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== Mob Heads ==
== Mob Heads ==
All mobs have a chance to drop their head and are affected by the Vanilla Looting enchantment.
All mobs have a chance to drop their head and are affected by the Vanilla Looting enchantment. These are purely cosmetic and offer no other usage, aside from the vanilla Wither Skeleton Skull.

== Item Tags ==
== Item Tags ==

Revision as of 05:57, 11 December 2024

Survival is Project Eden's main world and features a vast amount of unique features, quality of life changes, and a constant supply of new content sure to keep you engaged. If you'd like to view the other worlds, check out our worlds page.


Project Eden strives to provide the vanilla Minecraft experience while still adding "Quality of life" features to make things easier and more entertaining. In the survival world, we have multiple custom features which you can find listed on this page.

Protection (LWC and Homes)

Main Article: Protection

We offer several types of protections on the server. All inventory blocks like chests and furnaces are automatically locked, and homes can be locked to only allow specific users to use them.


Main Article: Economy

The server has a custom economy that can be used to buy items in survival from the market and from other players, use services like Animal Teleportation Pens, and more.

Legacy World

The Legacy World is an old world that was generated in Minecraft Versions 1.9 through 1.12. This world was the original Survival World on the server, but was later renamed "Legacy" when the current Survival world was created in order for players to experience new Minecraft updates on Project Eden. We did not want to get rid of years and years of history and player progress though, which is why Legacy exists.

Resource World

This is a world that is regenerated to a new, random seed at the beginning of every month. Within the resource world, you can decimate biomes, raid generated structures (yes, that includes the end), and otherwise destroy the world to your hearts content, since the damage left in your wake will just disappear the next month. The resource world also has a +50% mob spawn rate, this allows for there to be a challenge but also the option to sleep and skip it. The darkness is dangerous so make sure to take a bed with you every time you enter.

Additionally, within the resource world, there is a separate /market that buys a lot of non-auto-farmable items for a much higher price than the main world market, making it an easy way to make money. Because of this, any blocks that are sold in the market will not be allowed to enter the world with your inventory, you must collect those blocks in the resource world, and sell them before you leave with them.

You can access this world via /warp resource or the survival warps menu.


Main Article: McMMO

This server uses a plugin called McMMO which implements leveling system for various skills in the game, such as mining and fishing. Leveling up these skills unlocks new abilities, and reaching the max level allows you to get special items.

Daily Rewards

Every day you login and play, you can claim a daily reward. Do /dailyrewards and click on the green numbers to claim your rewards. Use the barriers and arrows to navigate the menu. You can choose between 3 rewards each day.

The awards get more special as you increase your streak. Not logging in for a day (once between midnight to midnight Eastern US time) will set your streak back to 0. Use /dailyrewards top to see the longest running streaks.

Rewards are currently supported up to day 100.

Vote Streak Rewards

Main Article: Voting

Every day you vote on at least two out of the four vote sites, your Vote Streak will increase.

Daily Streak Rewards
3 Days 5 Vote Crate Keys
5 Days 10 Vote Crate Keys
10 Days 20 Vote Crate Keys
15 Days 30 Vote Crate Keys
30 Days 1 Mystery Crate Key

The rewards will be automatically mailed to you in-game. Additionally, the rewards loop every 30 days. This means that on Day 40, you will receive the same reward as Day 10, and on Day 90, you will get the same reward as Day 30, etc.

Custom Crafting Recipes

Project Eden has tons of custom recipes on the server! Feel free to check out our Custom Recipes page for more information, or type /customrecipes in-game!

Mob Heads

All mobs have a chance to drop their head and are affected by the Vanilla Looting enchantment. These are purely cosmetic and offer no other usage, aside from the vanilla Wither Skeleton Skull.

Item Tags

All equipment will have a Condition Tag and a Rarity Tag, you can view a specific item's information using /itemtags debugItem in-game while holding the item.

Condition Tags

Tags come from the equipment's durability.

Condition tag Durability Lost
Broken 100% - 76%
Ragged 75% - 51%
Worn 50% - 26%
Pristine 25% - 0%

Rarity Tags

Tags come form the equipment's material, amount of Vanilla/Custom Enchants, and if its Craftable or not.

Rarity tag Value Range Craftable
Ordinary 0 - 5 Yes
Common 6- 11 Yes
Uncommon 12 - 19 Yes
Rare 20 - 29 Yes
Epic 30 - 39 Yes
Exotic 40 - 49 No
Legendary 50 - 55 No
Mythic 56 - 60 No
Artifact N/A No
Unique N/A No

Animal Teleport Pens

Main Article: Animal Teleport Pens

If you're traveling across the world and want to bring your animals with you, then these teleportation pens will become your good friend.

Sleep System

On Project Eden, we have adjusted the amount of players required to sleep through the night. Instead of all players needing to sleep, only 50% of active players within that world need to sleep in order to skip the night.

Survival PVP

By default, PVP is disabled on the server. However, sometimes you want to have a respectful fight with your friends, which is why you can PVP with other players in the survival world using /pvp [on|off]

If you die, you will keep your inventory on death. However, you can toggle this off for higher stakes fights with /pvp keepInventory.

Mail System

The Mail System allows us to deliver items to you while you are offline, have a full inventory, are in another world, and more. Any deliveries from us will be marked as ‘Server’. You can also send deliveries to other players yourself! Using the command /mail send <player> to send a message to a player, after entering that command you will be prompted with a message asking you if you would like to send any items as well, to send them you simply need to click on the message in chat and follow from there. To check your deliveries, use the command /mail box which lets you view any mail you may have!


Due to new players getting directed to extremely powerful enderman farms where they can easily max out their armor and tools with little to no effort, Project Eden has designed a system to control access to them. Enderman spawning has been disabled by default in areas where farms are made. You can still make your own enderman farm, but it will not work until you submit a ticket to have staff enable your farm. Afterwards, you can manage who has access to your farm with /endfarm <add|remove> <player>, adding up to 5 people.

Wither Arena

Main article: Wither

In order to fight the Wither, you must go to our Wither Arena using /wither challenge, or you can spawn it in our Resource World. If you spawn it in the Resource World, the Wither will not drop a nether star when it dies. It will, however, make wither roses when it kills mobs, unlike in the Wither Arena.

Improving Performance

Main Article: Improving Performance

If you want to improve your performance on the server, whether it be FPS performance, or just helping out with server lag, there's quite a few ways to do so! Whether it be with hoppers or even Redstone, you may be surprised how much you can help out! Make sure to check out the main article for more in-depth information!