3rd party commands

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On this page, you can find list of every command you will ever need, sorted by rank.

<argument> - Required to complete the command.

[argument] - Not required to complete the command; An optional argument.

3rd party plugins

  • /plot add <player> - Allow a player to build in your plot while you are online.
  • /plot auto - Automatically claim a plot near spawn.
  • /plot claim - Claim the plot you are currently in
  • /plot clear - Clear your plot and start over
  • /plot delete - Clear your plot and un-claim it
  • /plot flag remove <flag> - Unset a flag
  • /plot flag set device-interact <true | false> - Allow players to interact with pressure plates, buttons and levers
  • /plot flag set time <time in ticks> - Change the time in your plot (6000 ticks = noon, 18000 ticks = midnight)
  • /plot flag set weather <clear | rain> - Change the weather in your plot
  • /plot home - Teleport to your plot's home
  • /plot limit - View how many plots you can claim.
  • /plot merge - Merge the plot you are facing with the plot you are in.
  • /plot middle|center - Teleport to the center of your plot
  • /plot remove <player> - Remove a player's permissions to your plot
  • /plot schematic paste url:<key> - Restore your plot to a previously saved state
  • /plot setbiome <biome> - Change the biome of your plot. For example, /plot setbiome minecraft:mushroom_fields
  • /plot sethome - Set your plots home
  • /plot unmerge - Break the plots back into individual plots. All work in the path area will be deleted.
  • /plot visit <player> - Teleport to a player's plot

You may use WorldEdit in the Build Contests and the Creative world

  • //br s [-h] <block name> [radius] - Basic sphere brush tool. Will place spheres of the specified block ID. Using -h can make it hollow spheres. If you don't set a radius, it will be automatically set to 2.
  • //center <block name> - Set the center block(s) in the region and to the specified block.
  • //contract <amount> - contract your selection. You may also use the custom variants: //contractall, //contracth (horizontal), and //contractv (vertical).
  • //copy - Copy the contents of the selection. Be aware that it copies relative to where you are.
  • //count <block name> - Count how many blocks there are of the specified type in a selection.
  • //expand <amount> - Expand your selection. You may also use the custom variants: //expandall, //expandh (horizontal), and //expandv (vertical).
  • //fill <block name> <radius> [depth] - Fill in an area with the specified block type. Can also specify how far below to fill.
  • //flip [direction] - Flip the clipboard. If you don't specify a direction, it will flip whatever direction you're already looking.
  • //hpos1 - Set the first position to the block you're looking at.
  • //hpos2 - Set the second position to the block you're looking at.
  • //mask <block name> - Makes a brush only affect the specified block type.
  • //move [amount] [direction] [block name] - This command will, without anything specified, move the entire selection one block in whatever cardinal direction you're facing (north, east, south, west). You can specify the amount of blocks to move it. You can specify the direction. You can also specify a block type to replace all the moved blocks.
  • //naturalize - Replace the top three blocks of the selection's surface with grass/dirt. Make sure to set all blocks to be naturalized as stone!
  • //outline <block name> - Create four walls, a floor, and a ceiling.
  • //paste [-a] - Paste whatever you have copied to your clipboard. Using -a will not paste air blocks.
  • //pos1 - Set the first position to the block at your feet.
  • //pos2 - Set the second position to the block at your feet.
  • //replace <target block name> <desired block name> - Replace all the target blocks with the desired blocks.
  • //rotate [degrees] - Rotate your clipboard.
  • //sel [tp|selection type] - Clear your selection, teleport to your selection, or change the type of selection (to a sphere, for example)
  • //set <block name> - Set all the blocks in the region to the specified block.
  • //walls <block name> - Create four walls in the region.
  • //wand - This will give you the WorldEdit wand to make selections with. Left-click to set the first position, right-click to set the second position.
  • /asc - Will ascend you to the next highest level.
  • /brush none - Unbind a brush from your tool
  • /desc - Will descend you to the next lowest level.
  • /thru - Will teleport you through a wall.
  • /top - Will take you to the top.

For more WorldEdit help, go to the wiki or watch the tutorials.


You may use VoxelSniper in the Build Contests and the Creative world

  • /b # - Set the radius of your brush.
  • /b <brush type> - Set your brush type.
  • /b - Bring up your current brush settings.
  • /u [number] - Undoes one (or the amount specified) Voxel command(s).
  • /v [material] - Set the used block type to the specified block. If you don't specify what block to use, it will automatically select the block you're looking at.

