set your yaw to the nearest 90° angle
  • /blockmarkers [state] - View block marker particles (i.e. barriers, light)
  • /blocknbt - View NBT data of your target block
  • /book - Unsign a book
  • /book author <name...> - Set the author of a book
  • /book title <title...> - Set the title of a book
  • /boop <player> [message...] [--anonymous] - Boop a player
  • /boop all [message...] [--anonymous] - Boop all players
  • /boosts [page] - View active server boosts
  • /boosts cancel <player> <id> - Cancel a player's owned boost and prevent it from being activated
  • /boosts cancel <type> [--refund] - Cancel an active boost and optionally refund the time left
  • /boosts cancelType <player> <type> - Cancel all of a player's boosts of a certain type
  • /boosts give <player> <type> <multiplier> <duration> [amount] - Give a player a boost
  • /boosts listOwners <type> - List players that own boosts
  • /boosts menu - Open the boosts menu
  • /boosts start <type> <multiplier> <duration> - Start a boost
  • /break - Break the block you are looking at
  • /bridge archive deleteRole <roleId> - Delete a role
  • /bridge archive editMessages removeReference <roleId> [name] - Edit messages to remove role references
  • /bridge archive editMessages updateReference <oldRoleId> <newRoleId> - Edit messages to update role references
  • /bridge archive findDuplicateRoles [page] - Find duplicate roles
  • /bridge archive leastUsedRoles [page] - View least used roles in an archive
  • /bridge archive load <channel> - Load an archive into memory
  • /bridge countBridgeRoles - Count the number of bridge roles in the server
  • /bridge countRoles - Count the total number of roles in the server
  • /bridge set <player> <roleId> - Sets a player's linked role ID
  • /bridge setMentionableFalse [test] - Set the mentionable state of all bridge roles
  • /bridge updateRoleColors <rank> - Update the color of all roles of a rank
  • /broadcast <message...> - Broadcast a message to the server
  • /buildcontest - List active build contests
  • /buildcontest help - View commands available in build contests
  • /burn <player> <seconds> - Temporarily set a player on fire
  • /cpswatch <player> - Monitor a player's click speed
  • /crepeat - Automatically repeat LWC commands without having to type them out again
  • /calcban <pastBans> <blocksGriefed> - View a rough recommended ban time based on past bans and blocks griefed
  • /calcspeed [startDelay] - Calculate your movement speed
  • /cartographytable - Open a workbench
  • /censor debug - Print the censor configuration in chat
  • /censor reload - Reload the censor configuration from disk
  • /censor test <channel> <message...> - Test the censor
  • /changelog diff [from] [to] - Post a changelog to Discord
  • /changelog generate - Generate a changelog
  • /changelog testDiff [from] [to] - Post a changelog to Griffin's private test Discord
  • /channel <channel> [message...] - Switch to a channel or send a message without switching
  • /channel join <channel> - Join a channel
  • /channel leave <channel> - Leave a channel
  • /channel list [filter] - List available channels
  • /channel qm <channel> <message...> - Send a message to a channel
  • /chatgames queue add [amount] - Queue a chat game
  • /chatgames queue clear - Clear the queue
  • /chatgames queue count - View the number of queued games
  • /chatgames queue process [--force] - Process the queue
  • /chatgames start <type> - Start a chat game
  • /cheats <on|off> - Toggles vanish, god, flight, WorldGuard edit, and gamemode
  • /checkpoints (remove|delete) <number> - Delete a checkpoint
  • /checkpoints (set|add|create) <number> - Create a checkpoint
  • /checkpoints tp <number> - Teleport to a checkpoint
  • /chunks forceLoaded get - Check whether the chunk you are in is force loaded
  • /chunks forceLoaded list [world] [page] - List force loaded chunks in a world
  • /chunks forceLoaded set <state> - Set whether all chunks in your selection or your current chunk are force loaded
  • /claimhead <headId> - Claims a Head Database head if you have a valid coupon
  • /clearchat - Clear the chat of all online non-staff players
  • /clearinventory - Discard all items your inventory
  • /clearinventory undo - Restore your recently cleared inventory
  • /clearscreen [lines] - Clear your chat
  • /clientside debug [state] - Toggle debug mode
  • /clientside edit [state] - Toggle seeing all entities regardless of whether they are hidden
  • /clientside entities create - Convert the target entity to a client side entity
  • /clientside entities create fromSelection [--types] [--ignoreGlowing] - Convert all entities within your selection to client side entities
  • /clientside entities delete fromSelection [--types] - Delete all client side entities within your selection
  • /clientside entities ignore [state] - Prevent your target entity from being converted to a client side entity
  • /clientside entities list [page] [--world] [--excludeWorld] [--type] [--onlyHidden] [--onlyShown] - List client side entities
  • /clientside radius <radius> [user] - Set your client side entity render radius
  • /colorutils getHex <color> - Get the hex code of a default color
  • /colorutils getRankHex <rank> - Get the hex code of a rank
  • /colorutils gradient <colors> <input...> [--decolorize] - Color gradient your input
  • /colorutils rainbow <input...> [--decolorize] - Rainbow-ize your input
  • /colors - View color and formatting codes
  • /combine - Combine matching postions in your inventory in stacks
  • /commandwatch <player> - View commands a player is running
  • /compact - Combine all stackable items
  • /compact hand - Combine the item in your hand into an existing stack
  • /compass [on|off] - Display a compass at the top of your screen
  • /console [command...] - Run a command as console
  • /contractall [amount] - Contract your selection in every direction
  • /contracth [amount] - Contract your selection horizontally
  • /contractv [amount] - Contract your selection vertically
  • /convertcoordinates - View the equivalent overworld or nether coordinates
  • /copyright - Insert a copyright symbol at the end of your message
  • /costume - Open the costumes menu
  • /costume dye <type> <color> - Dye a costume
  • /costume off [player] - Disable your costumes
  • /costume reload - Reload costumes from the resource pack
  • /costume store - Open the costume store
  • /costume tempvouchers add <amount> [player] - Modify a player's temporary vouchers
  • /costume tempvouchers remove <amount> [player] - Modify a player's temporary vouchers
  • /costume top [page] - View the most popular costumes
  • /costume vouchers [player] - View how many costume vouchers you have
  • /costume vouchers add <amount> [player] - Modify a player's vouchers
  • /costume vouchers remove <amount> [player] - Modify a player's vouchers
  • /countdown [duration] - Count down from 5 to 0 in local chat
  • /craftingtable - Open a workbench
  • /crate - Teleport to the crates area
  • /crate animate <type> <uuid> - Animate a crate
  • /crate edit [filter] - Edit a crate
  • /crate edit announcement reset <id> - Remove a loot's announcement
  • /crate edit announcement set <id> <message...> - Set a loot's announcement
  • /crate edit groups <type> - Edit a crate group
  • /crate entities add <type> <uuid> - Register an entity with a crate
  • /crate entities list [type] - List a crate's registered entities
  • /crate entities remove <type> <uuid> - Unregister an entity with a crate
  • /crate give <type> [player] [amount] - Give a player a crate key
  • /crate info - Learn about the server's crates
  • /crate open <type> <uuid> [amount] - Open a crate
  • /crate preview <type> - Preview a crate
  • /crate reset <type> <uuid> - Reset a crate's animation
  • /crate toggle - Toggle all crates
  • /creative - Teleport to the creative world spawn
  • /creative home [number] [player] - Visit your or another player's creative plot
  • /creativeflags <world> - Set default WorldGuard flags on a world to prevent unwanted decay/growth/etc
  • /currenttime <player> - Check what time it is for another player
  • /currenttime format <12/24> [player] - Set your preferred time format
  • /currenttime update [player] - Update your timezone information
  • /customboundingbox delete [--id] - Delete a custom bounding box
  • /customboundingbox draw [--id] [--stop] - Draw an entity's custom bounding box with particles
  • /customboundingbox id <id> [--id] - Update a custom bounding box entity's ID
  • /customboundingbox init - Create a custom bounding box entity
  • /customboundingbox modify [--id] [--x] [--y] [--z] [--posX] [--posY] [--posZ] [--negX] [--negY] [--negZ] [--all] - Modify the bounds of a custom bounding box
  • /customboundingbox shift [--id] [--x] [--y] [--z] - Shift an entity and it's custom bounding box
  • /customboundingbox update [--id] - Apply the custom bounding box to an entity
  • /customrecipes - View all custom recipes
  • /customrecipes ingredients - View the ingredients for a recipe
  • /customrecipes uncraft - Open the uncrafting menu
  • /dnd [state] - Toggle Do Not Disturb mode
  • /dailyrewards - Open the daily rewards menu
  • /dailyrewards getLastTaskTime - View the last time the reward task ran
  • /dailyrewards reset [player] - Set a player's streak
  • /dailyrewards set <player> <day> - Set a player's streak
  • /dailyrewards streak [player] - View your or another player's streak
  • /dailyrewards today [player] - Check if you or another player has received
  • /dailyrewards top [page] - View the streak leaderboard
  • /dailyrewards unclaim <player> <day> - Mark a reward as unclaimed
  • /dailyvoterewards rewards - View the vote streak rewards
  • /dailyvoterewards streak [player] - View a player's voting streak
  • /dailyvoterewards today [player] - Check whether you have advanced your streak today
  • /dailyvoterewards top [page] - View the vote streak leaderboard
  • /database cacheAll [service] - Cache all stored objects to a service
  • /database clearCache <service> - Clear the cache of a service
  • /database count <service> - Count objects stored in a collection
  • /database countAll [page] - Count objects stored in all collections
  • /database countAllCaches [page] - Count all cached objects
  • /database countCache <service> - Count cached objects
  • /database createQuery delete <service> <uuid> - Create a paste-able DELETE query for mongocli
  • /database createQuery get <service> <uuid> - Create a paste-able GET query for mongocli
  • /database debug <service> <uuid> - Print a record
  • /database debugCache <service> <uuid> - Print a record from the cache (may not always pretty-print)
  • /database delete <service> <uuid> - Delete a record
  • /database deleteAll <service> - Delete all objects from a collection
  • /database move <service> <from> <to> - Move data from one record to another
  • /database save <service> <uuid> - Write an object to the database
  • /database saveAllCaches - Save the cache in all services
  • /database saveCache <service> <threads> - Write the cache to the database
  • /deathmessages behavior <behavior> [player] [duration...] - Change the broadcast behavior of a your death messages
  • /deathmessages list [page] - View custom death messages
  • /deathmessages messages <key> [page] - View custom death messages for a specific translation key
  • /deathmessages reload - Reload configuration from disk
  • /deathmessages suggest <key> <message...> - Suggest a new custom death message for a specific translation key
  • /decoration catalog [theme] - Open the catalog menu
  • /decoration debug [enabled] - toggle debugging decorations
  • /decoration dye color <color> - Redye the decoration in your hand
  • /decoration dye stain <stain> - Redye the decoration in your hand
  • /decoration get <type> - Get the decoration
  • /decoration getCatalog <theme> - Get the catalog book
  • /decoration store debug [enabled] - Toggle debugging the store
  • /decoration store layout list - Display a list of the layout schematics
  • /decoration store layout paste <id> - Paste the layout into the store
  • /decoration store layout paste next - Start the next layout process
  • /decoration store layout paste reset - Paste the reset layout into the store
  • /decoration store layout schem <name> - Create a layout schematic of the selected build
  • /decoration store setActive <bool> - Toggles any tasks that affect players within the store
  • /decoration store warp - Teleport to the decoration store
  • /delhome <player> <name> - Delete another player's home
  • /delhome <name> - Delete a home
  • /delvillage - Delete a village and replace with flat world terrain
  • /demote <player> - Demote a player to the next rank down
  • /deop <player> - De-op a player
  • /discord - Get a link to our Discord
  • /discord (voicechannel|vc) [channel] - Move voice channels
  • /discord account [player] - View a player's linked Discord account
  • /discord appcommands register - Force register app commands
  • /discord appcommands unregister - Force unregister app commands
  • /discord boosts - View server boosters
  • /discord connect - Force connect to discord
  • /discord forceLink <player> <id> - Force link a player's Minecraft and Discord accounts
  • /discord jda dms delete <id> - Delete the last 50 DMs to a user
  • /discord jda dms send <id> <message...> - Send a DM to a member
  • /discord jda dms view <id> - Retrieve the last 50 DMs to a user
  • /discord jda edit <messageId> <content...> - Set the content of a message
  • /discord link [code] - Link your Minecraft and Discord accounts with the code generated by Koda
  • /discord link update roles - Add the verified role to all linked users
  • /discord linkStatus [player] - View a player's Discord account link status
  • /discord lockdown - Enable lockdown mode on Discord
  • /discord unlink [player] - Unlink your Minecraft and Discord accounts
  • /distance <player> - View the distance between you and another player
  • /distributionfixed [page] - View an accurate (but much slower) block distribution if WorldEdit's is incorrect
  • /documentation commands info <command> [page] - View which paths in a command are undocumented
  • /documentation commands validate [page] - Validate that all commands have documentation
  • /doublejump [state] [player] - Toggle double jump in applicable areas
  • /dropall - Drop every available item on the ground
  • /durabilitywarning [enable] - Toggle whether you want to notified when a tool or armor piece has low durability
  • /dyebomb give <amount> [player] - Spawn dye bombs
  • /dyestation - Open a dye station
  • /dyestation cheat - Open a dye station that doesnt require a magic dye
  • /dyestation color <color> - Dye an item
  • /dyestation get magicDye - Spawn a magic dye item
  • /dyestation get magicStain - Spawn a magic stain item
  • /dyestation get paintbrush - Spawn a paintbrush
  • /dyestation stain <stain> - Stain an item
  • /echo [string...] - Print your colorized input in chat
  • /economy - View general information about the server's economy
  • /economy commands - View economy related commands
  • /economy give <player> <balance> [cause] [reason...] [--world] - Modify a player's balance
  • /economy selling - View ways to sell items to another player
  • /economy set <player> <balance> [cause] [reason...] [--world] - Modify a player's balance
  • /economy take <player> <balance> [cause] [reason...] [--world] - Modify a player's balance
  • /emojihats <type> - Activate an emoji hat
  • /emojihats getFrameItems <type> - Spawn the individual frames of an emoji hat
  • /emojihats give <player> <type> - Give a player access to an emoji hat
  • /emojihats list [page] - List owned emoji hats
  • /emojihats run <player> <type> - Activate an emoji hat on another player
  • /emojis buy <emoji> - Buy an emoji
  • /emojis picker - View your owned emojis
  • /emojis reload - Reload emojis from the resource pack
  • /emojis store - View the emoji store
  • /emotes [page] - View your owned emotes
  • /emotes toggle - Toggle parsing emotes in your chat messages
  • /emptybucket [type] - Empty all buckets of a certain type
  • /emptybucket - Empty the bucket you are holding
  • /enchant <enchant> [level] [--unsafe] - Enchant the item you are holding
  • /enchant convertEnchants - Convert old custom enchants
  • /enchant get <enchant> - View the level an enchant on the item you are holding
  • /enchant remove <enchant> - Remove an enchant from the item you are holding
  • /enderchest <player> - View your or another player's enderchest
  • /endermanfarm - Learn why enderman farms are regulated
  • /endermanfarm add <player> [owner] - Give a player access to your enderman farm
  • /endermanfarm create [player] - Create an enderman farm
  • /endermanfarm list [owner] - View who has access to your enderman farm
  • /endermanfarm remove <player> [owner] - Remove a player's access to your enderman farm
  • /entities byChunk <type> [world] - View entity counts by chunk
  • /entities find <type> [radius] - Locate all nearby entities of a specific type
  • /entities near [radius] - Count all entities within a radius
  • /entities report [radius] [type] - View the number of entities near each online player
  • /entities villagers [world] - View villager counts and whether they have a bed & profession by chunk
  • /entitycannon [entityType] - Launch an exploding entity
  • /entitycap <amount> - Change the entity cap of a creative plot
  • /entitynbt - View the NBT data of your target entity
  • /entitynbt set <key> <type> <value> - Set an NBT key on your target entity
  • /entitynbt unset <key> - Remove an NBT key on your target entity
  • /entitynbt uuid - View the UUID of your target entity
  • /entityname <name...> - Give an entity a custom name
  • /entityname (null|none|reset) - Remove an entity's custom name
  • /entityname gradient <colors> <name...> - Give an entity a custom name with a color gradient
  • /entityname rainbow <name...> - Give an entity a custom name with a rainbow gradient
  • /entityname visible [enable] - Toggle whether an entity's custom name is always visible
  • /error eden - Test an EdenException
  • /error exception - Test an Exception
  • /error framework json - Test error() with json
  • /error framework json withColor - Test error() with colored json
  • /error framework text - Test error() with text
  • /error framework text withColor - Test error() with colored text
  • /error invalidInput - Test an InvalidInputException
  • /error nexus - Test a NexusException
  • /error runtime - Test a RuntimeException
  • /error throwable - Test a Throwable
  • /events store - Open the event store
  • /events store images get <image...> - Receive an event store image splattermap
  • /events store images reload - Reload event store images
  • /events tokens [player] - View your or another player's event token balance
  • /events tokens give <player> <tokens> - Modify a player's event token balance
  • /events tokens reset <player> - Reset a player's event token balance
  • /events tokens set <player> <tokens> - Modify a player's event token balance
  • /events tokens take <player> <tokens> - Modify a player's event token balance
  • /events tokens top [page] - View the event token leaderboard
  • /expandall [amount] - Expand your selection in every direction
  • /expandh [amount] - Expand your selection horizontally
  • /expandv [amount] - Expand your selection vertically
  • /experience <level> - Set your experience level
  • /experience get <player> - View a player's experience level
  • /experience give <player> <amount> - Give experience levels to a player
  • /experience set <player> <level> - Set a player's experience level
  • /experience take <player> <amount> - Take experience levels from a player
  • /extinguish [player] - Extinguish a player if they are on fire
  • /faq [page] - View our frequently asked questions
  • /facepalm - Insert a facepalm emote at the end of your message
  • /fakeop <player> - Sends a player a message prentending they have been made OP
  • /feed [player] - Fills a players saturation and hunger
  • /firework - Launch a randomized firework
  • /firework127 - Receive a firework rocket with power 127
  • /fireworkbow - Create a firework bow
  • /fireworkbow remove - Remove the firework enchantment from a bow
  • /firstlogin [player] - View when a player first joined the server
  • /firstlogin set <player> <date> - Set a player's first join date
  • /firstlogin stats - Write all join dates to a CSV