Different brush types:

  • /b b - Ball. Creates a sphere.
  • /b d - Disc. Creates a horizontal disc.
  • /b df - Disc face. Creates a vertical disc.
  • /b e <melt, fill, smooth, lift> - This is the erosion brush. Can be set to melt, fill, smooth, or lift. Each do different functions. Ask in-game for a more comprehensive answer.
  • /b s - Snipe.
  • /b v - Voxel. Creates a cube.
  • /b vd - Voxel disc. Creates a horizontal square.
  • /b vf - Voxel disc face. Creates a vertical square.

For more VoxelSniper information, first consult the wiki and YouTube tutorials, then ask in game.

WE/VS Tutorials

World Edit Command Guide


  • /ob - The main island command
  • /ob count - Show the block count and phase
  • /ob create - Create an island
  • /ob go - Teleport you to your island
  • /ob info <player> - Display info about your island or the player's island
  • /ob level <player> - Calculate your island level or show the level of another player
  • /ob phases - Opens a GUI menu showing the phases
  • /ob reset - Restart your island and remove the old one
  • /ob resetname - Reset your island name
  • /ob sethome - Set your home teleport point
  • /ob setname <name> - Set a name for your island
  • /ob settings - Display island settings
  • /ob spawn - Teleport you to the spawn
  • /ob value - Shows the value of any block
  • /ob ban <player> - Ban a player from your island
  • /ob banlist - List banned players
  • /ob expel <player> - Expel a player from your island
  • /ob near - Show the name of neighbouring islands around you
  • /ob team - Manage your team
  • /ob top - Show the Top Ten
  • /ob unban <player> - Unban a player from your island
  • /ob warp <player> - Warp to the player's warp sign
  • /ob warps - Open the warps panel.


  • /lwcinfo - Learn about the LWC plugin and its purpose.

Right click on the protection you want to apply the change to after sending the command.

  • /cdonation - Creates a donation chest; player's can put items in, but only you can remove them.
  • /cmodify -<player> - Remove another player's access to your LWC protection.
  • /cmodify <player> [player2] [etc] - Allow another player to use your LWC protection.
  • /cpassword - Creates a password for the protection.
  • /cpublic - Creates a public protection. This is recommended over no protection at all, because no one can lock a public protection for themselves.
  • /cremove - Remove a protection altogether. Note: You will need to preform this command before using any of the following.
  • /crepeat - Automatically repeats commands, without having to type them out again. Here's a tutorial on this command
  • /hopper - Enable hoppers on your protection. (Disabled by default due to people stealing from chests using hoppers.) Use this on the chest/furnace/etc., not the hopper.
  • /lock - Creates a private protection.
  • /cunlock <password> - Access a password protected protection with the password.


Check out the CoreProtect page for a more comprehensive wiki.

  • /co help - Display a list of commands
  • /co inspect - Toggle the inspector
  • /co lookup <params> - Advanced block data lookup
  • /co restore <params> - Restore block data
  • /co rollback <params> - Rollback block data



  • /pet hat - Wear your pet on your head.
  • /pet list - Lists all the pets available.
  • /pet menu - Opens the pet selection menu.
  • /pet remove - Remove your pet.
  • /pet ride - Ride your pet (Only for horses and llamas.)
  • /pet summon <pet> - Spawns a pet.
  • /pet - Opens the pet selection menu.


  • /npc age <baby|adult> - Change the type of your NPC
  • /npc create <name> [--type <mob type>] - Create an NPC. Defaults to a player. Dragon, wither and giant are not allowed
  • /npc equip - Enter the equipment editor. Right click the NPC to make them hold/wear the item you are holding.
  • /npc look - Make the NPC look at the nearest player.
  • /npc path - Toggle the path editor (to make your NPC walk along a specific path.)
  • /npc power - Toggle whether a creeper is powered or not.
  • /npc prof <normal | farmer | librarian | priest | blacksmith | butcher | nitwit | husk (zombie villager only)> - Change the profession of a villager.
  • /npc remove - Delete the NPC.
  • /npc rename <name> - Change the visible name of the NPC.
  • /npc sel - Select the NPC. Required to do any of the below commands (creation autoselects them.)
  • /npc skin <name> - Change the skin of a player NPC.
  • /npc skinlayers <--cape|--hat|--jacket|--sleeves|--pants> <true|false> - Toggle the shown layers of a skin.
  • /npc text - Toggle the editor to make the NPC say something to nearby players.
  • /npc tphere - Teleport your selected NPC to you.
  • /npc type <mob type> - Change the type of your NPC.
  • /npc zombiemod <-b|-v> - Use -b to make it a baby zombie, and -v for villager. Use the profession command to make it a husk.


Warning - Disguising while in creative may remove your armor/elytra/hat!

  • /dis <type> [options...]
  • /dvs - Toggle viewing your disguise.
  • /undis - Undisguise.