  • /fix - Repairs held item
  • /fix all - Repairs all items in a players inventory
  • /fixbackpack - Add necessary NBT to a shulker box to make it a backpack
  • /fixflat - Replace the terrain in your selection with flat world terrain
  • /fixghostblocks [radius] - Request block updates from the server to fix nearby "ghost" blocks
  • /fixpotionlauncher - Fix a broken potion launcher
  • /fly [enable] [player] - Toggle flight mode
  • /forcechannel <player> <channel> - Force a player into a channel
  • /forcefield [enable] - Toggle a force field
  • /forcefield ignore add <player> - Allow a player to bypass your force field
  • /forcefield ignore remove <player> - Remove a player's ability to bypass your force field
  • /forcefield movePlayers [enable] - Toggle affecting players
  • /forcefield moveProjectiles [enable] - Toggle affecting projectiles
  • /forcefield particles [enable] - Toggle visualization particles
  • /forcefield radius <radius> - Set your force field's radius
  • /forcefield settings [player] - View your force field settings
  • /forward <blocks> - Teleport yourself forward a specific amount of blocks
  • /freeze <players(s)> - Freeze a player or players
  • /freeze cleanup - Delete left over freeze armor stands
  • /freeze list [page] - List frozen players
  • /friends (add|invite) <player> - Send a player a friend request
  • /friends list - List your friends
  • /friends of <player> - View a player's friends list
  • /friends remove <player> - Remove a player from your friends list
  • /gamelobby - Teleport to the minigame lobby
  • /gamemode <gamemode> [player] - Change your gamemode
  • /gem <enchantment> <level> - Receive a gem
  • /gem all - Receive all possible gems
  • /gilihouses <name> - Teleport to a warp
  • /gilihouses (list|warps) [filter] - List available warps
  • /gilihouses (rm|remove|delete|del) <name> - Delete a warp
  • /gilihouses (set|create) <name> - Create a new warp
  • /gilihouses (teleport|tp|warp) <name> - Teleport to a warp
  • /gilihouses nearest - View the nearest warp
  • /gilihouses reset <name> - Update a warp's location
  • /gilihouses tp nearest - Teleport to the nearest warp
  • /give <player> <type> [amount] [nbt...] - Give a player an item
  • /godmode [enable] [player] - Toggle god mode, preventing damage and mob targeting
  • /griefprotectioninfo - Send a predefined message explaining that grief is not allowed
  • /grindstone - Open a workbench
  • /hallofhistory - Teleport to the Hall of History
  • /hallofhistory addRank <player> <current|former> <rank> <promotionDate> [resignationDate] - Add a rank to a staff member's rank history
  • /hallofhistory clear <player> - Clear a player's rank history
  • /hallofhistory promotionTimes [page] - View how long it took all staff members to be promoted
  • /hallofhistory removeRank <player> <current|former> <rank> <promotionDate> [resignationDate] - Remove a rank from a staff member's rank history
  • /hallofhistory setwarp - Update the warp location
  • /hallofhistory staffTime [page] - View how long each staff member was staff
  • /hallofhistory view <player> - View a staff member's rank history
  • /hasreadrules <player> - View whether a player has read each section of the rules
  • /hat - Wear the item you are holding on your head
  • /hat remove - Remove your hat
  • /heal [player] - Fill a player's health, food, and saturation, extinguish fire, and clear potion effects
  • /health <player> [number] - View a player's health
  • /health target [number] - View the health of the entity you are looking at
  • /help - View some basic commands of the server
  • /here [amount] - Set your selection to your current location and optionally expand it in all directions
  • /hereh [amount] - Set your selection to your current location and optionally expand it horizontally
  • /herev [amount] - Set your selection to your current location and optionally expand it vertically
  • /history <player> [page] - View a player's punishment history
  • /history delete <player> <id> - Delete an entry from a player's punishment history
  • /home <player> <home> - Teleport to another player's homes
  • /home [home] - Teleport to one of your homes
  • /homes <player> - List another player's homes
  • /homes - List your homes
  • /homes - Learn about our Homes system and the commands it offers
  • /homes addExtraHomes <player> <amount> - Increase a player's home limit
  • /homes deleteFromWorld <world> - Delete homes from a world
  • /homes edit [home] - Open the homes edit menu
  • /homes limit [player] - View how many homes you can set
  • /homes lockInWorld <world> - Lock all homes in a world
  • /homes near [page] - View all nearby homes
  • /homes nearest [player] - View your nearest home
  • /homes reload - Clear service cache
  • /homes removeExtraHomes <player> <amount> - Decrease a player's home limit
  • /homes restoreDeleted - Restore recently deleted homes in a world
  • /honeypot (delete|remove) <honeypot> - Delete a honeypot
  • /honeypot (teleport|tp) <honeypot> - Teleport to a honeypot in your current world
  • /honeypot check <player> - View how many times a player has griefed
  • /honeypot create <honeypot> [schemSize] - Create a honeypot
  • /honeypot fix <honeyPot> - Repair a honeypot
  • /honeypot list [page] - List honeypots in your current world
  • /honeypot removeItems <player> - Remove honey pot items from a player's inventory
  • /honeypot set <player> <int> - Set a player's grief count
  • /hopper [enable] - Enable hoppers on your LWC protection
  • /hopperlag [amount] - View hoppers that are triggering InventoryMoveEvents repeatedly
  • /horsepicker - Open the horse picker menu
  • /hours [player] - View a player's play time on the server, excluding AFK time
  • /hours top [args...] - View the play time leaderboard for any year, month, or day
  • /hub - Teleport to the hub
  • /hub (warp|warps) <name> - Teleport to a warp
  • /hub (warp|warps) (rm|remove|delete|del) <name> - Delete a warp
  • /hub (warp|warps) (set|create) <name> - Create a new warp
  • /hub (warp|warps) (teleport|tp|warp) <name> - Teleport to a warp
  • /hub (warp|warps) list [filter] - List available warps
  • /hub (warp|warps) nearest - View the nearest warp
  • /hub (warp|warps) reset <name> - Update a warp's location
  • /hub (warp|warps) tp nearest - Teleport to the nearest warp
  • /hub treasurehunt - View your treasure hunt progress
  • /hunger [player] [number] - View or set a player's hunger
  • /hunger target [number] - Set the target player's hunger
  • /igosleep [hours] - Kick yourself after a certain amount of time
  • /ip - View the server's IP
  • /imagestand create <id> <size> [--outline] - Create an image stand
  • /imagestand delete [--id] - Delete an image stand
  • /imagestand id <id> [--id] - Update the ID of an image stand
  • /imagestand list [page] - List image stands
  • /imagestand outline add [--id] - Add an outline stand
  • /imagestand outline remove [--id] - Remove an outline stand
  • /imagestand outline update [--id] - Teleport an outline stand to the image stand
  • /imagestand size <size> [--id] - Update the size an image stand
  • /imagestand stands pitch <pitch> [--id] - Update the pitch of the image stand and outline stand
  • /imagestand stands yaw <yaw> [--id] - Update the yaw of the image stand and outline stand
  • /imagestand tp <id> - Teleport to an image stand
  • /infection expansion create <open> [id] - Create an arena expansion region and schematic
  • /infection spawnDoor create <open> <id> - Create a spawn door region and schematic
  • /instagram - Receive a link to the server's Instagram
  • /interactioncommands <index> <command...> - Set a command at the provided index
  • /interactioncommands (delete|remove|clear) [index] - Delete the command at the provided index
  • /interactioncommands read - View the commands configured on the target block
  • /inventorysnapshots <player> [page] - View a list of saved inventory snapshots
  • /inventorysnapshots nearbyDeaths [page] - View nearby snapshots created by a death
  • /inventorysnapshots takeSnapshot [player] - Take a snapshot of a player's current state
  • /invisiblearmor [on|off] - Toggle invisible armor
  • /invisiblearmor menu - Open the invisible armor configuration menu
  • /inviterewards - Learn about Invite Rewards
  • /inviterewards <username> - Receive a reward for inviting a player to the server
  • /invsee <player> - Access another player's inventory
  • /item <item> [amount] [nbt...] - Spawn an item
  • /item ingredients <item> [amount] [--index] - Spawn all items in a recipe
  • /item rp <material> <id> - Spawn a resource pack item
  • /item tag <tag> [amount] - Spawn all items in a tag
  • /itembuilder amount <amount> - Set a stack's size
  • /itembuilder attribute <attribute> <name> <amount> <operation> [slot] - Set an item attribute
  • /itembuilder axolotl <variant> - Set an axolotl bucket's variant
  • /itembuilder banner pattern <color> <pattern> - Add a banner pattern
  • /itembuilder banner symbol <symbol> <color> - Set a banner to a symbol
  • /itembuilder book author <author> - Set a book's author
  • /itembuilder book generation <generation> - Set the generation of a book
  • /itembuilder book pages add <content> - Add a new page to a book
  • /itembuilder book pages remove <page> - Remove a page from a book
  • /itembuilder book pages set <page> <content> - Set the contents of a book's pages
  • /itembuilder book title <title> - Set a book's title
  • /itembuilder color <color> - Set an item's color
  • /itembuilder condition <condition> - Set an item's condition tag
  • /itembuilder damage <damage> - Set an item's damage
  • /itembuilder durability <durability> - Set an item's durability (deprecated)
  • /itembuilder dye <color> - Dye an item
  • /itembuilder enchant <enchant> [level] - Enchant an item
  • /itembuilder enchant max <enchant> - Enchant an item with the max level for the provided enchant
  • /itembuilder enchant remove <enchant> - Remove an enchant from an item
  • /itembuilder firework effect [--type] [--flicker] [--trail] [--colors] [--fadeColors] - Set a firework's effect
  • /itembuilder firework power <power> - Set a firework's power
  • /itembuilder glow [state] - Add an enchant glint to an item
  • /itembuilder itemFlags <flags...> - Add item flags to an item
  • /itembuilder lore add <text...> - Add lore
  • /itembuilder lore clear - Remove all lore
  • /itembuilder lore remove <line> - Remove a line of lore
  • /itembuilder lore set <line> <text...> - Update lore
  • /itembuilder map id <id> - Set a map's id
  • /itembuilder map view [world] - Set a map's world
  • /itembuilder material <material> - Set an item's material
  • /itembuilder modelId <id> - Set an item's model ID
  • /itembuilder name <name> - Set an item's name
  • /itembuilder name reset - Remove an item's name
  • /itembuilder nbt set <key> <type> <value> - Set an NBT key
  • /itembuilder nbt unset <key> - Remove an NBT key
  • /itembuilder potion color <color> - Set a potion's color
  • /itembuilder potion effect <type> <seconds> <amplifier> - Add a custom potion effect to a potion
  • /itembuilder potion type <type> [--extended] [--upgraded] - Set a potion's type
  • /itembuilder rarity <rarity> - Set an item's rarity tag
  • /itembuilder setting <setting> [state] - Set an item setting
  • /itembuilder setting unset <setting> - Remove an item setting
  • /itembuilder skull owner [owner] - Set a skull's owner
  • /itembuilder soulbound - Make an item soulbound without the enchant
  • /itembuilder spawnEgg <variant> - Set a spawn egg's entity type
  • /itembuilder unbreakable - Make an item unbreakable
  • /iteminfo [material] - View an item's NBT
  • /iteminfo enchanted - View all items with an enchant glint
  • /iteminfo extended [material] - View miscellaneous information about a material
  • /iteminfo nonItems - View a list of non-item materials (i.e. water)
  • /iteminfo serialize json [material] [amount] - Debug the serialization of an item
  • /itemname <name...> - Give an item a custom name with a color gradient
  • /itemname (null|none|reset) - Remove an item's custom name
  • /itemname copy - Print an item's custom name in chat for copying
  • /itemname gradient <colors> <name...> - Give an item a custom name with a rainbow gradient
  • /itemname rainbow <name...> - Toggle whether an item's custom name is always visible
  • /itemname resetAll <material> - Give an item a custom name
  • /itemtags - View an item's condition and rarity
  • /itemtags debugItem - View detailed information about an item's tags
  • /itemtags get - Get item tags on held item
  • /itemtags reload - Reload configuration from disk
  • /itemtags setCondition <condition> - Set an item's condition
  • /itemtags setRarity <rarity> - Set an item's rarity
  • /itemtags update [debug] - Update item tags on held item
  • /itemtags updateInv - Update item tags on all items in inventory
  • /ivebeengriefed - View information on what to do when you get griefed
  • /joinquit reload - Reload join/quit messages from disk
  • /jukebox list [page] - View your owned songs
  • /jukebox play <song...> - Play a song
  • /jukebox stop - Stop playing a song
  • /jukebox store [page] - View the jukebox store
  • /jukebox store give <player> <song...> - Give a player a song
  • /jukebox store preview <song...> - Preview a song
  • /jukebox store purchase <song...> - Purchase a song
  • /jump - Teleport to your target block
  • /kick <players> [reason...] - Kick a player or players
  • /kill [player] - Kill a player
  • /killentity <entityType> <radius> [--force] [--region] - Kill nearby entities of the provided types
  • /kit <kit> - Spawn a kit
  • /kit - List available kits
  • /kit edit - Open the kit editor menu
  • /kit reload - Reload kits from disk
  • /koda <message...> - Make Koda say something
  • /koda reload - Reload Koda's configuration from disk
  • /lwcco <player> - Change the owner of a container
  • /lwcinfo - Sends information on the LWC plugin and what it's used for
  • /lwcinfo (cmd|commands) - Learn about LWC and the commands it offers
  • /lag - View server performance information
  • /lastlogin [player] - View the last time a player logged in
  • /lastlogout [player] - View the last time a player logged out
  • /leash <target> - Leash yourself to a player
  • /leash (stopAll|cancelAll) - Cancel all server leashes
  • /leash (stop|cancel) - Unleash yourself from a player
  • /leash setVelocity <velocity> - Set the server's leash pull velocity
  • /legacy (warp|warps) <name> - Teleport to a warp
  • /legacy (warp|warps) (rm|remove|delete|del) <name> - Delete a warp
  • /legacy (warp|warps) (set|create) <name> - Create a new warp
  • /legacy (warp|warps) (teleport|tp|warp) <name> - Teleport to a warp
  • /legacy (warp|warps) list [filter] - List available warps
  • /legacy (warp|warps) nearest - View the nearest warp
  • /legacy (warp|warps) reset <name> - Update a warp's location
  • /legacy (warp|warps) tp nearest - Teleport to the nearest warp
  • /legacy home <home> - Teleport to your legacy homes
  • /legacy home visit <player> <home> - Teleport to another player's legacy homes
  • /legacy homes [player] - View a list of legacy homes
  • /legacy homes delete <name> [player] - Delete a legacy home
  • /legacy homes set <name> [player] - Set a new legacy home
  • /legacy homes setItem <home> <material> - Set the display item for a legacy home
  • /legacy inventories archive <player> - Archive a player's legacy inventory
  • /legacy inventories archive cancel - Cancel inventory archive task
  • /legacy inventories debug <player> <gamemode> - View a list of items in a player's survival and legacy inventories
  • /legacy inventories get <player> <gamemode> <group> <type> - Get the items in a player's survival and legacy inventories
  • /legacy inventories verify all - Verify all survival inventories are empty
  • /legacy inventories view <player> <gamemode> <group> - View a list of items in a player's survival and legacy inventories
  • /legacy items list <status> [player] - View legacy items in each state
  • /legacy items receive - Receive transfer approved legacy items
  • /legacy items reset <player> - Reset all items to pending status
  • /legacy items review [player] - Review pending items
  • /legacy items transfer - Submit legacy items for transfer review
  • /legacy vaults [page] [user] - Open a legacy vault
  • /legacy vaults limit [user] - View how many legacy vaults you own
  • /letmeedit - Unvanish, enable WorldGuard edit, and switch to creative mode if applicable
  • /locationcode current - Print your current location as Java code
  • /locationcode selection - Print your selection's minimum point as Java code
  • /locations - View player locations by world
  • /lockdown bypass add <player> - Allow a player to bypass the current lockdown
  • /lockdown bypass remove <player> - Remove a player's bypass to the current lockdown
  • /lockdown end - End lockdown mode
  • /lockdown start - Enable lockdown mode
  • /loom - Open a workbench
  • /mcwiki search <query...> - Search the wiki for key words
  • /mail box - View your mail box
  • /mail send <player> [message...] - Send a message and/or items to a player
  • /maintenance [--excludedConditions] - Shut down the server for maintenance
  • /maintenance cancel - Cancel a queued shutdown
  • /map [player] - Generate a link to our web map, allowing you to see the entire world from your browser
  • /materialtag find <material> - View tags containing a material
  • /materialtag materials <tag> - View meterials in a tag
  • /materialtag random <tag> [player] - Receive a random material from a tag
  • /mcmmo (sb|scoreboard) (c|clear|remove) - Remove the current scoreboard
  • /mcmmo (sb|scoreboard) (k|keep) - Anchor the current scoreboard
  • /mcmmo abilities - Toggle activating right click abilities
  • /mcmmo cooldowns - View ability cooldowns
  • /mcmmo levels give <player> <skill> <amount> - Modify a player's skill level
  • /mcmmo levels reset <player> <skill> - Modify a player's skill level
  • /mcmmo levels set <player> <skill> <amount> - Modify a player's skill level
  • /mcmmo levels take <player> <skill> <amount> - Modify a player's skill level
  • /mcmmo prestige [player] - View the number of times a player has prestiged their skills
  • /mcmmo prestige top [page] [--skill] - View the prestige leaderboards
  • /mcmmo protectItem - Protect items from mcMMO repair/salvage
  • /mcmmo rank [player] - View skill ranks
  • /mcmmo refresh - Reset ability cooldowns
  • /mcmmo reset - Prestige skills for rewards
  • /mcmmo stats [player] - View mcMMO skill levels
  • /mcmmo top [skill] [page] - View skill leaderboards
  • /measure 1 - Set your starting point
  • /measure 2 - Measure the distance between your starting point and current location
  • /message <player> [message...] - Private message a player
  • /minigames - Teleport to the minigame lobby
  • /minigames (delete|remove) <arena> - Delete an arena
  • /minigames (podium|podiums) <position> <player> <title...> - Update the weekly podiums
  • /minigames (podium|podiums) (getId|getIds) [position] - Get the ids of the podium NPCs
  • /minigames (podium|podiums) (s|summon) <position> - Teleport a podium NPC to you
  • /minigames (podium|podiums) setId <position> <id> - Set the NPC id of a podium position
  • /minigames (podium|podiums) tp <position> - Teleport to a podium NPC
  • /minigames (quit|leave) - Quit your current minigame
  • /minigames (reload|read) [arena] - Reload an arena from disk
  • /minigames (save|write) [arena] - Write an arena to disk
  • /minigames (tp|teleport) <player> [player] - Teleport a minigamer
  • /minigames accept - Accept the last match invite
  • /minigames addSelectedBlocksToArena [arena] - Add all materials within your selection to the arena block list
  • /minigames addSpawnpoint [arena] [team] - Add a team spawnpoint
  • /minigames autoreset [boolean] - Enable auto-reset in checkpoint minigames
  • /minigames collectibles - View the minigame collectibles menu
  • /minigames copy <from> <to> - Copy some settings from one arena to another
  • /minigames create <name> - Create a new arena
  • /minigames createRegion <arena> <name> - Create a region for an arena
  • /minigames debug [arena] - Print an arena's properties
  • /minigames edit <arena> - Open the arena config menu
  • /minigames end [arena] - Force end a match
  • /minigames hideParticles <type> - Toggle hiding collectibles particles
  • /minigames invite [arena] [--mechanic] - Invite players to a match
  • /minigames inviteAll [arena] [--mechanic] - Invite all players to a match
  • /minigames join <arena> - Join a minigame
  • /minigames join random [mechanic] - Join a random minigame
  • /minigames leaderboard [arena] - View the leaderboard for timed minigames
  • /minigames list [filter] [--mechanic] - List minigame maps, optionally filtered by name and/or mechanic
  • /minigames mechanics [filter] [--group] - List mechanics, optionally filtered by name and/or group
  • /minigames modifier <modifier> - Activate a minigame modifier
  • /minigames modifier random - Activate a random minigame modifier
  • /minigames night - View when the next Minigame Night occurs
  • /minigames schem paste <arena> <name> - Paste an arena's schematic at your location
  • /minigames schem save <arena> <name> [--createRegion] - Create an arena schematic from your selection and optionally create a region
  • /minigames setLobbyLocation [arena] - Set the lobby location of an arena
  • /minigames setSpectateLocation [arena] - Set the spectate location of an arena
  • /minigames setTime <seconds> - Set the time left in a match
  • /minigames settings bowInOffHand [boolean] - Toggle whether bows spawn in your offhand
  • /minigames signs flag <team> - Create a flag sign
  • /minigames signs flag capture <team> - Create a flag sign
  • /minigames signs join <arena> - Create a join sign
  • /minigames signs join random <mechanic> - Create a join random sign
  • /minigames signs lobby - Create a lobby sign
  • /minigames signs quit - Create a quit sign
  • /minigames start [arena] - Force start a match
  • /minigames tokens [user] - View a player's minigame tokens
  • /minigames tokens add <amount> [user] - Modify a player's minigame tokens
  • /minigames tokens remove <amount> [user] - Modify a player's minigame tokens
  • /minigames tokens set <amount> [user] - Modify a player's minigame tokens
  • /minigames topic update - Update the Discord #minigames channel topic
  • /minigames tppos <player> <x> <y> <z> [yaw] [pitch] - Teleport a minigamer to coordinates
  • /minigames warn <player> [reason] - Warn a player for not obeying minigame rules and strike them with lightning
  • /minigames warp <arena> - Warp to an arena
  • /mobcap <amount> - Change the mob cap of a creative plot
  • /mobhead - Open the mob head menu
  • /mobhead chances get <type> - View a mob head's drop chance
  • /mobhead chances set <type> <chance> - Set a mob head's drop chance
  • /mobhead chances validate - Validate whether all entity types have a configured drop chance
  • /mobhead debug [enable] - Toggle debug mode
  • /mobhead get <type> - Spawn a mob head
  • /mobhead top heads [page] - View the mob head leaderboard
  • /mobhead top kills [page] - View the mob kill leaderboard
  • /mobhead validate types - Validate whether all entity types have configured mob heads
  • /modreview <mod> - View whether a mod is allowed on the server
  • /modreview - View all reviewed mods
  • /modreview add <name> <verdict> [notes...] - Review a mod and delete its review request if applicable
  • /modreview alias add <mod> <aliases...> - Add an alias to a mod
  • /modreview alias remove <mod> <aliases...> - Remove an alias from a mod
  • /modreview delete <mod> - Delete a mod review
  • /modreview list [page] - List reviewed mods
  • /modreview request <name> [notes...] - Request a mod to be reviewed by the staff team
  • /modreview requests [page] - View pending review requests
  • /modreview requests remove <mod> - Delete a pending review request
  • /modreview set name <mod> <name> - Set the name of a mod
  • /modreview set notes <mod> [notes...] - Set the notes for a mod
  • /modreview set verdict <mod> <verdict> - Set the verdict of a mod
  • /more [amount] - Fills the item stack in hand to specified amount, or to maximum size if none is specified
  • /motd <text...> - Update the server's server list MOTD
  • /motd reset - Reset the server's MOTD to default
  • /multicommand <commands...> - Run multiple commands at once separated by ' ;; '
  • /multifirework - Launch 10 randomized fireworks
  • /murder (scraps|scrapoints) add - Add a scrap spawn point
  • /murder (scraps|scrapoints) hide - Hide scrap spawn points
  • /murder (scraps|scrapoints) show - Show all scrap spawn points with client-side emerald blocks
  • /murder kit - Receieve the Murder kit
  • /mute <players> [time/reason...] [--now] - Mute a player or players
  • /mutemenu - Hide or mute certain parts of the server, such as chat, automatic broadcasts, and sounds
  • /myrank <rank> - Set your rank
  • /npcutils create <player> - Create a player NPC with a colored nickname
  • /npcutils list [page] [--owner] [--rankGte] [--rankLte] [--world] [--radius] [--spawned] - List NPCs with a filter
  • /npcutils recreateNpc <player> - Recreate an NPC in the center of the block with a player's colored nickname
  • /npcutils removeDespawned [--owner] [--world] - Delete despawned NPCs
  • /npcutils rename gradient <colors> <name...> - Set an NPC's nameplate to your input with a color gradient
  • /npcutils setPlayer withColor <player> - Set an NPC's nameplate to a player's colored nickname and updates the skin
  • /npcutils setPlayer withRankPrefix <player> - Set an NPC's nameplate to a player's colored rank and nickname and updates the skin
  • /npcutils void [page] - List NPCs in the void
  • /name <partial/uuid/nickname> - View the real name of a player from their nickname, uuid, or partial name
  • /nameban <player> - Ban a player until they change their name
  • /nameban addWord <word> - Add a banned word
  • /nameban list names [page] - List banned names
  • /nameban list words [page] - List banned words
  • /nameban removeWord <word> - Remove a banned word
  • /nameban unban <player> - Remove a name ban
  • /nameplates debug - Toggle debug mode
  • /nameplates debug <player> - Debug a player's nameplate
  • /nameplates destroy [player] - Despawn a player's nameplate
  • /nameplates npcs fix - Attempt to fix NPC nameplates
  • /nameplates respawn [player] - Respawn a player's nameplate
  • /nameplates spawn [player] - Spawn a player's nameplate
  • /nameplates update [player] - Update a player's nameplate
  • /nameplates viewSelf [enable] - Toggle whether you can see your own nameplate
  • /near [player] - View nearby players and their distance from you
  • /nearestblock <material> <radius> - Find the nearest block of a certain type
  • /nerd about <about...> - Set your About Me
  • /nerd getDataFile [player] - Generate a paste of a player's NBT data file
  • /nerd setFirstJoin <player> <date> - Update a player's first join date
  • /nerd setPromotionDate <player> <date> - Update a player's promotion date
  • /newplayers [page] - List new players
  • /newrankcolors print - Print your color config's color codes to console for copying
  • /newrankcolors reset <rank> - Reset a rank's color to default
  • /newrankcolors set <rank> <color> - Save a new rank color to your color config
  • /newrankcolors test <rank> <color> - Preview a color on a rank
  • /newrankcolors view - View your rank color config
  • /nexus closeInventory [player] - Force close a player's inventory
  • /nexus debug [state] - Toggle debug mode
  • /nexus gc - Force garbage collection
  • /nexus getEnv - Print current environment
  • /nexus initializeClass <class> - Force initialize a class
  • /nexus jingles <jingle> - Play a jingle
  • /nexus reload [--excludedConditions] - Reload Nexus, or queue a reload if applicable
  • /nexus reload cancel - Cancel a queued reload
  • /nexus smartInvs - View open SmartInvs
  • /nexus stats - View miscellaneous stats
  • /nexus stats commands [page] - View commands stats by plugin
  • /nexus stats eventHandlers [page] - View event handler stats
  • /nexus temporaryListeners - View registered temporary listeners
  • /nexus temporaryListeners unregisterOffline - Unregister temporary listeners for offline players
  • /nexus updateCommands - Call Player#updateCommands
  • /nexus uptime - View Nexus uptime
  • /nickname <nickname> [override] - Set your nickname
  • /nickname clearData [player] - Clear a player's nickname data
  • /nickname reset [player] - Remove a player's nickname
  • /nickname set <player> <nickname> - Set a player's nickname
  • /nightvision [state] - Toggle night vision
  • /objectives activate <player> <objective> - Activate an objective
  • /objectives create <player> <id> [description...] - Create an objective at your current location
  • /objectives remove <player> <objective> [--activateNext] - Remove an objective
  • /objectives setDescription <player> <objective> <description> - Update an objective's description
  • /objectives setLocation <player> <objective> - Update an objective's location
  • /online - List online players and view basic information about them
  • /onlinestaff - View online staff members
  • /op <player> - Op a staff member
  • /pvp [enable] - Toggle PVP
  • /pvp keepInventory [enable] - Toggle keeping your inventory and experience when dying in PVP
  • /parkour checkpoints add <course> - Add pitch & yaw sensitive checkpoints that players will be teleported back to when they fall (incl. start)
  • /parkour checkpoints clear <course> - Delete all checkpoints for a parkour course
  • /parkour checkpoints tp <course> <checkpoint> - Teleport to a parkour course's checkpoints
  • /parkour create <course> - Create a new lobby parkour course
  • /parkour delete <course> - Delete a lobby parkour course
  • /parkour hologram update <course> - Update the parkour leaderboard hologram with the latest data
  • /parkour leaderboard <course> [page] - View course leaderboard
  • /parkour quit - Quit your current lobby parkour course and teleport out
  • /parkour reset - Teleport to the start of your current lobby parkour course
  • /particleimages - List available particle images
  • /particles - Open the particles menu
  • /particles <effectType> - Start a particle effect
  • /particles dot - Draw a particle dot
  • /particles line [distance] [density] - Draw a particle line
  • /particles stop <effectType> - Stop a particle effect
  • /particles stopall - Stop all particle effects
  • /party close - Require invites to join your party
  • /party disband - Disband your current party
  • /party info - View information about your party
  • /party invite <player> - Invite a player to your party
  • /party join <player> - Join a player's open party
  • /party kick <player> - Kick a player from your party
  • /party leave - Leave your current party
  • /party open - Allow anyone to join your party without invites
  • /party promote <player> - Promote a party member to party leader
  • /pastnames <target> - View known previous names of a player
  • /pay <player> <amount> [reason...] [--world] - Send a player money
  • /pay history [player] [page] [--world] - View recent payment transactions
  • /permcheck <player> <permission> - Check if a player has a permission
  • /permcheck <permission> - Check if you have a permission
  • /permhelper (add|remove) <type> <player> <amount> - Modify a player's permission limit
  • /permhelper get <type> [player] - View a player's permission limit
  • /ping [player] - Check your connection speed to the server
  • /playeraliases - List your aliases
  • /playeraliases add <player> <alias> - Define an alias for a player
  • /playeraliases list [player] - List a player's aliases
  • /playeraliases remove <player> <alias> - Remove an alias from a player
  • /playerhead [owner] - Receive a player's skull
  • /playerhead getId - Print the HeadDatabase ID of the head you are holding or looking at
  • /playernotes <player> - View staff notes on a player
  • /playernotes add <player> <note...> - Write a note
  • /playernotes remove <player> <id> - Delete a note
  • /playernotes search <keyword...> - Search all notes for key words
  • /playersearch <name> [amount] - Search for a player with a partial name
  • /playertime - Change your client-side time of day
  • /playertime reset - Sync your time with the server
  • /playerweather <weather> - Change your client-side weather
  • /playerweather off - Set your client-side weather to clear
  • /playerweather reset - Sync your weather with the server
  • /plotredstone - Toggle redstone on a creative plot
  • /podiums update <leaderboard> - Update a podium
  • /powertool [string...] - Tie a command to an item
  • /powertool clear - Deactivate all powertools
  • /powertool list - List active powertools
  • /powertool toggle - Toggle running commands with powertools
  • /preferrednames [player] - View a player's preferred names
  • /preferrednames add <name> - Add a preferred name
  • /preferrednames remove <name> - Remove a preferred name
  • /prefix <prefix...> - Set your prefix
  • /prefix copy [player] - Print your prefix to chat for copying
  • /prefix gradient <colors> <prefix...> - Set your prefix with a color gradient
  • /prefix rainbow <prefix...> - Set your prefix with a rainbow gradient
  • /prefix reset [player] - Reset your prefix
  • /prefix test <prefix...> - Preview a prefix in chat
  • /prefix test gradient <colors> <prefix...> - Preview a prefix with a color gradient in chat
  • /prefix test rainbow <prefix...> - Preview a prefix with a rainbow gradient in chat
  • /profile [player] - View a player's profile
  • /promote <player> - Promote a player to the next rank up
  • /pronouns [user] - View a player's pronouns
  • /pronouns add <pronoun> [user] - Add a pronoun to your pronouns
  • /pronouns remove <pronoun> [user] - Remove a pronoun from your pronouns
  • /protection - View the different types of protection offered on the server
  • /punishments - General guideline for punishments
  • /push [enable] - Toggle entity collision
  • /queup - Receive a link to the server's QueUp
  • /queup updates [enable] - Toggle listening for song updates
  • /questwarps <name> - Teleport to a warp
  • /questwarps (list|warps) [filter] - List available warps
  • /questwarps (rm|remove|delete|del) <name> - Delete a warp
  • /questwarps (set|create) <name> - Create a new warp
  • /questwarps (teleport|tp|warp) <name> - Teleport to a warp
  • /questwarps nearest - View the nearest warp
  • /questwarps reset <name> - Update a warp's location
  • /questwarps tp nearest - Teleport to the nearest warp
  • /quickaction <player> - View a menu with common actions to perform on a player (ie teleport, message, pay)
  • /radio config addSong <radio> <song> - Add a song to a radio
  • /radio config create <type> <id> [radius] - Create a radio
  • /radio config delete <id> - Delete the radio
  • /radio config disable <radio> - Disable the radio
  • /radio config enable <radio> - Enable the radio
  • /radio config reload <radio> - Recreate a radio
  • /radio config removeSong <radio> <song> - Remove a song from a radio
  • /radio config setId <radio> <id> - Set the id of the radio
  • /radio config setLocation <radio> - Set the location of the radio to your current location
  • /radio config setParticles <radio> <enable> - Toggle the particles of the radio
  • /radio config setRadius <radio> <radius> - Set the radius of the radio
  • /radio config setType <radio> <type> - Set the radio type
  • /radio debugRadio <radio> - Display data of a radio
  • /radio debugUser <player> - Display data of a user
  • /radio info - Shows info about the radio you are listening to
  • /radio join [radio] - Join a radio
  • /radio leave - Leave the listened radio
  • /radio mute [enable] - Mute all radios
  • /radio players <radio> - Lists all players listening to the server radio
  • /radio reload - Reloads the config, and remakes every radio
  • /radio teleport <radio> - Teleport to the location of the radio
  • /radio toggle - Toggles in between joining and leaving the server radio
  • /radio volume <number> - Sets the volume for all radios
  • /rainbowarmor - Toggle rainbow armor
  • /rainbowarmor menu - Open the rainbow armor configuration menu
  • /rainbowarmor speed <speed> - Modify the animation speed
  • /rainbowbeacon delete [player] - Delete a rainbow beacon
  • /rainbowbeacon list - List active rainbow beacons
  • /rainbowbeacon start [player] - Activate a rainbow beacon
  • /rainbowbeacon stop [player] - Deactivate a rainbow beacon
  • /rainbowbeacon tp [player] - Teleport to your rainbow beacon
  • /randomteleport [world] - Teleport to a random location in the Survival or Resource overworld
  • /ranks - View the available ranks on the server
  • /ranks guide - Learn how to progress through the ranks
  • /ranks of <player> - Retrieve the rank of the specified player
  • /reachwatch <player> - Monitor a player's reach
  • /reboot [--excludedConditions] - Queues a reboot as soon as possible
  • /reboot cancel - Cancel a pending reboot
  • /reboot passive [--excludedConditions] - Queues a reboot for when there are no active players
  • /recipes all - Learn all recipes
  • /recipes none - Unlearn all recipes
  • /redhanded <players(s)> - Freeze a player or players, force them to local chat and unvanish to confront them
  • /reddit - Receive a link to the server's Reddit
  • /referral - Tell us how you found the server
  • /referral debug [player] - Debug a player's referral data
  • /referral extraInputs [page] - View all manual inputs
  • /referral stats - View stats showing which sites give us the most traffic
  • /referral turnover - View stats showing which site gives us the best traffic
  • /referral who has playtime <playtime> from <site> [page] - List players who have at least the provided playtime and were referred from the provided site
  • /referral who has rank <rank> from <site> [page] - List players who have the provided rank and were referred from the provided site
  • /referral who has read rules from <site> [page] - List players who have read the rules and were referred from the provided site
  • /regionrename <region> <newName> - Rename a WorldGuard region
  • /regionutils getRegionsAt - View regions at your current location
  • /regionutils getRegionsLikeAt <filter> - View regions matching a filter at your current location
  • /reminders create <id> <text...> - Create a reminder
  • /reminders delete <id> - Delete specified reminders
  • /reminders edit <id> - Edit reminders that already exist
  • /reminders list [page] - List created reminders
  • /reminders motd [player] - View the MOTD
  • /reminders reload - Reload reminders
  • /reminders save - Saves all reminders to the spreadsheet
  • /reminders setInterval <seconds> - Edit how often reminders appears in chat
  • /reminders show <player> <reminder> - Show a player a certain reminder in chat
  • /reminders test <player> <reminder> - Test if a player will receive a specific reminder
  • /reminders testCondition <player> <reminder> - Test if a player has met the conditions for a specific reminder
  • /reply [message...] - Reply to your last private message
  • /report <player> <reason...> - Report a player to the staff team
  • /resourcepack - Download the resource pack
  • /resourcepack deploy [--force] [--silent] - Compress and update the resource pack
  • /resourcepack hash [--update] - Force update the resource pack hash
  • /resourcepack local [enabled] - Tell the server you have the resource pack installed locally
  • /resourcepack menu [folder] - Open the resource pack menu
  • /resourcepack reload - Update the resource pack cache
  • /resourcepack status [player] - View a player's resource pack status and version
  • /resourcepack statuses - View the resource pack status of all online players
  • /resourceworld - Teleport to the resource world
  • /resourceworld logger add - Add all blocks in your selection the resource market logger
  • /resourceworld logger count - Count the number of coordinates logged
  • /resourceworld reset - Archive the existing resource world and generate a new world
  • /resourceworld setup - Set up a new resource world
  • /restoreinventory <player> <pastecode> - Restore a player's inventory from a paste of a Multiverse backup
  • /rules - View the server's rules
  • /rules search <string...> - Search for a specific rule on the server
  • /scale <scale> - Scale your selection
  • /scheduledjobs schedule <job> - Schedule a job
  • /scheduledjobs stats - View jobs stats
  • /schematicbrush <schematic> - Create a schematic brush tool
  • /scoreboard [on/off] - Turn the scoreboard on or off
  • /scoreboard edit - Control which lines you want to see
  • /scoreboard reset - Reset settings to default
  • /scoreboardteamutils cleanup - Remove empty scoreboard teams
  • /scoreboardteamutils count - Count empty and non-empty scoreboard teams
  • /scoreboardteamutils list [page] [--empty] - List scoreboard teams
  • /scoreboardteamutils teamsOf <player> [page] - View the scoreboard teams a player belongs to
  • /seen [player] - Check when a player was last online, or how long they have been online
  • /selectionteleport - Teleport to the center of your selection
  • /serialize hashmap initialized database - Test database serialization and deserialization of an initialized map
  • /serialize hashmap uninitialized database - Test database serialization and deserialization of an uninitialized map
  • /serialize inventory database - Test database inventory serialization and deserialization
  • /serialize item database - Test database item serialization and deserialization
  • /serialize item fromJson <json|paste> - Deserialize an item from JSON
  • /serialize item toJson - Serialize an item to JSON
  • /sethome [name] - Set a new home or update a home's location
  • /sethome <player> <name> - Set a new home for another player or update a home's location
  • /setrank <player> <rank> - Set a player's rank
  • /shop - Open the shops menu
  • /shop <player> - Open a player's shop
  • /shop collect - Collect items sold to you or items that didnt fit in your inventory
  • /shop edit - Edit your shop
  • /shop history [player] [page] [--world] - View your shop transaction history
  • /shop items - Browse all available items on the store
  • /shop list - List available shops
  • /shop search <item...> - Search the shop for an item
  • /showitem <hand|offhand|helmet|chestplate|leggings|boots> [message...] - Display an item in chat
  • /shrug - Insert a shrug emote at the end of your message
  • /sidewayslogs [state] - Toggle locking log placement to the vertical orientation
  • /sidewaysstairs <state> - Toggle stair orientation handling
  • /sidewaysstairs copy [modification] - Copy the direction and slope of an existing stair
  • /sidewaysstairs reset - Remove all stair orientation configuration
  • /sidewaysstairs set direction <direction> - Lock placement of stairs to a certain direction
  • /sidewaysstairs set slope [orientation] - Lock placement of stairs to normal or inverted
  • /signlines [arguments...] - Modify a sign's contents
  • /sit - Sit on the block you're looking at
  • /skinban <player> - Ban a player until they change their skin
  • /skinban list [page] - List skin banned players
  • /skinban unban <player> - Remove a skin ban
  • /skincache cacheShopHeads - Cache all skins that appear in the shops menu
  • /skincache getHead [player] - Get the cached head of a player
  • /skincache getLastChange [player] - View the last time a player changed their skin
  • /skincache update [player] - Refresh a player's cached skin
  • /skincache updateAll - Update the cached skins of all online players
  • /skinify [player] - Open a link to our skin generator
  • /slap <player> - Slap a player
  • /smite [player] - Strike a player or your target block with lightning
  • /smithingtable - Open a workbench
  • /sneak - Crouch
  • /snoweffect [on|off] - Toggle the custom snow effect in applicable regions
  • /snowlayers fixGrass [radius] - Set nearby grass to be snowy if covered by snow
  • /snowlayers fixOverlay [radius] - Remove snow layers on top of snow layers
  • /snowlayers overlay <radius> <topBlockOnly> <materials> - Overlay nearby blocks with a layer of snow
  • /snowlayers set <layers> - Set your current location to snow with the provided amount of layers
  • /socialmedia - View links to all of our social media sites
  • /socialmedia [player] - View a player's linked social media accounts
  • /socialmedia getNamedItem <site> - Spawn a social media site's custom item
  • /socialmedia link <site> <username> [player] - Link your social media account
  • /socialmedia mature [player] - Mark social media accounts as 18+ only
  • /socialmedia unlink <site> [player] - Unlink your social media account
  • /soundmenu [integer] - Open the sound menu
  • /soundmenu changePitch <number> - Update the pitch at which sounds play at
  • /soundmenu play <sound> - Play a sound
  • /soundmenu togglePlayTo - Toggle playing the sounds to other players
  • /spawn [world] - Teleport to your current world's spawn or Hub if there is none
  • /spawn force [player] - Force a player to their world's spawn and prevent /back
  • /spawnegg <entityType> - Receive a spawn egg for the specified entity type
  • /spawnentity <entityType> [amount] [reason] - Spawn entities
  • /spawnlimits copy <type> <fromWorld> <toWorld> - Copy a world's spawn limit type to another world
  • /spawnlimits defaults - View default spawn limits
  • /spawnlimits multiply <type> <multiplier> <fromWorld> <toWorld> - Set a world's spawn limit type to a multiple of another world's configuration
  • /spawnlimits of [world] - View a world's configured spawn limits
  • /spawnlimits reset <type> [world] - Reset a world's spawn limit type to the default value
  • /spawnlimits reset all - Reset all spawn limits to default
  • /spawnlimits reset allTypes [world] - Reset all of a world's spawn limit types to default
  • /spawnlimits reset allWorlds [type] - Reset a spawn limit type in all worlds to default
  • /spawnlimits save - Save current spawn limits to a persistent service
  • /spawnlimits set <type> <value> [world] - Set a world's spawn limits
  • /speed <speed> [player] - Set your movement speed
  • /speed (r|reset) [player] - Reset your fly and walk speed
  • /speed both <speed> [player] - Set both your fly and walk speed
  • /speed fly <speed> [player] - Set your fly speed
  • /speed fly reset [player] - Reset your fly speed
  • /speed walk <speed> [player] - Set your walk speed
  • /speed walk reset [player] - Reset your walk speed
  • /staff - View all current staff members
  • /staffhall - Teleport to the staff hall
  • /staffhall config add <group> <npcId> [index] - Add an NPC ID to a staff hall room config
  • /staffhall config remove <group> <npcId> - Remove an NPC ID from a staff hall room config
  • /staffhall config spawn - Spawn all staff hall NPCs
  • /staffhall config tp <group> <index> - Teleport to a staff hall NPC
  • /staffhall update - Automatically update all staff hall NPCs
  • /staffhall view <player> - View information about a staff member
  • /staffhall write - Write HTML files to disk for the website
  • /staffhelp - Learn how to obtain help from Staff
  • /staffrules - View staff rules
  • /staffwarps <name> - Teleport to a warp
  • /staffwarps (list|warps) [filter] - List available warps
  • /staffwarps (rm|remove|delete|del) <name> - Delete a warp
  • /staffwarps (set|create) <name> - Create a new warp
  • /staffwarps (teleport|tp|warp) <name> - Teleport to a warp
  • /staffwarps nearest - View the nearest warp
  • /staffwarps reset <name> - Update a warp's location
  • /staffwarps tp nearest - Teleport to the nearest warp
  • /statistics [player] - Open the statistics menu
  • /statusbar [on|off] - Toggle a status bar at the top of your screen
  • /steam - Receive a link to the server's Steam group
  • /stonecutter - Open a workbench
  • /store - Get a link to the server store
  • /store (expire|remove) <package> [player] - Expire a package on a player
  • /store apply <package> [player] - Apply a package to a player
  • /store broadcasts <on/off> - Toggle your purchase broadcasts
  • /store contributors recent [page] - View recent contributors
  • /store coupons create <player> <amount> - Create a coupon for a player
  • /store coupons list <player> - List your available coupon codes
  • /store credit [player] - View your store credit
  • /store credit give <player> <amount> - Modify a player's store credit
  • /store credit redeem <amount> [player] - Generate a coupon code with store credit
  • /store credit set <player> <amount> - Modify a player's store credit
  • /store credit take <player> <amount> - Modify a player's store credit
  • /store gallery - Teleport to the store gallery
  • /store gallery displays getIds - Get the NPC ids of the display NPCs
  • /store gallery displays updateSkins - Update the storey gallery NPC skins
  • /store packages [player] - View which packages you own
  • /striplogs behavior <behavior> - Change how you strip logs (default, require shift, or prevent)
  • /stripmeta - Strip name and lore from items
  • /sudo <player> <command...> - Force a player to run a command
  • /survival - Teleport to the survival world spawn
  • /tameables (info|view) - View the owner of a tameable entity
  • /tameables count <entityType> - Count the animals you own (Must be in loaded chunks)
  • /tameables find <entityType> - Make your nearby animals glow so you can find them
  • /tameables move - Teleport an animal to your location
  • /tameables sit <entityType> - Make all your animals sit
  • /tameables stand <entityType> - Make all your animals stand up
  • /tameables summon <entityType> - Summon the animals you own (Must be in loaded chunks)
  • /tameables transfer <player> - Transfer ownership of an animal to another player
  • /tameables untame - Remove ownership of an animal
  • /tasks cancel <id> - Cancel a task
  • /tasks is queued <id> - Check if a task is queued
  • /tasks is running <id> - Check if a task is running
  • /tasks list active [page] - List active tasks
  • /tasks list pending [page] - List pending tasks
  • /teleport <player> [player] [--keepVelocity] - Teleport using a player name, coordinates, or a map link
  • /teleport freeze <player> [enable] - Prevent a player from teleporting
  • /teleport generateCommand - Print a copyable command that teleports you to your current location
  • /teleport toggle - Toggle preventing lower ranked staff from teleporting to you
  • /teleporthere <player> - Summon a player to your location
  • /teleporthererequest <player> - Request a player teleport to you
  • /teleportrequest <player> - Request to teleport to a player
  • /there [amount] - Set your selection to your target block and optionally expand it in all directions
  • /thereh [amount] - Set your selection to your target block and optionally expand it horizontally
  • /therev [amount] - Set your selection to your target block and optionally expand it vertically
  • /ticket <description...> - Open a ticket with the staff team
  • /ticketprefilled - View a few different options on sending pre-filled tickets to Staff.
  • /tickets - View open tickets
  • /tickets (tp|teleport) <id> - Teleport to the location a ticket was created
  • /tickets close <id> - Close a ticket
  • /tickets page [page] - View your tickets
  • /tickets reopen <id> - Re-open a closed ticket
  • /tickets stats closed [page] - View which staff member has closed the most tickets
  • /tickets view <id> - View detailed information about a ticket
  • /time - View your current world's time of day
  • /time set - Change a world's time of day
  • /timelock <time...> - Lock a world's daylight cycle
  • /timelock reset - Enable a world's daylight cycle
  • /titan installed [page] - View the most popular Titan versions
  • /titan installed with <version> [page] - View which players are using a specific version of Titan
  • /titan settings <user> - View a player's Titan configuration
  • /toggleentitynoise - Make an entity silent
  • /top [y] - Teleport to the highest block at your location or a specific y value
  • /trademark - Insert a trademark symbol at the end of your message
  • /transactions count [player] - Count the number of transactions stored on a player
  • /transactions history [player] [page] [--world] - View recent transactions
  • /transactions volume [startTime] [endTime] - Sum all transaction volume
  • /translator <player> - Automatically translate messages from a player
  • /translator stop [player] - Stop automatically translating messages from a player
  • /trash - Open a menu where you can trash items
  • /trash <materials...> - Trash certain materials from your inventory
  • /tree [type] - Spawn a tree at the block you are looking at
  • /trophy - Open the trophy menu
  • /trophy get <trophy> - Spawn a trophy item
  • /trophy remove <player> <trophy> - Remove a player's access to a trophy
  • /trophy reset <player> - Reset a player's trophies
  • /trophy reward <player> <trophy> - Give a player a trophy
  • /trust - Open the trust menu
  • /trust <player> - Open the trust menu for the specified player
  • /trust admin all <owner> <players> - Give a player access to all of another player's trusts
  • /trust admin decorations <owner> <players> - Give a player access to another player's decorations
  • /trust admin homes <owner> <players> - Give a player access to another player's homes
  • /trust admin locks <owner> <players> - Give a player access to another player's locks
  • /trust admin teleports <owner> <players> - Give a player access to teleport to another player without asking
  • /trust all <players> - Allow specified player(s) to everything
  • /trust decorations <players> - Allow specified player(s) to modify decorations
  • /trust home <home> <players> - Allow specified player(s) to a specific home
  • /trust homes <players> - Allow specified player(s) to all homes
  • /trust lock <players> - Allow specified player(s) to a specific lock
  • /trust locks <players> - Allow specified player(s) to all locks
  • /trust teleports <players> - Allow specified player(s) to teleport to you at any time
  • /twitch - Receive a link to apply for Creator
  • /twitch api status <user> - View whether a player is streaming
  • /twitter - Receive a link to the server's Twitter
  • /twitter lookForNewTweets - Look for new tweets to post in Discord
  • /uuid [player] - View a player's UUID
  • /uuid fromString <input> - Create a hashed UUID from your input
  • /unaltban <player> - Un-alt-ban a player
  • /unban <player> - Unban a player
  • /unfreeze <players...> - Unfreeze a player
  • /unmute <player> - Unmute a player
  • /unwatchlist <player> - Unwatchlist a player
  • /unbindallbrushes - Unbind all brushes from all tools
  • /unique - View how many unique players have joined the server
  • /unlimitedelytra [enable] - Toggle unlimited elytra
  • /untrust - Open the trust menu
  • /untrust admin all <owner> <players> - Remove a player from all of another player's trusts
  • /untrust admin decorations <owner> <players> - Remove a player's access to another player's decorations
  • /untrust admin homes <owner> <players> - Remove a player's access to another player's homes
  • /untrust admin locks <owner> <players> - Remove a player's access to another player's locks
  • /untrust admin teleports <owner> <players> - Remove a player's ability to teleport to another player without asking
  • /untrust all <players> - Remove a player from all trusts
  • /untrust decorations <players> - Remove a player's access to your decorations
  • /untrust home <home> <players> - Remove a player's access to a home
  • /untrust homes <players> - Remove a player's access to your homes
  • /untrust lock <players> - Remove a player from a lock
  • /untrust locks <players> - Remove a player's access to your locks
  • /untrust teleports <players> - Remove a player's ability to teleport to you without asking
  • /unvanish - Turns vanish off
  • /unvanish creative - Turns vanish off and puts you in the Creative channel
  • /unvanish gameworld - Turns vanish off and puts you in the Minigames channel
  • /vanish [state] - Toggle vanish
  • /vanish (fj|fakejoin) - Send a fake join message
  • /vanish (fq|fakequit) - Send a fake quit message
  • /vanish (ni|nointeract) - Toggle preventing interaction while vanished
  • /vanish (np|nopickup) - Toggle preventing picking up items while vanished
  • /vault [page] [user] - Open a vault
  • /vault limit [user] - View how many vaults you own
  • /vault limit add <user> [amount] - Increase a player's vault limit
  • /vote - View information about voting and get links to the vote sites
  • /vote bestDays allTime [page] - View the days with the most votes of all time
  • /vote bestDays monthly [month] [page] - View the days with the most votes in a month
  • /vote bestDays yearly [year] [page] - View the days with the most votes in a year
  • /vote endOfMonth [month] - Run the end of month task
  • /vote extra - View the extra chances config
  • /vote history [player] [page] - View your voting history
  • /vote onlineCounts - View whether online players have voted
  • /vote points [player] - View your vote points
  • /vote points give <player> <number> - Modify a player's vote points
  • /vote points set <player> <number> - Modify a player's vote points
  • /vote points store [page] - Open the vote points store
  • /vote points store buy plot - Buy a plot from the vote points store
  • /vote points take <player> <number> - Modify a player's vote points
  • /vote reminders [enable] [player] - Toggle Discord voting reminders
  • /vote write - Write HTML vote files to disk for the website
  • /voteholo create <text...> - Create a hologram
  • /voteholo delete - Delete your hologram
  • /voteholo edit <text...> - Edit your hologram
  • /voteholo tphere - Summon your hologram
  • /warn <players> <reason...> - Warn a player or players
  • /warps - Open the warps menu
  • /warps <name> - Teleport to a warp
  • /warps (list|warps) [filter] - List available warps
  • /warps (rm|remove|delete|del) <name> - Delete a warp
  • /warps (set|create) <name> - Create a new warp
  • /warps (teleport|tp|warp) <name> - Teleport to a warp
  • /warps nearest - View the nearest warp
  • /warps reset <name> - Update a warp's location
  • /warps tp nearest - Teleport to the nearest warp
  • /warps types - View valid warp types
  • /warps updateFlags - Set default flags on survival spawn and warp regions
  • /watchlist <players> <reason...> - Watchlist a player or players
  • /weather get [world] - Get the weather of the world
  • /weather getDuration [world] - View current weather durations
  • /weather set <type> [duration] [--world] - Set the weather of the specified world
  • /website - Receive a link to the server's website
  • /weee [player] - Force a player to fly around in random directions
  • /welcome [player] - Welcome a player
  • /whereis <player> - Look at and glow
  • /whereis glow <on|off> - Toggle glowing nearby players
  • /whereis glow threshold <threshold> - Set the radius at which players start glowing
  • /whodaressummonme - Start a spooky unvanish animation
  • /whois <player> - View information about a player such as their rank, history, alts, playtime, and more
  • /whosshitisthis - Look up who's items are on the ground near you
  • /wiki search <query...> - Search the wiki for key words
  • /wings - Open the wings menu
  • /wings preview <style> - Preview a wing style
  • /wings stop - Turn off your wings
  • /wither abandon - Cancel your challenge
  • /wither beta - Enable beta mode
  • /wither challenge - Challenge the wither to a fight
  • /wither chat <message...> - Send a message to all members of the party
  • /wither getFragment - Receive a wither fragment
  • /wither invite <player> - Invite players to your party
  • /wither maintenance - Enable maintenance mode
  • /wither processQueue - Proccess the fight queue
  • /wither quit - Forfeit the fight
  • /wither reset - Reset the wither arena
  • /wither spectate - Spectate the fight
  • /wither testCounterAttack <counterAttack> - Test a counter attack
  • /workbenches - Open a menu displaying all workbenches
  • /workbenches <workbench> - Open a workbench
  • /world [player] - View what world you or another player are currently in
  • /world (groups|icons) - Lists all worlds that have a custom icon
  • /world list - List all worlds
  • /worldban <player> [worldGroup] - Ban a player from a world group
  • /worldban list - List world bans
  • /worldeditutils breakNaturally - Break all blocks in your selection with drops and particles
  • /worldeditutils clipboard [--build] [--async] [--entities] - Test pasting your clipboard
  • /worldeditutils clipboard copy - Copy your selection to an internal clipboard
  • /worldeditutils clipboard paste - Paste your internal clipboard at your location
  • /worldeditutils fake - Test a custom copy/paste implementation
  • /worldeditutils oceanflora <radius> [--kelpChance] [--seagrassChance] [--tallSeagrassChance] [--nothingWeight] [--minKelpAge] [--maxKelpAge] - Generate ocean flora
  • /worldeditutils rotate [y] [x] [z] - Test rotating your selection
  • /worldeditutils schem buildQueue <schematic> <seconds> - Procedurally build a schematic
  • /worldeditutils schem paste <name> [--entities] - Paste a schematic
  • /worldeditutils schem save <name> [--entities] - Save a schematic using commands
  • /worldeditutils schem saveReal <name> - Save a schematic using the API
  • /worldeditutils smartReplace <from> <to> - Swap materials on blocks without deleting block data such as rotation
  • /worldeditutils tagReplace <from> <to> - Replace all materials in a tag with another material
  • /worldguardedit [enable] - Toggle WorldGuard edit bypass
  • /worldguardedit flags registry [enable] - Set the WorldGuard flag registry state
  • /worldunban <player> [worldGroup] - Unban a player from a world group
  • /xraywarps <name> - Teleport to a warp
  • /xraywarps (list|warps) [filter] - List available warps
  • /xraywarps (rm|remove|delete|del) <name> - Delete a warp
  • /xraywarps (set|create) <name> - Create a new warp
  • /xraywarps (teleport|tp|warp) <name> - Teleport to a warp
  • /xraywarps nearest - View the nearest warp
  • /xraywarps reset <name> - Update a warp's location
  • /xraywarps tp nearest - Teleport to the nearest warp
  • /yeet <player> - Yeet
  • /youmaycontinue <player> [warn...] - Unfreeze a player, force them into global, vanish, and optionally warn them
  • /youtube - Receive a link to the server's YouTube